Updates Between Nov 02, 2022 and Nov 30, 2022
FERC accepts (i) the memberships of Danske Commodities US LLC (Supplier Sector); The Massachusetts Climate Action Network (End User Sector); MFT Energy US 1 LLC (Supplier Sector); and Spotlight Power LLC (Supplier Sector); and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of IPKeys Power Partners, Inc. (Supplier Sector).
FERC authorizes the sale of 100% of the interests in Canal Power Holdings LLC, which owns Stonepeak Kestrel Energy Marketing and Bucksport Generation to a wholly-owned affiliate of JERA Americas Inc., making when the transaction is consummated Stonepeake, Bucksport, and Cricket Valley Energy Center Related Persons
ISO-NE and NSTAR file First Revised LGIA with Vineyard Wind 1, LLC to reflect the assignment of the LGIA to by Vineyard Wind, LLC to Vineyard Wind I, LLC
Mystic and Constellation file emergency motion requesting expedited action by Jan 9, 2022, on the Cost Allocation and Clawback issues remanded to the FERC in the Mystic I Remand Order
FERC accepted Tariff changes that defer for two years the next recalculation of several FCM “parameters” and, going forward, modify the schedule for such updates from no less often than once every three years to no less often than once every four years
ISO-NE files Tariff provisions governing the IEP consistent with the D.C. Circuit’s IEP Decision; comment date Dec 13, 2022
Agilitas Companies request authorization for a transaction pursuant to which the AB CarVal Funds will convert their existing passive, non-voting ownership interest in Agilitas Energy, Inc., which indirectly owns all of the membership interests in the Agilitas Companies, into 21.3% of the voting interests in Agilitas Energy
Settlement Judge McBarnette schedules third settlement conference by WebEx for Dec 20, 2022
Constellation, ISO-NE respond to, and MMWEC/NHEC, Connecticut Parties support, ENECOS Mystic COSA Complaint
Mystic responds to, and MMWEC/NHEC support, NESCOE’s formal challenge of Mystic’s Second CapEx filing
ISO-NE files quarterly report for 2022 Q3
FERC accepts FirstLight’s CIP IROL Cost recovery Schedule, eff. Sep 16, 2022
FERC authorizes transaction pursuant to which BP Retail will acquire 100% of the membership interests in EDF Energy
More than 30 sets of comments on the FERC’s Duty of Candor NOPR filed, including by: ISO-NE, ISO-NE IMM, ISO-NE EMM, ABA, AGA, APGA, APPA, EEI, Energy Trade Associations, INGA, NGSA, Nodal Exchange, NRECA, State Agencies, US Chamber of Commerce, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, New Civil Liberties Alliance,
NEP files Cost Reimbursement Agreement pursuant to which NEP will perform the work requested by Holden Municipal Light Dept. to support Holden’s plan to rebuild its Chaffins Substation
ISO-NE files ICR-Related Values for the 2026-27 Capacity Comm. Period
Post-Forum comments filed by: ISO-NE, Acadia, AEE, Calpine, Constellation, Excelerate, FirstLight, LS Power, NECOS, NEPGA, NESCOE, Public Systems, Repsol, TOs, VELCO, Vistra, Potomac Economics, CT DEEP, AEMA, APGA, EPSA, INGA, NE LDCs, NGSA, New England Council, NEPPA, NH BIA, PIOs, RENEW/ACPA, Berkshire Action Team, Greater Concord Chamber of Comm., Mass. Alliance for Econ. Dev., Public Citizen, Western Mass. Economic Dev. Council, and Individual Citizens (M. Axner, E. Blank, S. Botkin, D. Heimann, J. Krieger, B. Little, I. McDonald, J. Neville, W. Persons, R. Spector)
Central Rivers Power Super Holdings Holdco, LLC, an affiliate of Hull Street Energy Partners and Central Rivers Power (together, Central Rivers Power) and Patriot Hydro, LLC, an indirect, wholly controlled subsidiary of LS Power Development, LLC and affiliate of LS Power (together LSPower) request authorization for a portion of a larger transaction pursuant to LSPower will acquire Central Rivers Power’s QF assets in New England, making NEPOOL Participants Central Rivers Power MA, LLC and Central Rivers Power NH, LLC Related Persons to Jericho Power.
FERC approves Offer of Settlement that resolves all issues set for hearing in this proceeding
PSNH amends its Sep 29, 2022 filing to adjust the proposed depreciation rates for Accounts 357 and 358 as a result of incorrect allocated book reserve numbers represented in column (4) of Exhibit No. PSNH-4. The amended depreciation rates are expected to result in an approximately $169,049 annual reduction in PSNH’s revenue requirement (an expected rate reduction of approximately $27,314 more than proposed in the Initial Filing).
Versant Power files proposed changes to the formula rate in its MPD OATT that, if accepted, will modify the treatment of costs and expenses associated with the company’s Customer Information System (CIS). The changes : (i) eliminate the inclusion in wholesale transmission charges under the MPD OATT of costs and expenses associated with the CIS and (ii) modify the allocation of CIS costs and expenses as between transmission and distribution functions in order to align such allocation with the ISO-NE OATT.
NEP files revisions to its Tariff No. 1 (i) to remove certain language in light of PPL’s acquisition of The Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a Rhode Island Energy (“RIE”), the subsequent transition in operational control of RIE’s transmission facilities, and an associated change in the mechanism through which RIE recovers its transmission revenue requirements; and (ii) to make non-substantive edits to Tariff No. 1 to replace outdated references therein
New England Power (NEP) requests limited waiver of certain provisions in the Attachment F formula rate template (to ensure that, as of the date RIE becomes a PTO, NEP’s transmission revenue requirements collected through regional and local rates will not include a forecast based on historical NEP revenue requirements that included costs of Narragansett-owned transmission facilities)