FERC Accepts LTTP Phase 2 Tariff Changes
FERC accepts, eff. July 9, 2024, the proposed revisions to Section 16 of Attachment K of the OATT that establish, as part of an optional, longer-term transmission planning process, the mechanisms that enable the New England states to develop policy-based transmission facilities in connection with Longer-Term Transmission Studies (“LTTS”), and the associated cost allocation methods for these upgrades (the “LTTP Phase 2 Changes”). With respect to changes to three definitions in Section I.2.2, previously accepted though not yet intended to be effective, and inadvertently included with these Tariff changes, as described in ISO-NE’s June 20, 2024 supplement, the FERC directed ISO-NE to submit a compliance filing on or before Aug 7 backing out those yet-to-be-effective changes.