Litigation Updates & Reports

Updates Between Feb 01, 2019 and Feb 08, 2019


Docket Brief Description
 Mar 7 EE M&V Declaratory Order Petition EL19-43 ISO-NE ISO-NE answers Petition; comments supporting Petition submitted by: Cape Light Compact JPE/Efficiency Maine Trust, EDF, MA AG, Public Interest Organizations, Advanced Energy Management Alliance
 Mar 6 EE M&V Declaratory Order Petition EL19-43 Comments submitted by NEPOOL, NH OCA
 Mar 5 EE M&V Declaratory Order Petition  EL19-43 Eversource submits comments supporting Petition
 Mar 4 Press Membership Amendments ER18-2208 Public Citizen files comments on NEPOOL’s Request for Clarification
 Mar 1 Mystic COS Agreement Compliance Filing ER19-1639-003
COS Agreement
Mystic submits compliance filing in response to the Dec 20 Mystic Order
 Mar 1 Mystic COS Agreement Amendment No. 1 Filing ER19-1164 Mystic files amendment to its COS Agreement to provide reciprocal early termination rights for ISO-NE and Mystic based on the results of ISO-NE’s updated fuel security analysis, to be completed in September of 2019
 Mar 1 Order 841 Compliance Filing ER19-470 Voith Hydro submits comments regarding advanced pumped storage hydro technology
 Feb 28 FCA13 Results Filing ER19-1166 ISO-NE files results of FCA13;
comment date Apr 12
 Feb 28 132nd Agreement (Press Membership Provisions) ER18-2208-002 NEPOOL requests clarification, or in the alternative, rehearing of the FERC’s Jan 29, 2019 order
 Feb 28 Membership ER19-1146 Memberships: MidAmerican Energy Services and NDC Partners LLC; Terminations: BlueRock Energy, OhmConnect and Lotus Danbury LMS100 Two
 Feb 25 Enhanced Storage Participation Changes ER19-84 FERC accepts changes, eff. Apr 1, 2019
 Feb 25 Footprint Power Enforcement Show Cause Order IN18-7 FERC issues order terminating proceeding (without making any no findings of fact or conclusions of law concerning the merits of any issues in the proceeding)
 Feb 22 EE M&V Declaratory Order Petition EL19-43 NESCOE files comments supporting Petition
 Feb 22 Order 841 Compliance Filing ER19-470 NEPOOLISO-NE answer comments and protests submitted by Calpine, EDF Renewables, ESA, RENEW, and Tesla; NRECA answers Tesla/AEE comments
 Feb 22 Sched. 21-EM: Stored Solar J&WE LSA Extension ER19-706 FERC accepts amended LSA by and among Emera Maine, Stored Solar J&WE, and ISO-NE for Local Non-Firm Point-to-Point Transmission Service under Sched. 21-EM, eff. Jan 1, 2019
 Feb 22 Sched. 21-NEP: BIPCO LSA Amendments (ER19-707) ER19-707 FERC conditionally accepts Amendments (subject to compliance filing to correct Agreement’s eTariff title)
 Feb 22 Membership ER19-748 FERC accepts (I) the memberships of ADG Group and Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell; and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Solea Energy, NECCO and EmpireCo LP
 Feb 21 Order 845-A: LGIA/LGIP Reforms Rehearing Order RM17-8 FERC issues order granting in part and denying in part the requests for rehearing and clarification of its determinations in Order 845
 Feb 21 EE M&V Declaratory Order Petition EL19-43 FERC issues errata notice re-setting comment date on Declaratory Order petition to Mar 7
 Feb 21 VTransco Recovery of Highgate Ownership Share Acquistion Costs ER18-1259-001 FERC issues order granting clarification that the FERC did not establish a new policy regarding commitments in section 203 proceedings and denying rehearing of VTransco’s request that the FERC find that VTransco need not make showing “that the transaction-related costs have ‘specific, measurable, and substantial benefits to ratepayers”
 Feb 19 Capital Projects Report ER19-1052 NEPOOL files comments supporting 2018 Q4 Capital Projects Report 
 Feb 19 Vineyard Wind FCA13 
Waiver Request 
ER19-570 Vineyard Wind answers ISO-NE and NEPGA responses to its Feb 4 emergency motion
 Feb 15 CASPR Conforming Changes/ Vineyard Wind FCA13 
Waiver Request  

