Updates Between Sep 01, 2022 and Oct 04, 2022
The Narragansett Electric Company d/b/a Rhode Island Energy (RIE) files revisions to Schedule 21 and Attachment E of Section II of the OATT to establish RIE’s rates, terms, and conditions for the provision of Local Service and to accommodate RIE as a new Participating Transmission Owner
Settlement Judge French certifies uncontested Settlement Agreement to the Commission
NEP supplements its July 19, 2022 compliance filing
FERC approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement that resolved OE’s investigation into ISO-NE’s capacity payments for Salem Harbor before the Project had been built or commenced commercial operation; ISO-NE must pay a $500,000 civil penalty, make $350,000 in new investments in its compliance program, and submit at least one annual compliance monitoring report
New Members: Danske Commodities, Mass. Climate Action Network, MFT Energy US 1, and Spotlight Power; and Withdrawal: IPKeys Power Partners
FERC accepts (i) the following Applicant’s membership in NEPOOL: Concurrent, LLC (Provisional Member); Leapfrog Power (Provisional Member); Old Middleboro Road Solar [Related Person to Agilitas Companies (AR Sector, DG Sub-Sector)]; and Accelerate Renewables [Related Person to ECP Companies (Supplier Sector)]; and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Chris Anthony; Indeck Energy-Alexandria; Standard Normal; and Borrego Solar Systems.
Acting Chief ALJ authorizes implementation of Settlement Rate on an interim basis (until the Settlement Agreement is approved)
NEPOOL submits comments supporting five-year pro forma budget
FERC issues notice that NMISA’s request for rehearing can be deemed denied by operation of law
FERC issues order directing ISO-NE to refile the Tariff provisions governing the Inventoried Energy Program consistent with the D.C. Circuit’s decision on or before Nov 23, 2022
FERC accepts changes to Market Rule 1 to allow storage facilities incapable of consuming electricity from the grid to participate in the New England Markets as Continuous Storage Facilities (CSF), eff. Oct 1, 2022
FERC accepts filings in ER21-1154-002, ER21-1241-002, ER21-1293-002, ER21-1295-002, ER21-1325-002, ER21-1650-002, ER21-1654-002, ER21-1694-002, ER21-1709-002
FERC Staff files comments supporting Offer of Settlement
FERC invites any party wishing to submit comments regarding the topics discussed at the Forum to do so on or before Nov 7, 2022
FERC accepts Essential Power Newington’s CIP-IROL Cost Recovery filing
FirstLight requests FERC acceptance of a proposed rate schedule to allow it to begin the recovery period for certain CIP-IROL Costs under Schedule 17 of the ISO-NE Tariff, eff. Sep 16, 2022
Materials from Sep 8 Burlington Forum posted for C. Dickerson, NPCC; comments from NERC/NPCC posted
CL&P files Engineering, Design and Procurement Agreement setting forth the terms and conditions under which CL&P will undertake engineering, design and procurement activities to support the upgrades necessary to address the reliability impacts of New York Transco’s reinforcement of a 345 kV transmission corridor in NYISO on the New England Transmission system
ISO-NE submits filing to correct the eTariff version of VTransco’s Schedule 21-VTransco so that it reflects tariff revisions associated with the Joint Offer of Settlement in Docket No. ER20-2054 that were accepted effective January 1, 2022, as well as revisions associated with the Order No. 676-I compliance filing which were accepted effective May 1, 2022.
Green Mountain Power submits filing to correct the eTariff version of GMP’s Schedule 21-GMP so that it reflects tariff revisions associated with the Joint Offer of Settlement in Docket No. ER20-2054 that were accepted effective January 1, 2022, as well as revisions associated with the Order No. 676-I compliance filing which were accepted effective May 1, 2022.
Mystic files an Offer of Settlement to resolve all issues set for hearing in this proceeding
Mystic requests authorization to implement on an interim basis (until the Settlement Agreement filed in ER22-1192-001 is approved) the Settlement Rate agreed upon in the Settlement Agreement
K. Watson submits Kinder Morgan/INGAA pre-forum comments
FERC issues second supplemental notice of New England Gas-Electric forum
FERC accepts (i) the following Applicant’s membership in NEPOOL: Ebsen LLC and Umber LLC (both in the Supplier Sector); (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Dantzig Energy; Pilot Power Group; and Twin Eagle Resource Management; and (iii) the name change of LS Power Grid Northeast, LLC (f/k/a New England Energy Connection, LLC)
ISO submits presentations and Owners’ Draft Problem Statement; National Grid, Acadia Center submit pre-forum comments
Salem Harbor requests FERC authorization for a transaction pursuant a Bankruptcy Court-ordered plan under which the direct and indirect equity interests in Salem Harbor will be transferred, indirectly, to Salem Harbor’s lenders under a pre-petition credit facility