Litigation Updates & Reports

Updates Between Jun 25, 2018 and Aug 06, 2018


Docket Brief Description
 Aug 6 Sched. 21-NEP: GMP G-33 Circuit Support Agreement ER18-2174 NEP files Support Agreement with Green Mountain Power
 Aug 3 206 Proceeding: RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols EL16-19 Settlement Judge Dring issues status report recommending settlement procedures be continued
 Aug 2 203 App: Wheelabrator Companies EC18-130 Wheelabrator requests authorization for public offering of up to 49% of Wheelabrator Technologies
 Aug 1 ISO-NE Mystic 8&9 Waiver Filing ER18-1509
ENECOS, MA AG, MPUCNew England EDCsNGSA/AWEA, Pub. Interst Orgs.,  request reh’g and/or clarif. of Mystic Waiver Order
 Aug 1 FCM Cost Allocation Improvements  ER18-2125 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to the Tariff to improve the methodology for allocating costs associated with the FCM; comment date Aug 22
 Aug 1 Emera Maine-ReEnergy Fort Fairfield Transmission Service Agreement ER18-2124 Emera Maine files non-conforming service agreement for non-firm point-to-point transmission service under the MPD OATT at
discounted rates from Oct 1, 2018 – Dec 31, 2020
 Aug 1 Emera Maine-ReEnergy Ashland Transmission Service Agreement  ER18-2123 Emera Maine files non-conforming service agreement for non-firm point-to-point transmission service under the MPD OATT at
discounted rates from Oct 1, 2018 – Dec 31, 2020
 Aug 1 203 App: NEP (Vuelta & Old Wardour Interconnection Assets) EC18-85 FERC authorizes NEP acquisition of transmission assets from Vuelta Solar as contemplated by the SGIA between NEP and Vuelta and Old Wardour
 Jul 31 Fed Ct Appeal: Demand Curve Changes (Renewables Exemption) DC Cir.
DC Circuit denies NextEra, NRG and PSEG appeal of FERC’s Demand Curve Orders (Renewables Exemption)
 Jul 31 Membership ER18-2116 New Members: AM Trading Solutions; Clear River Energy; EDP Renewables North America;Village of Hyde Park (VT) Elec. Dept; Empire Generating Co
Terminations: Entrust Energy East; Torofino Trading
 Jul 31 2018/19 Power Year Transmission Rate Filing ER09-1532
PTO AC submits informational filing identifying adjustments to regional transmission service charges for the Jun 1, 2018 to May 31, 2019 period
 Jul 31 Regional Interest ER18-1866 FERC accepts cancellation of Local Generation Delivery Service Agrmt. between NEP & Tiverton Power Assoc
 Jul 31 MPD OATT Changes ER18-1244 MCG answers Emera Maine Jul 17 answer
 Jul 27 ISO-NE Mystic 8&9 Waiver Filing ER18-1509
Clarification and/or rehearing requested by NEPGACT PURA   
 Jul 27 FCA Rationing Limit Changes ER18-2078 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to provide for generating resources to elect a rationing limit in the Forward Capacity Auction
 Jul 26 Sched. 21-FG&E Annual Info. Filing ER09-1498 FG&E submits annual update to its Revenue Requirement recovered through the ISO Tariff and Schedule 21-FG&E for the Jun 1, 2018 – May 31, 2019 period
 Jul 25 FERC Enforcement Action: Entergy Settlement IN18-5 FERC approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement with Entergy Nuclear Power Marketing, requiring Entergy to pay a $115,000 civil penalty and to disgorge $47,084 to resolve the FERC’s investigation into violations of the ISO-NE Tariff
 Jul 24 Mystic 8/9
COS Agreement
ER18-1639 ENECOs move for adoption of proposed procedure for expedited resolution of discovery disputes
 Jul 23 Emera MPD OATT Attachment J Revision   EL18-210 Complainant answers in separate motions the answers/motions of RI PUC, Naragansett/NGrid and Deepwater Wind Block Island 
 Jul 23 Deepwater Wind PURPA Complaint EL18-171 Complainant answers in separate motions the answers/motions of RI PUC, Naragansett/NGrid and Deepwater Wind Block Island 
 Jul 20 FCA13 De-List Bids Filing ER18-2047 ISO-NE submits filing describing Permanent and Retirement De-List Bids that were submitted on or prior to the Existing Capacity Retirement Deadline for FCA13; comment date Aug 10
 Jul 17 Economic Life Determination Revisions ER18-1770 NEPOOL and ISO-NE answer Jul 2 NEPGA protest
 Jul 17 Schedule 21-EM: BHD Tax Law & Settlement Changes ER18-1213
Emera Maine answers Jun 21 MCG and Jul 2 MPUC answers
 Jul 16 LFTR Implementation Quarterly Status Reports ER07-476 ISO-NE files its 39th quarterly report
 Jul 13 Mystic 8/9
COS Agreement
ER18-1639 FERC issues order accepting agreement but suspending its effectiveness and setting it for accelerated hearings and settlement discussions; joint procedural schedule due Jul 20, hearings completed and record certified to FERC by Oct 12, and post-hearing briefing completed before Thanksgiving
