Updates Between Nov 02, 2023 and Dec 06, 2023
NEPOOL requests that the FERC accept (i) the memberships of Citadel Energy Marketing LLC (Supplier Sector); Downeast Wind, LLC [Related Person to Kleen Energy (Generation Sector); JGT2 Energy LLC (Generation Sector); and Qnti.fyi Inc. (Supplier Sector); and (ii) termination of the Participant status of Sam Mintz (End User Sector).
FERC issues IEP Parameter Updates Allegheny Order, modifying the discussion in, but sustaining the results of, the IEP Parameter Updates Order
Seabrook files second amended E&P Agreement seeking an @ $2 million in additional funding to cover higher engineering costs as well as changes to the scope of work related to a hydraulic controller, the generator breaker monitoring system, and other items.
FERC accepts LSA, effective Dec 4, 2023 (60 days after filing), subject to time value refunds to be made within 30 days of the date of the order and the filing of a refund report within 30 days thereafter.
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file ICR-Related Values and HQICCs for the 2024/25 ARA3, 2025/26 ARA2; and 2026/27 ARA1; comment deadline Dec 21, 2023
As directed in the Brookfield IEP Complaint Order, ISO-NE and NEPOOL submit revisions to the Tariff that make pumped storage resources participating as Electric Storage Facilities in the New England Markets eligible to participate in the Inventoried Energy Program.
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file revisions to the FCM qualification rules for Distributed Energy Capacity Resources (DECR).
ISO/RTO Council requests a 60-day extension of time, to February 26, 2024, of the deadline to submit comments in response to the FERC’s proposed changes to EQR data collection and filing requirements.
ISO-NE ask that the FERC deny the request for a shortened 5-day comment period; indicates that in subsequent comments it will oppose the Waiver request.
NEPGA requests that the FERC accept the proposal to delay FCA 19 by one year.
Galt Power and GSRP Pipeline Acquisition request limited waiver of Section II.A.7.b of OP-14, and to the extent necessary, the requirements in Section III.1.11.3 of the Tariff, for solar resources to receive and respond to Do Not Exceed Dispatch Points for its FR/SR Facilities.
FirstLight supports FCA19 Proposal, noting that, “whether the region succeeds in completing a well-designed RCA in time for
FCA19 implementation will be proven (or not) by the extent of progress made in the stakeholder
discussions in coming months”
FERC accepts (i) the membership in NEPOOL of: KCE CT 10, KCE CT 11, and the Sierra Club; and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of BP Energy Holding Company.
FERC accepts Attachment F Corrections & Updates, eff. Nov 28, 2023
Public Systems (CMEEC, MMWEC, NHEC, and VPPSA) support the schedule changes proposed.
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to allow Lead Market Participants greater flexibility for submitting Permanent De-List Bids and Retirement De-List Bids in a Forward Capacity Auction.
ISO-NE submits revisions to OATT Schedule 24 (Incorporation by Reference of NAESB Standards) to include citations to the October 26, 2023 Order granting ISO-NE’s waiver requests of certain WEQ Version 003.3 Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols adopted by NAESB.
Dynegy/Vistra and NEPGA submit comments supporting Energy Supply Offer Mitigation changes
FERC Office of Enforcement issues 2023 Staff Report
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file updates to the cost of new entry (CONE) and net cost of new entry (Net CONE) for FCAs 19 and 20, reflecting the elimination of MOPR through revisions to the after tax weighted average cost of capital (ATWACC).
ISO-NE files 2023 Q3 Report
ISO-NE requests continued authorization for drawdowns under new $40 million Revolving Credit Line and $4 million Payment Default Shortfall Fund;
comment date Dec 4, 2023
ISO-NE and NEPOOL file ICR-Related Values for the 2027-28 Capacity Comm. Period (FCA18)
FERC accepts National Grid/GMP LSA, eff. Nov 11, 2023. The FERC denied the requested waiver of the 60-day prior notice requirement, finding the Filing Parties had not made the requisite showing of extraordinary circumstances for filing the agreement for new service after the date that services commenced. Accordingly, the Filing Parties were directed to refund the time value of revenues collected for the time period the rate was collected without Commission authorization, with refunds limited so as not to cause Filing Parties to operate at a loss. The refund report is due on or before Dec 11, 2023.
ENECOS request rehearing of Oct 6, 2023 Mystic I Order on Remand Modification Order
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to delay FCA19, including its related pre and post-auction activities, for one calendar year. Proposed Tariff revisions also address the timeline for conducting subsequent auctions, the schedule for running FCA19’s ARAs, and adjustments to the FCA qualification rules for certain resources to prevent the delay from adversely impacting their FCM participation.
NEP files notice of cancellation of IA with Dichotomy Collins Hydro superseded by SGIA
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to eliminate the potential for upward mitigation of Energy Supply Offers by incorporating updates which will be used to compare each financial parameter of the Supply Offer to the Reference Level and use the lesser of the two values when performing certain automated mitigation procedures.