Updates Between Apr 06, 2016 and May 04, 2016
Date | Proceeding Type |
Docket | Brief Description |
May 2 | Dominion Manchester Street FCA10 Complaint | EL16-38 | FERC issues order finding the ISO-NE Tariff unjust and unreasonable for its lack of clarity as to whether new incremental capacity and existing capacity at the same generating station must submit a composite offer in order to participate in a FCA but denies Dominion’s requested relief (resettlement of the auction results to allow Dominion’s new incremental capacity to be treated as if it had participated in FCA10); compliance filing due on or before July 1 with Tariff language (i) expressly addressing whether new incremental and existing capacity at the same resource must submit a composite offer (and to provide the rationale for any such requirement); and (ii) allowing an existing generating resource to lock-in the price for the new incremental capacity (or reasons why the lock-in should not be allowed). |
Apr 29 | FCA10 Results Filing | ER16-1041 | ISO-NE answers pleadings filed by Dominion, NEA(NextEra) and UWUA Local 464 |
Apr 29 | Membership | ER16-1537 | Requested memberships: Anbaric Management, FirstLight Power Resources Management, GDF SUEZ Energy Resources NA, Hancock Wind, Wolverine Holdings; termination: Gallop Power Greenville; comment date May 20 |
Apr 29 | Membership | ER16-1321 | FERC accepts Atlantic Energy, Eversource Energy Trans. Ventures; Roctop Investments, Sustaining Power Solutions memberships and Aequitas termination |
Apr 28 | Demand Curve Design Improvements | ER16-1434 | FERC grants extension of comment deadline to May 13 |
Apr 27 | NextEra Bellingham FCA10 Complaint | EL16-48 | ISO-NE answers NextEra’s Apr 18 answer |
Apr 27 | Regional Interest | ER15-1434 et al. | Emera files answer to MPUC protest, suggesting compliance filing be set for hearing and settlement judge procedures |
Apr 27 | Regional Interest | ER16-1301 | Emera files answer to protests, together with proposed true-up mechanism |
Apr 26 | Demand Curve Design Improvements | ER16-1434 | ISO-NE files McBride testimony (previously circulated to NPC but not uploaded to FERC’s eLibrary) |
Apr 25 | FCA10 Results Filing | ER16-1041 | NEPGA answers UWUA Local 464 protest |
Apr 25 | NOI: Primary Frequency Response | RM16-6 | ISO-NE, together with NYISO, PJM, IESO, and SPP, files comments supporting changes to the pro forma LGIA/SGIA, development of a new NERC Reliability Standard to require generators to provide primary frequency response, and asserting that neither separate compensation nor a market mechanism is needed for primary frequency response; comments, among others, were also filed by NERC, AWEA, EEI, APPA, ELCON, EPRI, EPSA/NEPGA, NEI, PIOs |
Apr 22 | Demand Curve Design Improvements | ER16-1434 | Calpine/Dominion/Exelon/NRG jointly request extension of time, to May 20, to file comments on Apr 15 filing |
Apr 22 | Regional Interest | ER16-1024 | FERC accepts New England Wind LGIA governing 28.5 MW Hoosac Project in Florida and Monroe, MA |
Apr 22 | Base ROE Complaints (2012 & 2014) |
EL14-86 EL13-33 |
TOs request extension of time, to May 20, to file briefs opposing exceptions (filed Apr 21) to the Initial Decision |
Apr 21 | Base ROE Complaints (2012 & 2014) |
EL14-86 EL13-33 |
Briefs on exceptions to Initial Decision filed by EMCOS, Complaint-Aligned Parties (errata), TOs, and FERC Trial Staff |
Apr 20 | Regional Interest | EC16-86 | FERC authorizes sale of Passadumkeag to SRE |
Apr 20 | Regional Interest | ER16-1477 | NSTAR submits notice of cancellation of 1993 Interconnection Agreement with Northeast Energy Associates which was superseded by an LGIA reflecting an increase in Capacity Network Resource and Network Resource Interconnection Service |
Apr 20 | Regional Interest | ER16-1473 | NSTAR submits notice of cancellation of a 2015 design and engineering agreement with NRG Canal 3 Development that terminated by its own terms when a LGIA covering the facility became effective |
Apr 20 | Regional Report | not docketed | ISO-NE submits 2015 FERC Form 1 CPA Cert. Statement |
Apr 18 | NextEra Bellingham FCA10 Complaint | EL16-48 | NextEra answers ISO-NE’s Apr 7 answer |
Apr 18 | Sched 21-ES: NU/NSTAR Merger-Related Cost Recovery | ER16-1023 | EMCOS files answer to Eversource Apr 4 answer |
Apr 15 | Demand Curve Design Improvements | ER16-1434 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file Tariff revisions to implement a proposed methodology for establishing system-wide and zonal demand curves in the FCM; comment date May 6 |
Apr 15 | Generator Interconnection Revisions | ER16-946 | FERC conditionally accepts revisions, eff. Apr 17, 2016, subject to compliance filing due on or before May 16 |
Apr 15 | Info Policy Changes | ER16-1413 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to Info Policy § 2.3 (which provides for ISO notices in the case of Participant default, suspension, or bankruptcy); comment date May 6 |
Apr 15 | Regional Report | ER07-476 | ISO-NE files its 30th quarterly LFTR Implementation Status Report |
Apr 14 | FCA10 Results Filing | ER16-1041 | UWUA Local 464 files protest |
Apr 14 | Regional Report | not docketed | ISO-NE submits 2015 annual report of total transmission service MWh |
Apr 14 | Regional Interest | ER16-1301 | MPUC files protest to Emera’s proposed changes to Schedule 21-EM for rate adjustments for anticipated changes |
Apr 12 | FCM Resource Retirement Reforms | ER16-551 | FERC conditionally accepts FCM Resource Retirement Reforms Filing, effective Mar 1, 2016. ISO-NE directed, on or before May 12, to submit a compliance filing with tariff revisions “establishing a materiality threshold for determining whether or not a particular proxy de-list bid will replace a Retirement Bid in an FCA” |
Apr 12 | Membership | ER16-1031 | FERC accepts EDF Energy Services membership and Guzman Energy and Westerly Hospital Companies terminations |
Apr 12 | RNS/LNS Rates & Protocols 206 Proceeding | EL16-19 | Settlement Judge Dring issues status report indicating that the parties are making progress toward settlement, and recommending settlement procedures be continued; next settlement conference – Apr 28 |
Apr 11 | Electric Storage Participation in RTO/ISOs | AD16-20 | FERC directs ISO-NE to file by May 2 “information on rules that affect the participation of electric storage resources in the ISO-NE markets, including, but not limited to, the eligibility of electric storage resources to participate in the ISO-NE markets, the qualification and performance requirements for market participants, required bid parameters, and the treatment of electric storage resources when they are receiving electricity for later injection to the grid.”; persons wishing to comment on electric storage participation in RTO/ISOs and to respond to ISO-NE’s data requests may do so on or before Monday, May 23, 2016 |
Apr 8 | Demand Curve Changes Remand | ER14-1639-004 | FERC issues order (following voluntary remand) affirming its earlier finding that the renewables exemption from the minimum offer price rule is just and reasonable, and not unduly discriminatory or preferential |
Apr 7 | NextEra Bellingham FCA10 Complaint | EL16-48 | ISO-NE answer complaint |
Apr 7 | CL&P/Dominion Outage Dispute | EL16-45 | Dominion files protest in response to CL&P’s request for declaratory order |
Apr 6 | Regional Report | ER16-928 | FERC accepts 2015 Q4 Capital Projects Report |
2024 Reports
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