
NEPGA files Net CONE Complaint

NEPGA files a complaint alleging that ISO-NE violated its Tariff and the filed-rate doctrine by recalculating and reviewing with NEPOOL stakeholders a Net CONE value methodology that is demonstrably inconsistent with the Tariff and prior practice. NEPGA seeks an order directing ISO-NE to recalculate, review with NEPOOL stakeholders, and file with the FERC a Net CONE value consistent with the existing Tariff definition. Should its requested relief be granted, NEPGA asked the FERC to find unjust and unreasonable the Net CONE value for FCAs 16-18 to be filed later this month and, should there not be sufficient time to allow for completion of stakeholder review before the beginning of the FCA16 calendar (Mar 2021), NEPGA asked that ISO-NE be directed to apply the Tariff-defined annual adjustment factors to the FCA15 Net CONE value to be used for the FCA16 Net CONE value.