ISO-NE files comments addressing 2 points in Comm. Glick’s dissent to CASPR Conforming Changes Order
 Feb 15 Membership  not docketed ISO-NE files notice of suspension of OhmConnect from New England Markets
 Feb 15 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement  ER18-1639-002 FERC issues tolling order affording it additional time to consider pending requests for rehearing and/or clarification
 Feb 15 203 App.: ECP/ Fawkes Holdings (Wheelabrator) EC19-14 Fawkes Holdings files notice of Feb 12 consummation of transaction; Calpine and Wheelabrator no longer Related Persons; Wheelabrator now a Macquarie Related Person
 Feb 14 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 FERC extends compliance filing deadline to Mar 1, 2019, as requested
 Feb 14 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 NESCOE answers Constellation’s Feb 6 answer
 Feb 14 Capital Projects Report ER19-1052 ISO-NE files 2018 Q4 Report
 Feb 13 EE M&V Declaratory Order Petition EL19-43 Advanced Energy Economy and Sustainable FERC Project file request for declaratory order regarding ISO-NE’s retroactive application of new performance standards for energy efficiency (EE) resources that do not appear in those resources’ approved Measurement and Verification (M&V) Documents and the appropriate process to change EE’s terms of eligibility in RTO/ISO markets; comment date Mar 7 
 Feb 13 Vineyard Wind FCA13 Waiver Request ER19-570 MA AG submits letter concerning the FERC’s
failure to act on Vineyard Wind’s FCA13 waiver
 Feb 13 Post-PRD Implementation Conforming and Clean-Up Changes ER19-614 FERC accepts changes, eff. Feb 19, 2019
 Feb 13 Membership not docketed ISO-NE files notice of suspension of BBPC LLC d/b/a Great Eastern Energy from New England Markets
 Feb 12 Base ROE Complaints I-IV  EL11-66 et al. Louisiana PSC answers TOs Jan 24 answer
 Feb 8 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 Constellation requests 10-day extension, to Mar 1, 2019, of compliance filing deadline established in Dec 20 Mystic Order  
 Feb 8 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 CT Parties answer Constellation’s Jan 22 request for rehearing
 Feb 8 Membership ER18-936-001 NEPOOL files correction to February Membership filing to reflect 2/1/19 effective date for terminations of Fairchild Companies
 Feb 8 Sparhawk SGIA Termination ER19-1019 CMP files notice of termination of Sparhawk SGIA
 Feb 8 First Amendments to EDC New England Clean Energy Connect TSAs ER19-324
FERC accepts amendments, eff. Jan 9, 2019
 Feb 7 Order 841 Compliance Filing ER19-470 Comments and protests filed by: Calpine, EDF, RENEWAdvanced Energy Economy, ESA, Tesla
 Feb 6 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 Constellation answers requests for clarification and rehearing
 Feb 6 Winter Fuel Security
(Chapter 3): RTO Insider Complaint; ISO-NE Waiver Filing; 132nd Agreement
Submission for the Record for these proceedings, out of an abundance of caution, of the 2018 NEPOOL Annual Report
 Feb 6 Vineyard Wind FCA13 
Waiver Request
ER19-570 ISO-NE opposes Vineyard Wind’s Feb 4 emergency motion
 Feb 5 Vineyard Wind FCA13 
Waiver Request
ER19-570 NEPGA answers Vineyard Wind’s Feb 4 emergency motion
 Feb 4 Vineyard Wind FCA13 
Waiver Request
ER19-570 Statement of Commissioners LaFleur and Glick
 Feb 4 Winter Fuel Security
(Chapter 3)
EL18-182 Comments supporting ISO-NE Extension Request filed by NEPOOL, NEPGA, and MA DPU
 Feb 4 D&E Agreement: CL&P/ NRG Middletown
ER19-978 CL&P files agreement to govern the preliminary design and engineering activities related to the interconnection of NRG’s facility (Queue Position 647) pending execution of an LGIA
 Feb 4 D&E Agreement Cancellation:
CL&P/Cricket Valley 
ER19-980 CL&P files notice of cancellation of EPCOM Agreement which terminated upon Feb 1 acceptance of Related Facilities Agreement
 Feb 2/4 Vineyard Wind FCA13 
Waiver Request
ER19-570 Vineyard Wind urges the FERC to stay FCA13 until it issues an order on Vineyard Wind’s Petition or, in the alternative, vacate the results of the auction
and permit a new auction to occur as soon as practicable after action on its Petition
 Feb 1 Vineyard Wind FCA13 
Waiver Request
ER19-570 Massachusetts Governor Baker requests that the FERC grant the Vineyard Wind waiver request (on Feb 1) so that Vineyard Wind is eligible to participate in the FCA13 process as an RTR
 Feb 1 Winter Fuel Security
(Chapter 3)
EL18-182 National Grid supports ISO-NE Extension Request
 Feb 1 Winter Fuel Security
(Chapter 3)
FERC issues tolling order affording it additional time to consider Fuel Security Retention Proposal Order
 Feb 1 MPD OATT Annual Informational Filing ER15-1429 Emera Maine answers Maine Customer Group’s Dec 31 Challenge
 Jan 31 Vineyard Wind FCA13 
Waiver Request
ER19-570 Vineyard Wind requests immediate issuance of an order on its FCA13 waiver request
 Jan 31 Transmission Projects Information Filing ER13-193 ISO submits informational filing, pursuant to Tariff § 4.1(j)(iii), identifying transmission projects on the RSP list that had a year of need 3 years or less from the completion of the Needs Assessment
 Jan 31 Membership ER19-936 Members: Manchester Street, Inc.; McCallum Enterprises 1 Limited Partnership; Terminations: Clear Choice Energy; Covanta Projects of Wallingford; Fairchild Semiconductor and Energy; Noble Environmental Power; StateWise Energy MA; Swift River Trading Co.; Name Change: Tomorrow Energy Corp (f/k/a Sperian Energy Corp.)

2015 Reports
