Litigation Updates & Reports

Updates Between Nov 01, 2018 and Dec 05, 2018


Docket Brief Description
 Dec 3 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364
FERC accepts proposal, directs annual informational filings; eff. Oct 30, 2018
 Dec 3 Order 841 Compliance Filing  ER18-470 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly files changes; comment date Dec 24
 Dec 3  New England Rate Payers Assoc. Complaint EL19-10 Protests and comments filed by the State of NH, NH Generator Group, New England Small Hydropower CoalitionEPSA, NH OCAIndiv Commenters 
 Nov 30 Interconnection Process Enhancement: Retiring Resources Treatment ER19-449 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes
 Nov 30 Annual Reconfig. Auctions 2019-2022 ICR/HQICC Values ER19-447 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file ICR-Related Values and HQICCs for the 2019/20 ARA3, 2020/21 ARA2; and 2021/22 ARA1
 Nov 30 CASPR Conforming Changes ER19-444 ISO-NE and NEPOOL file
 Nov 30 132nd Agreement (Press Membership Provisions)   ER18-2208 NEPOOL response to Oct 31 Deficiency Letter
 Nov 30 Membership ER19-446  Memberships: Alpha Gas & Electric; Eagle’s View Partners; Thordin ApS; Termination: Food City & East Ave. Energy; Name Change: Enel X North America (f/k/a EnerNOC)
 Nov 30 Sched. 21-EM: Corrections to § 10.2 ER19-64 FERC issues deficiency letter; response due Dec 31
 Nov 30 Sched. 21-NSTAR: Revised Depreciation Rates ER19-123 FERC accepts changes; eff. Jul 1, 2018
 Nov 30 Sched. 21-ES: Revised Depreciation Rates ER19-122 FERC accepts changes; eff. May 1, 2018 
 Nov 29 RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Settlement Agreement ER18-2235
FERC Trial Staff answers Municipal PTF Owners’ motion to expunge merit commentary from Settlement Judge Report
 Nov 29 Order 844 Compliance Filing ER18-2394 FERC accepts compliance filing, eff. Jan 1, 2019
 Nov 29 Regional Interest ER19-431 NSTAR files revised MATEP Distribution Agreement
 Nov 28 New Capacity Resource Delayed Commercial Operation Changes ER19-169  NEPOOL and ISO-NE answer NEMACOS and PSEG protests
 Nov 28 Use Rights Transfer Agreement: MMWEC/NSTAR/HQ US ER19-409 NSTAR files agreement between itself and HQUS for the Transfer of MMWEC’s Use Rights on the Phase I/II HVDC Transmission Facilities
 Nov 27 ICR-Related Values and HQICCs – 2022-23 CCP ER19-291 Conditional protests submitted by FirstLight, NEPGANESCOE 
 Nov 27 New England Rate Payers Assoc. Complaint EL19-10 NH AG moves for 2-week extension of time to answer Petition
 Nov 27 Regional Report not docketed ISO-NE files 2018 Q3 FERC Form Q3
 Nov 19 Clear River Unit 1 CSO Termination and Waiver Request   ER18-2457
FERC accepts termination of Clear River Unit 1 CSO, eff. Nov 19, 2018, and denies Clear River’s request for waiver of Tariff provisions that allow ISO-NE to terminate its FCA12 CSO, draw down its FCM financial assurance, and prohibit Clear River from participating in FCA13
 Nov 16 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 Post-Hearing Reply Briefs submitted by: ISO-NE, Constellation, CT Parties, EDF, ENECOS, Eversource, NESCOE, NextEra, NRG, Repsol, FERC Trial Staff, New England LDCs,
 Nov 16 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 ENECOS oppose Constellation motion to strike portions of Oct 5 redirect testimony of ENECOS witness B. Steffen
 Nov 16 ICR-Related Values and HQICCs – 2022-23 CCP ER19-291 NEPOOL files supplemental comments with further info on NEPOOL’s consideration of the ICR Values and related
HQICC Values
 Nov 16 Enhanced Storage
Participation Changes
ER19-84 ISO-NE files errata to its Nov 15 answer
 Nov 15 Enhanced Storage Participation Changes ER19-84 NEPOOL and ISO-NE answers ESA comments
 Nov 15 ICR Revisions ER19-343 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to the assumptions used in ISO-NE Tariff Section III’s ICR calculations
 Nov 15 RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Settlement Agreement ER18-2235
Chief Judge Cintron issues order terminating settlement judge procedures
 Nov 14 Base ROE Complaints I-IV EL11-66
FERC issues notice extending the latest date to submit initial and reply briefs to Jan 11, 2019 and Mar 8, 2019, respectively
