Litigation Updates & Reports

Updates Between Nov 02, 2017 and Dec 06, 2017

  Date Proceeding
Docket Brief Description
 Dec 6 Clear River Schedule 11 O&M Complaint EL18-31 NEPOOL submits protest and comments
 Dec 6 2018 NESCOE Budget   ER18-85  FERC accepts Budget
 Dec 6 2018 ISO-NE Admin. Costs & Capital Budgets ER18-77  FERC accepts 2018 ISO-NE Budgets
 Dec 6 Regional Report ER18-81 FERC accepts 2017 Q3 Capital Projects Report
 Dec 5 Sched 20 ER18-388 National Grid files Schedule 20A Service Agreement with H.Q. Energy Services
 Dec 5 Sched. 21-EM: Stored Solar J&WE LSA ER18-387 ISO-NE and Emera Maine file Stored Solar J&WE Local Service Agreement
 Dec 5 RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols EL16-19 Settlement Judge issues status report recommending continuation of settlement judge procedures
 Dec 4 CONE & ORTP Updates ER17-795-003 FERC issues tolling order affording it additional time to consider NEPGA’s request for rehearing of the Oct 6 CONE/ORTP Updates Order
 Dec 4 TOs’ Opinion 531-A Compliance Filing Undo   EL15-414-004 FERC issues tolling order providing it additional time to consider the TOs’ request for rehearing of the Order Rejecting Filing
 Dec 4 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Trial Judge schedules Dec 11 oral argument on CAPS Dec 1 motion
 Dec 1 ICR-Related Values and HQICCs – ARAs ER18-371 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file ICR-Related Values and HQICCs for 2018-19 ARA3, 2019-20 ARA2; and 2020-21 ARA1; comment date Dec 22
 Dec 1 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Pre-hearing briefs submitted by: TOs, CAPS, EMCOS, FERC Trial Staff, Parties submit joint witness list and statement of positions, joint index of exhibitsCAPS move to compel TOs’ answers to data requests
 Nov 30 Membership ER18-353 New Members: Fusion Solar Center, Josco Energy MA Name Change: Summer Energy Northeast
 Nov 29 Clear River Schedule 11 O&M Complaint EL18-31 ISO-NE moves for dismissal as a party and answers Complaint
 Nov 29 National Grid-Clear River unexecuted LGIA ER18-349 National Grid filed unexecuted LGIA with Clear River
 Nov 29 Sched. 21-NEP: NEP/ Granite Rel. Power RFA ER18-346 NEP files agreement; comment date Dec 20
 Nov 29 Membership ER18-186 FERC accepts Yellow Jacket Energy membership (Nov 1) and BNP Paribas termination (Oct 1)
 Nov 27 Braintree Waiver Request EL18-5 FERC grants Braintree’s request for a limited waiver allowing ISO-NE to consider Braintree’s offer to participate in the Program
 Nov 28 FCA12 HQICCs and ICR Values ER18-263 Comments submitted by NEPOOL, NESCOENEPGA
 Nov 28 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Parties submit Joint Statement of Issues
 Nov 27 Regional Interest ER18-330 NSTAR files Notice of Cancellation of Essential Power Newington D&E Agreement
 Nov 24 203 App: Calpine/ECP EC17-182 Public Citizen answers Calpine Nov 20 answer
 Nov 22 FCA12 Qualification
Info Filing
ER18-264 Efficiency Maine and CPower/Tesla protest qualification determinations 
 Nov 22 Small Generator Modeling Options Change ER18-122 FERC accepts change, eff. Dec 20, 2017
 Nov 22 203 App: Dynegy/Vistra EC18-23 Dynegy and Visra request authorization for transaction in which Dynegy will merge with and into Vistra
 Nov 22 Emera MPD OATT Attachment J Revision   ER18-210 Maine Customer Group protests revisions
 Nov 22 ISO-NE FERC Form 3Q not docketed ISO-NE files FERC Form 3Q (2017/Q3)
 Nov 21 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 EMCOS submit updated testimony and work papers of J. Lesser
 Nov 21 Schedule 21-EM: Recovery of BHE/MPS Merger-Related Costs   ER15-1434 Judge Dring issues status report recommending that settlement procedures (which are on-going) be continued
 Nov 20 DOE NOPR RM18-1 NEPOOL answers certain reply comments
 Nov 20 CPower DR Auditing Reqs. Waiver Request  ER18-185 ISO-NE opposes CPower waiver request
