IRH Management Committee

The IRH Management Committee (IMC) is the governance committee for the Interconnection Rights Holders (IRH) as provided for under the Agreement with Respect to Use of Québec Interconnection (Use Agreement).  The IMC is responsible for and authorized to engage in the collective management of the IRH’s involvement in the transmission facilities, the agreements, and regulatory matters related to them. 

The Interconnection Rights Holders (IRH) are parties to the Support Agreements and have Use Rights under the Support Agreements to the transmission capacity to the Phase I/II HVDC-TF by virtue of providing the financial support for the facilities.   The Phase I/II HVDC-TF were developed as participant-funded transmission projects in the 1980s.  Separate elements of the Phase I/II HVDC-TF are owned by New England Hydro-Transmission Electric Company, Inc.; New England Hydro-Transmission Corporation; New England Electric Transmission Corporation; and Vermont Electric Transmission Company (the Asset Owners).  

For questions about the IMC, IRH or the Support or Use Agreements, you may contact Counsel to the IMC on behalf of the IRH as follows:

Eric K. Runge
Day Pitney LLP
One Federal Street
Boston, MA 02110
(617) 345-4735 

