Updates Between Feb 02, 2022 and Mar 02, 2022
DC Circuit issues per curiam order lifting the Feb 4 temporary stay of the Killingly CSO Termination Order
FERC accepts Tariff revisions to incorporate a supplementary transmission planning mechanism for ISO-NE to perform state-requested, scenario-based transmission analysis as a permanent feature of the Attachment K Regional System Planning Process, eff. Feb 25, 2022
FERC accepts Tariff revisions intended to improve New England’s competitive transmission planning process, eff. February 28, 2022
VETCO submits eTariff filing of its Amended and Restated Phase I Vermont Transmission Line Support Agreement to conform with tariff revisions accepted Jan 26, 2022 in ER20-1839-002
Versant files renamed Schedule 21-VP (formerly Schedule 21-EM) to reflect the change in corporate name to Versant Power (from Emera Maine)
VTransco submits 60-day compliance filing to reflect January 27, 2020 effective date
FERC accepts (i) the memberships of EnPowered USA Inc. (Supplier Sector); and Sheldon Energy LLC [Related Person to Invenergy Energy Management (Supplier Sector)]; and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of ENGIE Power & Gas [Related Person to ENGIE Energy Marketing NA (AR Sector, RG Sub-Sector)].
FERC issues CSC CIP-IROL Costs Allegheny Order, modifying the discussion in, but sustaining the results of, the Aug 31, 2021 CSC CIP-IROL Costs Order
NSTAR submits 60-day compliance filing to reflect January 27, 2020 effective date
Eversource submits 60-day compliance filing to reflect January 27, 2020 effective date
NSTAR submits 60-day compliance filing to reflect January 27, 2020 effective date
NECOS submit initial comments
FG&E submits 60-day compliance filing to reflect January 27, 2020 effective date
NEPOOL intervenes and files comments supporting 2021 Q4 Report
FERC issues Killingly CSO Termination Allegheny Order, modifying the discussion in, but sustaining the results of, the Jan 3, 2022 Killingly CSO Termination Order
NEPGA supports ISO-NE’s Waiver Request
Post Tech Conf comments submitted by: ISO-NE, Americans for a Clean Energy Grid, AGA/APGA, CAISO, EEI, Energy Systems Integration Group, EPSA, Grain Belt Express, Grid Lab, MISO, Natural Gas Council, Natural Gas Supply Association, Public Power Associations,
Initial comments submitted by 50 parties, including: AGA, APPA, EEI, EPRI, Harvard Electricity Law Institute, INGA, MA AG, National Grid, NEI, Nexamp, NRECA, PJM, Public Citizen, Public Interest Organizations, Ratepayers, Sunova, UCS
Initial comments filed by over 30 parties, including: ISO-NE, PJM, MISO, NYISO, CAISO, Clean Energy Coalition, DE Shaw, Dominion, EDF Renewables, EEI, ELCON, EPSA, NEI, NRECA, State Agencies, UCS/Leeward Renewable Energy, Vistra
VTransco submits 60-day compliance filing to reflect January 27, 2020 effective date
GMP submits compliance filing to revise effective date of Order 864 changes from Jan 1 to Jan 27, 2020
MA and NH Asset Owners submit second amended Order 864 compliance filings to their respective Support Agreements related to their Phase I/II HVDC-TF Support Agreements
New England TOs submit 60-day compliance filing in response to the requirements of the Dec 22 TOs First Order 864 Compliance Filings Order
ISO-NE answers AEMA request for extension of time agreeing that an extension of the comment date in this proceeding is reasonable.
ISO-NE files with DC Circuit Court of Appeals emergency motion for dissolution of its stay of the FERC’s order accepting the termination of NTE CT’s Killingly Energy Center CSOs. ISO-NE informed the DC Circuit that NTE CT’s CSOs were terminated because NTE failed to cure a financial assurance default (by failing to extend its letter of credit or provide another form of financial assurance to cure the default). Accordingly, ISO-NE asserts, the basis for the Stay Order has become moot, precluding the relief that NTE sought in this Court. ISO-NE explained the importance of the dissolution request to removing the uncertainty around the results of FCA16.
