Updates Between Sep 04, 2024 and Oct 08, 2024
Canal and ISO-NE file Settlement Agreement to resolve all issues in ER24-1407 (Waiver Request: Withdrawal from IEP and Return of IEP Net Revenues Received (Canal Marketing/Canal 3))
Judge French issues 5th status report recommending that settlement proceedings continue
New Members: Castleton Commodities Energy Services, Castleton Commodities Energy Trading; Alan Sliski; and Stony Creek Energy.
Termination of Participant Status: Gas Recovery Systems
NSTAR files new Wholesale Distribution Tariff to facilitate BESS resources’ participation in the ISO-NE markets via distribution facilities owned by NSTAR
AEU, ACPA, and SEIA (collectively the “Clean Energy Associations”) request a 14-day extension of time to to respond to the filings the FERC has received regarding its Order to Show Cause, including to ISO-NE’s response
FERC accepts corrections to Tariff Section I.1.2 to remove the revisions to the definition of the term “Regulation Resources” and the addition of the terms “Storage as Transmission-Only Asset (SATOA)” and “Real-Time SATOA Obligation” that are not yet intended to be in effect and were included with the LTTP Phase 2 Changes in error.
CL&P files new Wholesale Distribution Tariff to facilitate BESS resources’ participation in the ISO-NE markets via distribution facilities owned by CL&P
Allco asks the FERC to reject the Compliance Filings and require ISO-NE to propose procedures that would be just, fair and reasonable for small State jurisdictional solar projects (explaining how, for under 5 MW state-jurisdictional distribution system projects such as Allco’s, the procedures impose “knee-buckling interconnection fees and costs and a crushing interconnection process”).
FERC accepts updated depreciation rates, eff. Jul 1, 2024
FERC accepts 135th Agreement and Amendment No. 13 to the Participants Agreement which modify the allocation of any unused Provisional Member Group Seat voting share to all six Sectors, eff. Aug 1, 2024
FERC accepts the membership of Twig Redwood Inc. and the termination of the Participant status of MFT Energy US 1.
National Grid answers the Sep 6, 2024 protests filed by the Northeast Clean Energy Council and the MA AG
Elevate Renewables F7 submits comments in support of UI’s Wholesale Distribution Access Tariff, suggesting clarifications to the filing to improve customer understanding
ISO-NE proposes Financial Assurance Policy (FAP) revisions for participants that are determined to t have adequate corporate liquidity relative to potential obligations that may be incurred
under the pay for performance (PFP) construct of Forward Capacity Market (FCM). Beginning with the 2025 – 2026 Capacity Commitment Period, ISO-NE will perform a corporate liquidity assessment on each FCM participant holding a CSO (or its guarantor, if such guarantor is guaranteeing the payment of PFP penalties), to determine its ability to pay potential penalty payment obligations associated with its CSO within the applicable Capacity CCP , over a forward-looking rolling six months. “Low risk” participants will continue to be subject to the current FCM Delivery Financial Assurance methodology; “medium and high risk” participants will be subject to higher collateral requirements (risk adders). A February 1, 2025, effective date is proposed.
NEP files notice of cancellation of a Construction Services Agreement (CSA) with Western Massachusetts Electric Co. (WMECO). The CSA documented the terms of work to facilitate the interconnection of a 15 MW facility to WMECO’s electric distribution system. All work and invoicing pursuant to the CSA has been completed and the CSA is no longer required.
FERC approves proposed transaction whereby Gate City Power – NE Generation LLC (“Gate City Power”) will acquire all of the membership interests of Berkshire the parent of Berkshire Power Company, LLC (“Berkshire Power”) , Tenaska Hampden Partners, LLC (“Tenaska Hampden”), from Tenaska Energy, Inc. (“Tenaska Energy”) and Tenaska Energy Holdings, LLC (“Tenaska Holdings”). Following consummation of the proposed transaction, Berkshire Power will no longer be a Related Person to Tenaska Power Services et al.
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file revisions to Financial Assurance Policy to: (1) ensure that the post-auction Non-Commercial Capacity Financial Assurance (NCCFA) Multiplier continues to increase annually during the three-year delay of the next FCA; (2) ensure that the formula for calculating the NCCFA Amount directly before an FCA remains generally consistent with the formula for calculating NCCFA required upon completion of an FCA; and (3) eliminate an NCCFA provision which is no longer relevant due to the passage of time.
Mystic requests further waiver of the deadlines in Sections II.6.A and II.4.F of the Protocols to allow additional time for the parties to file, and for the FERC to act on, a settlement that would moot the need for filings required by the Protocol provisions being waived; comment deadline Sep 20, 2024
ISO-NE responds to Show Cause Order, including as an attachment a response provided by the New England Transmission Owners (NETOs), a subset of the Participating Transmission Owners that hold the exclusive Federal Power Act Section 205 filing rights for the OATT rules identified and at issue in the Show Cause Order
VTransco files changes to incorporate revised depreciation rates used to calculate VTransco’s annual transmission revenue requirements
ISO-NE files notice of Market suspensions of: Excelsior Billerica, Excelsior Bondsville, Excelsior Lexington, Hudson Energy Services, and Wolverine Holdings
FERC accepts notice of cancellation of NSTAR/Hingham D&E Agreement, eff. Aug 5, 2024
FERC accepts 2024 Q2 Capital Projects Report, eff. Jul 1, 2024
FERC authorizes a transaction pursuant to which BlackRock Funding Inc. will acquire 100% of the LLC interests in GIM and thereby an indirect controlling interest in the GIM public utility
subsidiaries, including, among others, Clearway Power Marketing and GenConn Energy.
MA AG and Northeast Clean Energy Council file protests
Versant Power submits a fully executed, non-conforming Large Generator Interconnection Agreement by and among Versant Power and Eagle Point Energy Center, LLC
MOPA renews request that FERC direct Indicated TOs to answer fully all of MOPA’s questions
FERC accepts Jun 10, 2024 Metering Data Submission Revisions, eff. Nov 1, 2026
FERC approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement that resolves OE’s investigation into whether BREC violated the FERC’s Anti-Manipulation Rule though (false and misleading) communications with MISO and the MISO IMM; BREC agrees to disgorge $308,341, pay a $336,870 civil penalty, provide compliance training to its staff and and be subject to compliance
ISO-NE and CMP file in a new docket amendments to the LGIA with Andro Hydro (currently pending before the FERC, but to be withdrawn upon action on this filing) that clarify the relationship between Interconnection Customer and JGT2 Redevelopment LLC (“JGT2”), the owner of a closed paper mill located on the Interconnection Customer’s side of the interconnection, and the status of the Interconnection Facilities governed by the LGIA.