Updates Between Aug 04, 2021 and Aug 31, 2021
National Grid submits limited revisions to provide greater clarity or transparency to its Phase II Facilities AC Support Agreement Order 864 compliance filing
NSTAR submits limited revisions to provide greater clarity or transparency to its Phase II Boston Edison AC Facilities Support Agreement Order 864 compliance filing
In response to Clean Energy Advocates’ request for rehearing, the FERC issues an ORTP Jump Ball Allegheny Order modifying the discussion in the ORTP Jump Ball Order but reaching the same result (sustaining the Order)
CL&P submits limited revisions to provide greater clarity or transparency to its Millstone Transmission Services Agreement Order 864 compliance filing
FERC authorizes “spin” transaction that will result in two independent publicly traded companies, Exelon Corporation and HoldCo (owner of Exelon generation facilities). Upon consummation, Exelon’s generation facilities will not loner be affiliated with Exelon’s transmission facilities.
Green Development submits additional information
PSNH and National Grid submit limited revisions to provide greater clarity or transparency to their previously-submitted Seabrook Transmission Support Agreement (TSA) Order 864 compliance filings
FERC issues deficiency letter; ISO-NE responses due Sep 20, 2021 (submission of responses will re-set the deadline for FERC action)
NextEra Energy Seabrook files an E&P Agreement to provide the terms and conditions “concerning the engineering and
procurement of long lead-time items” associated with work to be engaged in by Seabrook at the request of NECEC “for the design, engineering, planning, permitting, and procurement of material and equipment” necessary to address the Significant Adverse Impact on Seabrook. The E&P Agreement is not intended to affect (i) Seabrook’s pending request in
EL21-3 for an order allowing the recovery from NECEC of lost opportunity costs, potential Pay for Performance penalties, and other costs; or (ii) NECEC’s pending requests for relief pursuant to its Complaint in EL21-6. The Parties have agreed that Seabrook and NECEC/Avangrid will be responsible for filing a notice or motion in their respective dockets informing the FERC of the E&P Agreement and how the E&P Agreement affects any pending issues in those dockets.
FERC accepts compliance filings with revised tariff records in eTariff format:
- IRH Management Committee (Use Agreement) (ER21-2163);
- National Grid Asset Owners (Phase I New Hampshire Transmission Line Support Agreement) (ER21-2162);
- New England Hydro Transmission Corporation (Phase II New Hampshire Transmission Facilities Support Agreement) (ER21-2161);
- New England Hydro Transmission Electric Company ( Phase II Massachusetts Transmission Facilities Support Agreement ) (ER21-2160); and
- VETCO (Phase I Vermont Transmission Line Support Agreement) (ER21-2158) (still pending)
Requests for rehearing of the Mystic ROE order filed by: CT Parties, ENECOS, MA AG
Mystic files 5th compliance filing to reflect the 9.33% base ROE set by the Mystic ROE Order
NSTAR files agreement in connection with proposed interconnection of Servistar’s 150 MW data center facility to Eversource’s 1293 and 1302 115 kV transmission lines
NSTAR files a second D&E Agreement between itself and Medway Grid, LLC (“Medway”) to set forth the terms and conditions under which NSTAR will undertake certain engineering and design services for the upgrades identified in the System Impact Study for QP#844
ISO-NE files required quarterly report
FERC accepts changes to remove from Market Rule 1 Appendix B (Imposition of Sanctions by the ISO) and to make conforming changes to the Tariff reflecting the removal of that Appendix
UI submits changes to Schedule 20A Service Agreement to be effective 11/1/2020
FERC accepts Tariff revisions to incorporate the ORTPs and related revisions accepted in the ORTP Jump Ball Order (including NEPOOL’s proposed ORTP value for battery storage and NEPOOL’s proposed federal tax credits adjustments to the ORTPs for PV solar resources for FCA17 and FCA18)
FERC issues a “Notice of Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law and Providing for Further Consideration” of Energy Advocates’ request for rehearing of the ORTP Jump Ball Order
Black Bear intervene and asks the FERC to grant Versant Power’s Waiver Request
CSC answers NESCOE’s protest
National Grid answers Green Development’s July 27, 2021 motion renewing and reiterating its request for fast track processing of its Complaint