 Nov 20 Exelon Additional Cost Recovery for Mystic 8 & 9 Fuel Costs ER17-933-001 Exelon submits compliance filing detailing $97,188.90 in actual regulatory costs incurred and to be recovered in connection with its request for additional fuel cost recovery for Mystic Units 8 & 9
 Nov 20 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Presiding Judge Glazer grants EMCOS motion to file a summary of Dr. Lon L. Peters’ Nov 15 prepared rebuttal testimony
 Nov 20 Regional Interest ER18-316 Eversource files 2-party IA between CL&P and Woods Hill Solar to govern the interconnection of a 20 MW PV facility in Pomfret, CT
 Nov 20 203 App: Calpine/ECP EC17-182 Calpine answers Public Citizen protest
 Nov 17 Clear River Schedule 11 O&M Complaint EL18-31 Clear River Energy Center files complaint against ISO-NE, National Grid and the TOs requesting that the FERC direct ISO-NE to modify Tariff Schedule 11 (and all other Tariff provisions that implement the O&M Cost recovery provisions of Schedule 11) under which interconnection customers are or could be required to pay O&M Costs associated with the construction of LGIA-required network upgrades,
and direct NGrid to modify its Schedule 21-NEP to conform with the changes made to Schedule 11
 Nov 17 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 EMCOS move to file a summary of Dr. Lon L. Peters’ Nov 15 prepared rebuttal testimony
 Nov 17 Regional Interest ER17-2557 FERC accepts NEP/Wheelabrator Millbury LGIA, eff. Sep 26, 2017 
 Nov 16 NEPGA PER Adjustment Complaint EL16-120 FERC denies NEPGA’s request for clarification and/or rehearing of the PER Complaint Order
 Nov 15 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 EMCOS file rebuttal testimony
 Nov 14 203 App: Calpine/ECP EC17-182 Public Citizen protests application
 Nov 13 Attachment K Revisions ER17-2514 FERC accepts revisions to Appendix 3 to Attachment K that update the list of Qualified Transmission Project Sponsors, eff. Nov 20, 2017
 Nov 13 206 Proceeding: RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols EL16-19 9th settlement conf. held;
10th settlement conf. scheduled for Jan 9, 2018
 Nov 13 Schedule 21-EM: Recovery of BHE/MPS Merger-Related Costs ER15-1434 Emera Maine answers Oct 26 Responses
 Nov 9 Order 831 (Modified Energy Market Offer Caps) Revisions ER17-1565 FERC accepts changes, eff. Oct 1, 2019
 Nov 9 Order 831: Price Caps in RTO/ISO Markets RM16-5-001 FERC grants in part and denies in part the requests for rehearing and clarification of Order 831
 Nov 7 FCA12 Qualification
Info Filing
ER18-264 ISO-NE submits required informational filing for FCA12
 Nov 7 FCA12 HQICCs and ICR Values ER18-263 ISO-NE files ICR-Related Values for the 2021/22 Capacity Commitment Period
 Nov 7 DOE NOPR RM18-1 Reply Comments filed by nearly 100 parties, including: ISO-NE; ISO-NE EMM; PJM IMM, AEMA, APPA, AWEA, ELCON, EPSA, First EnergyINGA, Joint Industry Commenters, Murray, NEI, PIOs, RESATAPS, NESCOE, NARUC, NASUCABP, Calpine, CogentrixDirect, EDF, Exelon, PSEG, Tenaska,
 Nov 6 CONE & ORTP Updates ER17-795-003 NEPGA requests rehearing of Oct 6 CONE/ORTP Updates Order
 Nov 6 TOs’ Opinion 531-A Compliance Filing Undo   ER15-414-003 TOs request rehearing of Oct 6 order rejecting their compliance filing to restore their transmission rates under the ISO-NE Tariff to the status quo ante, i.e. the rate in effect prior to Opinion 531 
 Nov 2 NCPC Calculation Changes for Ramp Constrained Down Resources ER16-2569 FERC accepts NCPC Calculation Changes for Ramp Constrained Down Resources, eff. Dec 1 
 Nov 2 Membership not docketed ISO-NE files notice that Lotus Danbury LMS100 Two was suspended from the New England Markets on Oct 31, 2017 at 8:30 a.m.
 Nov 2 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Trial Judge issues order Scheduling Pre-Hearing IT Meeting for Dec 8, 2017

2015 Reports