FERC accepts amendments to reflect the construction of the new Iron Mine Hill Road Substation and related transmission modifications, and the assessment to Narragansett of a Direct Assignment Facilities Charge associated with the facilities, eff. Jan 1, 2022
FERC grants NEP request for clarification (dismissing NEP’s alternative request for rehearing as moot)
FERC issues an Allegheny Order, modifying the discussion in, but sustaining the results of, its Mystic ROE Allegheny Order
FERC grants AEMA request and extends the date for filing interventions, comments and protests in this proceeding to and including April 1, 2022
ISO-NE requests temporary waiver of the Tariff provisions requiring publication of information on FCA16 no later than Feb 22 in light of the ongoing uncertainty related to the results of FCA16
ISO-NE submits Exigent Circumstances filing to add language in Tariff Section III.13 to specify that “provisions of the Tariff and/or other ISO New England Operating Documents which establish or prescribe any dates, date ranges, and/or deadlines (collectively, FCA Schedule Dates) shall not apply for [FCA17]”. Under the proposed Tariff revisions, ISO-NE will be required to provide reasonable advance notice of each FCA Schedule Date and publish the FCA Schedule Dates for FCA 17, and any revisions thereto, as soon as practicable.
ISO-NE files required quarterly report for Q4 2021
NMISA files complaint against PTO AC (who for these purposes hold exclusive Section 205 rights) for failure to consider and implement a reciprocal discount to the Through and Out (TOUT) charges applied to transactions between the New England and Northern Maine regions, one which would be identical in substance to the reciprocity between New England and New York.
FERC authorizes Generation Bridge II acquisition of PSEG New Haven and PSEG Power CT
ISO-NE files notice of Feb 9 suspension of NTE Connecticut, LLC from the New England Markets
FERC provides notice that is considering release of materials designated as confidential in ISO-NE and NTE pleadings in this proceeding; response by NTE and ISO-NE due on or before February 16, 2022
Green Development answers New England Power’s Feb 3 answer
FERC issues a “Notice of Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law and Providing for Further Consideration” of NTE CT’s request for rehearing of the Killingly CSO Termination Order
Advanced Energy Management Alliance (AEMA) requests extension of time, to April 1, 2022, to submit comments and protests on New England’s Order 2222 compliance filing
NEPOOL and ISO-NE request the involuntary termination of the Participant status of Sunwave USA Holdings Inc.
ISO-NE answers in opposition to ConnectGen South Wrentham’s limited waiver request
NSTAR files notice of cancellation of Servistar LLC Interconnection Study Agreement (project withdrawn)
RI Div. of Public Utilities and Carriers (RI Division) files comments supporting the LSA changes
ISO-NE moves for expedited action on NTE CT’s Jan 11 Request for Rehearing of the FERC’s Jan 3 Order
Comments on Voltus’ request filed by: AEE, AEMA, APPA/NRECA, EEI, ISO-RTO Council, MISO, SPP, Sunrun, Ameren, Camus Energy, Energy Web Foundation, Entegrity Energy Partners, Environmental Law and Policy Center, Google, Leapfrog Power, Nuvve Holding, Tesla, U Delaware EV Research and Development Group, Utilidata
In a 2-1 Per Curium order, the DC Circuit ordered that NTE CT’s petition for writ of mandamus that (or request for stay of) the FERC’s Jan 3, 2022 order accepting the termination of the Killing CSO be stayed until 30 days after the FERC resolves NTE CT’s pending petition for rehearing
Initial post-tech conf comments filed by: ISO-NE, Appian Way Energy Partners, Constellation, Dominion, Envir. Defense Fund, FirstLight, LS Power, CAISO, MISO, NYISO, PJM, SPP MMU, ACPA, Clean Energy Organizations, EEI, Energy Trading Institute, EPSA, Middle River Power, National Hydropower Assoc., NYSERDA, PJM Providers Group, Public Citizen
New England Power answers Green Development’s Jan 19 protest and comments
ISO-NE answers Public Systems’ comments and LS Power request for clarification or protest
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes in response to Order 2222