
Jul 08 FERC Accepts LTTP Phase 2 Tariff Changes May 20 FERC Accepts FCA19 Further 2-Year Delay May 16 ISO-NE Elects 2024 Board of Directors Slate ISO-NE re-elects to three-year Board terms that begin October 2024: Caren Anders and Steve Corneli (each for a second three-year term) and Michael J.... May 13 ISO-NE Announces New Reliability Committee Secretary Apr 05 ISO-NE and NEPOOL Jointly File FCA19 2-Year Delay Proposal ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file revisions to delay FCA19 until Feb 2028 Feb 27 ISO-NE Announces New Technical Committee Chairs Oct 19 FERC Accepts SATOA Revisions Sep 21 FERC Grants Brookfield IEP ESF Complaint FERC grants Brookfield's IEP ESF Complaint, directing ISO-NE to revise the Tariff, effective Aug 2, 2023, to allow pumped storage Electric Storage Fac... Aug 08 NEPOOL Counsel Order 2023 Summary Aug 04 FERC Accepts IEP Parameter Updates Effective Aug 4, 2023 Jul 10 FERC Invites Post-Forum Comments Jun 28 ISO-NE Elects 2023 Slate of Candidates Endorsed by NEPOOL Apr 13 FERC Issues Supplemental Notice of Second New England Gas-Electric Forum Mar 10 FCA17 Closes; 31,370 MW Cleared; $2.59 kW-mo. (all Capacity Zones and NY AC Tie imports; NB tie imports $2.55) Feb 10 ISO-NE Response to New England Senators Re: Dec 24/Winter Storm Elliott Response Feb 06 FERC Issues Notice of Second New England Gas-Electric Forum The FERC issues a notice of a Second New England Winter Gas-Electric Forum to be held the week before the NPC Summer Meeting, on Tuesday, June 20, 202... Dec 01 Participants Committee Elects 2023 Officers May 27 FERC Accepts MOPR Elimination Proposal Without Change or Condition May 19 New England Winter Gas-Electric Forum On Sep 8, 2022, in Burlington VT, the FERC is planning to hold a New England Winter Gas-Electric Forum to bring together New England stakeholders to d... May 18 FERC Issues Deficiency Letter in Response to New England’s Order 2222 Compliance Filing May 17 Written Feedback on Final Pathways Study & Preferences Posted Mar 31 ISO-NE and NEPOOL submit MOPR Elimination Filing ISO-NE and NEPOOL file Tariff changes to eliminate the Minimum Offer Price Rule (MOPR) over a two-year period, with MOPR eliminated in full beginning ... Mar 28 FERC Extends Answer Date for RENEW/ACPA Resource Capacity Accreditation & Operating Reserve Designation Complaint The time for filing an answer to the Complaint is extended to and including April 14, 2022. Mar 09 ISO-NE Announces FCA16 Results 32,810 MW cleared; preliminary clearing prices are: $2.639 kW-mo. in the SENE zone; $2.591 kW-mo. in the Rest-of-Pool zone; and $2.531 kW-mo. in the N... Mar 03 DC Circuit Lifts Stay of FERC Order Accepting Termination of Killingly CSO Court issues per curiam order lifting the Feb 4 temporary stay Feb 15 ISO-NE Submits Exigent Circumstances Filing ISO-NE submits Exigent Circumstances filing to modify section III.13 of the Tariff such that, for FCA17, ISO-NE would be permitted if needed to adjust... Feb 04 DC Circuit Grants Stay of FERC Order Accepting Termination of Killingly CSO; Impacts FCA16 Administration In a 2-1 Decision, the DC Circuit granted NTE CT's request that that FERC order accepting the termination of the Killing CSO be stayed. ISO-NE's comp... Dec 02 NEPOOL Elects 2022 Participants Committee Officers NEPOOL elects its 2022 Participants Committee Officers Sep 24 ISO-NE Elects Slate of Board Candidates Endorsed by NEPOOL In addition, ISO-NE announced that Ms. Cheryl Lafleur has been elected to chair the Board, and identified its 2021-2022 committee assignments Sep 22 NEPOOL Issues Protocols for Return to In-Person Meetings The Protocols outline recommended and preventative measures to reduce the COVID-related risks associated with attendance in person at NEPOOL meetings ... Jun 30 NESCOE Managers Publish Progress Report to the New England Governors Regarding “Advancing the New England Energy Vision” NESCOE Managers Publish Progress Report to the New England Governors Regarding "Advancing the New England Energy Vision". Jun 07 FERC Issues Order on FCA16 ORTP Jump Ball Filing May 28 FERC accepts updated CONE, Net CONE and PPR values Apr 30 NEPOOL Meetings to Continue to be Virtual Until September In light of the continuing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, all NEPOOL and ISO stakeholder meetings will continue to be held virtually (via teleconfe... Apr 22 FERC to Convene May 25 Tech Conf on Resource Adequacy in the New England Markets FERC issues a notice that it will convene on May 25, 2021 a remotely-held, Commissioner-led technical conference regarding resource adequacy in the wh... Apr 07 FCA16 ORTP Jump Ball Filing (ER21-1637) ISO-NE and NEPOOL filed alternative Tariff changes to establish ORTPs for FCA16., jointly requesting the FERC issue an order on or before Tuesday, Jun... Mar 30 ISO-NE Files Deficiency Letter Response, Including Updated FCA16 Values and Tariff Flexibility Revisions (ER21-787) ISO-NE files response to the FERC's Mar 1 deficiency letter in ER21-787 (Updated CONE, Net Cone and PPR Values (eff. FCA16)) Mar 03 IMM Clarifies How Retirement De-List Bids, Permanent De-List Bids and Test Prices May Be Submitted Conditionally for FCA16 In a March 3 memo, the IMM clarified how a Market Participant may submit Retirement De-List Bids, Permanent De-List Bids and test prices for FCA16 by ... Mar 01 FERC Issues Deficiency Letter in Updated CONE, Net Cone and PPR Values Proceeding FERC issues deficiency letter requiring ISO-NE to submit within 30 days additional information before it takes action on the filing. The submission o... Feb 26 ISO-NE files FCA15 Results ISO-NE reported that FCA15 procured 34,621 MW of capacity for the June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025 capacity year (29,243 MW of generation, 3,891 MW of dem... Dec 11 NEPGA files Net CONE Complaint The Complaint seeks an order directing ISO-NE to recalculate, review with NEPOOL stakeholders, and file with the FERC a Net Cost of New Entry (CONE) v... Dec 03 FERC Terminates EL18-182 FERC issues an “Allegheny order” addressing pending requests for rehearing of, and modifying the discussion in, its Jul 2, 2018 Mystic Waiver Orde... Dec 01 NEPOOL issues 2020 Annual Report Nov 19 FERC Issues Order Addressing Arguments Raised on Rehearing of CASPR Order The FERC issued an order addressing arguments raised on rehearing of the FERC's March 9, 2018 CASPR Order, modifying the discussion in the CASPR Order... Nov 16 Comments Submitted on Carbon Pricing in ISO/RTO Markets Oct 30 FERC Rejects ESI Alternatives The FERC rejected as unjust and unreasonable both the ISO-NE and NEPOOL “Energy Security Improvements” or “ESI” proposals. For more >