Updates Between Sep 01, 2021 and Oct 05, 2021
FERC accepts a first revise LGIA (to include details regarding the Direct Assignment Facilities charge omitted from the original LGIA and to update the Capacity Network Resource Capability (“CNRC”) of the 28.5 MW Hoosac wind farm), eff. Mar 19, 2021
ISO-NE and NEPOOL file with the FERC the Waiver Agreement that temporarily waives the provisions of the Participants Agreement (related to the size of the ISO Board and the term length of one new Board member) that was required to seat the four-person slate of candidates for election to the ISO Board of Directors.
FERC denies in part, but grants in part, Green Development’s Complaint against New England Power (National Grid). The FERC partially denied the complaint, finding that Green Development did not meet its burden of proof that the assignment of Direct Assignment Facility (DAF) charges by National Grid to Narragansett violated the first part of the ISO-NE Tariff definition of Direct Assignment Facilities (requiring that the facilities be constructed for the sole use/benefit of a particular Transmission Customer requesting service under the ISO-NE Tariff). However, the FERC found that Green Development demonstrated a failure by National Grid to comply with the requirement that the facilities be “specified in a separate agreement among ISO-NE, the Interconnection Customer and the Transmission Customer, as applicable, and the Transmission Owner whose transmission system is to be modified.” As a result, National Grid may not assess DAF charges to Narragansett in association with the upgrades necessary for the Projects unless and until it complies with this part of the definition.
FERC issues an Allegheny Order on its Updated CONE, Net Cone and PPR Values Order and NEPGA Net Cone Complaint Order, modifying its discussion in the Orders, but sustaining the results of those Orders
FERC authorizes a transaction pursuant to which a wholly-owned subsidiary of PPL will acquire 100% of the outstanding shares of common stock of Narragansett Electric Company
PSNH supplements its Jul 30 LGIA filing with a copy of the LGIA marked against the current ISO-NE Tariff pro forma Schedule 22 LGIA
Seabrook moves to lodge, as relevant to the issues in this proceeding, Aug 19 filing containing the executed Engineering and Procurement Agreement between Seabrook and NECEC Transmission
EEI, ACRE, Clean Grid Alliance, Hybrid Resource Coalition, NRECA, Pine Gate Renewables, PJM IMM file comments in response to ISO/RTO reports
Avangrid moves to lodge, as relevant to the issues in this proceeding, Aug 19 filing containing the executed Engineering and Procurement Agreement between Seabrook and NECEC Transmission
ISO-NE files notice of a new suspension of Manchester Methane from the New England Markets
FERC issues 2nd deficiency letter; CMP responses due Sep 30
Mystic submits “2021 Filing” providing support “for Capital Expenditures necessary to meet the reliability need between June 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022.”
CL&P files D&E Agreement to set forth the terms and conditions under which CL&P would undertake certain engineering and design services for the upgrades associated with the interconnection of EIP’s proposed facility to CLP’s transmission line in New Britain, CT
FERC issues a “Notice of Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law and Providing for Further Consideration”, confirming that the 60-day period during which a petition for review of the Mystic ROE Order can be filed with an appropriate federal court was triggered when the FERC did not act on the requests for rehearing of that Order, and indicating that the FERC will address, as is its right, the rehearing requests in a future order, and may modify or set aside its order, in whole or in part, “in such manner as it shall deem proper.”
CL&P files a notice of termination of a 2002 IA governing service to a since-decommissioned 26 MW waste-tire fueled generator located in Sterling, CT
FERC issues notice of FPA Section 206 proceeding and refund effective date (the date of publication of the notice in the Federal Register)
ISO-NE files conforming changes to eTariff § III.3.1 to ensure that the eTariff Viewer reflects changes accepted in ER21-1974 (Solar Data Requirements & Relocation of Wind Data Requirements) but inadvertently omitted in later changes filed in ER21-2220 (Removal of Appendix B from Market Rule 1; Deletion of Assoc. Tariff Provisions)
FERC issues an order (i) establishing briefing procedures regarding Seabrook’s LGIA; and (ii) instituting a section 206 proceeding (in Docket No. EL21-94-000) to determine if Schedule 25 and/or section I.3.10 of the Tariff are unjust and unreasonable
FERC issues supplemental notice of Sep 14 Ancillary Services tech conf.
FERC denies IRC, OPSI and OMS requests for extension of time to submit comments; comment deadline remains Oct 12, 2021; reply comment deadline extended to Nov 30, 2021
PSEG Project Companies and Generation Bridge II request authorization for a transaction pursuant to which 100% of the membership interests in the PSEG Project Companies will be sold to Generation Bridge II, a wholly-owned, indirect subsidiary of ArcLight Fund VII, which is itself affiliated with Great River Hydro
ISO-NE submits corrections to eTariff FAP to reinstate previously-accepted text in Attachment 3 (footnote 1) that was inadvertently omitted in subsequently-accepted eTariff filings