Future Grid/Decarbonization Studies
- New York’s Evolution to a Zero Emission Power System
Brattle Group (May 18, 2020) - Achieving 80% GHG Reduction in New England by 2050, Why the region needs to keep its foot on the clean energy accelerator; Technical Appendix
Brattle Group (Sep 2019) - NYISO Grid in Transition Study: Detailed Assumptions and Modeling Description: Detailed Assumptions and Modeling Description
Brattle Group (Mar 30, 2020) - Deep Decarbonization in the Northeastern United States and Expanded Coordination with Hydro-Québec
Williams, J.H., Jones, R., Kwok, G., and B. Haley, (A report of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network in cooperation with Evolved Energy Research and Hydro-Québec) (Apr 8, 2018) - Long-Run Resource Adequacy under Deep Decarbonization Pathways for California
Energy and Environment Economics, Inc. (E3) (Jun 2019) - Optionality, Flexibility & innovation: Pathways for Deep Decarbonization in California
Energy Futures Initiative (EFI) (May 1, 2019) - Reliability and Market Considerations for A Grid In Transition
NYISO (Dec 20, 2019) - Reliability and Market Considerations for A Grid In Transition: Discussion Kickoff
NYISO (Jan 8, 2020)
Recent New England Reports/Papers/Presentations
- The Clean Energy Transition and Future Pathways,
ISO-NE (Mar 10, 2020) - Transmission System Needs for a Decarbonized Electric System,
ISO-NE (Mar 13, 2020) - Renewable Electricity: Potential Economic Effects of Increased Commitments in Massachusetts <News Release> <Request Ltr>,
US ITC Fact-Finding Investigation (332-574) (Feb 12, 2020)
<Notice of Postponement of Public Hearing> - Wholesale Electric Market Design Low/No-Carbon Future: Report on the October 2019 Symposium & Proposed Next Steps
MA AG (Mar 2020) - Accelerating to 80: Driving the Northeast’s Deep Decarbonization Targets
Mintz, the Northeast Clean Energy Council (NECEC), and The Brattle Group (Mar 9, 2020)
Potential Future Market Framework Options
A. Carbon Pricing
- Clean Energy in New York State: The role and Economic Impact of a Carbon Price in NYISO’s Wholesale Electricity Markets
S. Tierney, P. Hibbard Analysis Group (Oct 3, 2019)
<Technical Appendix> (Oct 3,2019) <ppt> (Oct 22, 2019) - Analysis of a New York Carbon Charge
S. Newell, B. Tsuchida, M. Hagerty, R. Lueken, T. Lee — Brattle Group (updated Dec 21, 2018) - Pricing Carbon into NYISO’s Wholesale Energy Market to Support New York’s Decarbonization Goals
S. Newell, R. Lueken, J. Weiss, K. Spees, P. Donohoo-Vallett, T. Lee — Brattle Group (Aug 10, 2017) - Carbon Pricing in New York
N. Bouchez, NYISO (Nov 15, 2019) - IPPTF Carbon Pricing Proposal
ISO-NE (prepared for the Integrating Public Policy Task Force) (Dec 7, 2018)
- Carbon Pricing in RTO Markets: Jurisdictional Considerations,
A. Zevin, Institute for Policy Integrity (Nov 15, 2019) - Carbon Pricing Education, J. Hyatt, D. Canchi, Monitoring Analytics (Aug 26, 2019)
- Advancing Zero Emissions Objectives through PJM’s Energy Markets: A Review of Carbon-Pricing Frameworks,
PJM (Aug 23, 2017) - Carbon Pricing Impacts on the LMP,
PJM (Oct 24, 2019) - PJM Carbon Study Objective & Assumptions,
G. Helm, PJM (Jul 26, 2019) - PJM Study of Carbon Pricing & Potential Leakage Mitigation Mechanisms,
PJM (Jan 14, 2020) - Expanded Results of PJM Study of Carbon Pricing & Potential Leakage Mitigation Mechanisms,
PJM (Feb 25, 2020) - PJM Study of Carbon Pricing & Potential Leakage Mitigation Mechanisms Example Problem Formulations,
PJM (Feb 25, 2020) - Concepts for Carbon Pricing,
D. Burtraw, Resources for the Future (Jul 26, 2019) - Jurisdictional Considerations Related To Carbon Pricing in PJM,
S. Shparber, Institute AWEA/SEIA (2019)
Potential Future Market Framework Options
B. Forward Clean Energy Market
How States, Cities, and Customers Can Harness Competitive Markets to Meet Ambitious Carbon Goals (Through a Forward Market for Clean Energy Attributes) K. Spees, S. Newell, W. Graf, E. Shoin, Brattle Group (for NRG) (Sep 2019)
C. Other Approaches
- Always On Capacity Exchange (AOCE)
Reliable Energy Analytics LLC (Feb 2019) - Too Much of The Wrong Thing: The Need For Capacity Market Replacement or Reform,
R. Gramlich, M. Goggin Grid Strategies (for Sustainable FERC Project) (Nov 2019) - Wholesale Electricity Market Design For Rapid Decarbonization: A Decentralized Markets Approach,
R. Gramlich, M. Hogan (June 2019) - Mandatory Capacity “Markets” and the Need for Reform,
R. Gifford, M. Larson (Mar 2020) - Who’s the Buyer?: Retail Electric Market Structure Reforms in Support of Resource Adequacy and Clean Energy Deployment,
R. Gramlich, F. Lacey (prepared for Wind Solar Alliance) (Mar 2020)
- Markets, Externalities, and the Federal Power Act: The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Authority to Price Carbon Dioxide Emissions,
B. Davis Noll and B. Unel
N.Y.U. Environmental Law Journal (2019) - FERC and Climate Change,
R. Glick and M. Cristiansen (2019) - “The Future of ______” (Comprehensive multidisciplinary MIT analyses to shape and influence policy, technology development, and future research), MIT Energy Initiative
- PJM Interconnection Response to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission & Ohio Consumers’ Counsel Requests to Analyze Certain Impacts of Nuclear Power Plant Retirements
PJM, (Jun 5, 2019) - Future Grid: Public Report on the Future Grid,
Power Systems Engineering Research Center (PSERC)
(2016) - Moving Forward: Approaches for State-Federal Cooperation in a Decarbonizing Electricity Sector
T. Kavula, NRG Energy (Jan 2021)