 Nov 14 FCM Parameter Consolidation ER19-335 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to Market Rule 1 to postpone the triennial review of CONE, Net CONE, and ORTP values and the recalculation of the Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold value to FCA16  
 Nov 14 RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Settlement Agreement ER18-2235
Municipal PTF Owners move to have expunged from the Settlement Judge’s Report commentary of the merits of the contested offer of settlement
 Nov 14 Membership ER19-2 FERC accepts, effective Oct 1, (i) the memberships of Algonquin Gas Transmission; BSW ProjectCo; Cypress Creek Renewables; EIP Investment; Hartree Partners; Pawcatuck Solar Center; StateWise Energy Mass.; Syncarpha Billerica, Bondsville, Hancock, and North Adams; Sunrun; and Three Corners Solar; and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Abest Power & Gas; Canton Mountain Wind; and Covanta Haverhill Associates
 Nov 14 Effective Date Change: § III.14 ER18-2506 FERC accepts effective date change, eff. Apr 1, 2019 
 Nov 13 New Capacity Resource Delayed Commercial Operation Changes ER19-169 NEMACOS protest changes; PSEG supports changes
 Nov 13 FCA13 De-List Bids Filing ER18-2047 FERC accepts filing 
 Nov 9 Economic Life Determination Revisions ER18-1770 FERC accepts revisions, eff. Aug 10, 2018, as requested
 Nov 9 ISO-NE eTariff Corrections ER18-2489 FERC accepts corrections, eff. Jun 1 and Oct 1, 2018, as requested
 Nov 9 Sched. 21-EM: BHD Tax Law & Settlement Changes ER18-1213 FERC accepts
 Nov 9 CMP-3 Corners Solar E&P Agreement ER19-2454 FERC accepts Engineering and Procurement Agreement between CMP and Three Corners Solar, eff. Nov 19, 2018
 Nov 9 CSO Termination: Clear River Unit 1 ER18-2457
Clear River answers pleadings submitted in CSO Termination and Waiver dockets
 Nov 9 TSAs: New England Clean Energy Connect ER19-324
CMP files amendments to 3 TSAs that extend by 6 months the date by which a party may terminate the TSA if regulatory approval is not received (from Jan to Jun 25, 2020)
 Nov 8 Sched.21-ES: Berkshire Wind LSA ER19-309 ISO-NE and NSTAR file LSA to govern provision of firm and non-firm local point-to-point service to Berkshire Wind Power Coop. Corp. under Schedule 21-ES of the ISO OATT
 Nov 7 Sched. 22: Kibby Wind LGIA ER18-2432 FERC accepts LGIA, eff. Aug 16, 2018
 Nov 6 ICR-Related Values and HQICCs – 2022-23 Capacity Commitment Period (CCP) ER19-291 ISO-NE and NEPOOL file ICR-Related Values for the 2022-23 (FCA13) CCP
 Nov 6 FCA13 Qualification Informational Filing ER19-295 ISO-NE submits required FCA13 info filing
 Nov 6 Membership not docketed ISO-NE files notices that Clear Choice Energy and Union Atlantic Electricity were suspended from Markets (Clear Choice on Oct 19 and UAE on Nov 2, each at 8:30 am)
 Nov 5 RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Settlement EL16-19
Settlement Judge Dring reports contested settlement to the FERC
 Nov 5 203 App: Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell / FuelCell Energy Finance EC19-22 Dominion requests authorization for sale of Bridgeport Fuel Cell to FuelCell Energy Finance
 Nov 2 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 Post Hearing Briefs submitted by: ISO-NE, Constellation Mystic, CT Parties, EDF, EversourceIECG, MA AG, National Grid, ENECOS, NESCOE, New England LDCs, NextEra/FirstLight, NRG, Repsol, FERC Trial Staff, Gaz Metro LNG
 Nov 2 New England Rate Payers Assoc. Complaint EL19-10 NERA requests declaratory order that NH SB 365, which mandates a purchase price for 7 NH generators, is FPA preempted and violates PURPA; comment date Dec 3
 Nov 2 203 App: NEP (Vuelta & Old Wardour Interconnection Assets) EC18-85 National Grid notifies FERC that it acquired from Vuelta Solar, LLC certain interconnection assets associated with the 9.88 MW East Brookfield, MA Vuelta & Old Wardour solar facilities on Nov 1 
 Nov 1 Blackstart Rate Update ER19-251 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to Blackstart rate, Schedule 16, and centralized definitions section (I.2.2) of the Tariff

2015 Reports