 Jul 13 Regional Report ZZ18-4 IMM submits Spring 2018 Quarterly Markets Report
 Jul 13 Membership  ER18-1714 FERC accepts Group628 membership; terminations of: MMWAC, Palmco CT, Cumulus, South Jersey Energy ISO1, and VCharge
 Jul 11 Mystic 8/9
COS Agreement
ER18-1639 ENECOS answers Mystic Jun 19 answer
 Jul 6 Mystic 8/9
COS Agreement
ER18-1639 Repsol answers Mystic Jun 19 answer
 Jul 6 Regional Interest EC18-120 National Grid seeks authorization to consummate a transaction in which National Grid Green Homes Inc. will acquire from Sunrun Inc. rights to participate in Sunrun’s “grid services” activities, including wholesale energy and capacity sales, for the rooftop solar facilities owned by Sunrun
 Jul 3 Economic Life Determination Revisions ER18-1770 NEPGA protests revisions
 Jul 3 NEPGA Mystic 8/9 Pricing Complaint EL18-154 NEPGA withdraws complaint (and Jun 19 answer) given the FERC’s Jul 2 denial of ISO-NE’s Mystic 8/9 Waiver Filing
 Jul 3 Mystic 8/9
COS Agreement
ER18-1639 MA AG answers Mystic’s Jun 19 answer
 Jul 2 ISO-NE Waiver Filing: Mystic 8 & 9 ER18-1509 FERC (i) denies ISO-NE’s request for waiver; and (ii) institutes an FPA Section 206 proceeding (EL18-182).  ISO-NE required, on or before Aug 31, 2018 to either: (a) submit interim Tariff revisions that provide for the filing of a short-term, cost-of-service agreement to address demonstrated fuel security concerns (and to submit by Jul 1, 2019 permanent Tariff revisions reflecting improvements to its market design to better address regional fuel security concerns); or (b) show cause as to why the Tariff remains just and reasonable in the short- and long-term such that one or both of Tariff revisions filings is not necessary. FERC extends to Jan 4, 2019 the deadline for Exelon’s Mystic 8/9 retirement decision
 Jul 2 Fuel Security Proceeding EL18-182 FERC issues notice of 206 proceeding; refund effective date Jul 2, 2018; interventions due Jul 23
 Jul 2 MPD OATT Changes ER18-1244 MPUC files comments on Emera Jun 13 response to May 14 deficiency letter
 Jun 29 Mystic 8/9
COS Agreement
ER18-1639 CT Parties answer Mystic Jun 19 answer
 Jun 29 Regional Interest EL16-49
FERC determines that the PJM Tariff is currently unjust and unreasonable, rejects PJM’s Section 205 Filing (ER18-1314), grants in part Calpine’s Complaint (EL16-49) with Mar 21, 2016 refund effective date, and establishes a paper hearing (EL18-178) to resolve the “price-suppressive” effects of out-of-market support for certain resources; comment date Aug 28, 2018
 Jun 29 Membership ER18-1910 New Members: Grid Power Direct; Sperian Energy; Name Change: Central Rivers Power MA  
 Jun 29 Sched. 21-NEP ER18-1901 Mass. Elec. Co. submits Cost Reimbursement Agreement between MECo and Gas Recovery Systems to facilitate the performance of certain work that MECo will perform with regard to existing direct transfer trip equipment
 Jun 29 Sched. 21-NSTAR Annual Info. Filing ER09-1243 NSTAR submits CWIP supplement to May 31 annual informational filing
 Jun 29 Sched. 21-CMP Annual Info. Filing ER09-938 CMP files updated formula rates reflecting actual 2017 cost data and estimated 2018 cost data
 Jun 28 Sched. 21-NHT: 2017 Tax Law Waiver Request ER18-1723 FERC grants waiver permitting NHT to incorporate the 21% federal tax rate in Sched. 21-NHT
 Jun 28 Identified PTOs 2017 Tax Law Waiver Request ER18-1722 FERC grants waiver permitting Identified PTOs to incorporate the 21% federal tax rate in 2018 RNS Rate; addressing NEPOOL’s comments, the FERC stated “we encourage all market participants, including Identified PTOs, to follow the standard practices of the NEPOOL stakeholder process.”
 Jun 28 Sched. 21-CMP: 2017 Tax Law Waiver Request ER18-1719 FERC grants waiver permitting CMP to incorporate the 21% federal tax rate in Sched. 21-CMP
 Jun 28 Sched. 21-UI: 2017 Tax Law Waiver Request ER18-1718 FERC grants waiver permitting UI to incorporate the 21% federal tax rate in Sched. 21-UI
 Jun 27 Economic Life Determination Revisions ER18-1770 NEPOOL files supplemental comments to provide additional info. regarding stakeholder consideration not included in Jun 11 filing
 Jun 27 Mystic Proceedings  AD18-7
Eversource answers FirstEnergy emergency motion
 Jun 27 Regional Interest ER18-1866 National Grid files Notice of Cancellation of Interconnection Service Agrmt. between NEP & Wheelabrator Millbury recently superseded by a NEP/Millbury LGIA (IA-NEP-50 under Sched. 21-
 Jun 27 Regional Interest ER18-1861 National Grid files Notice of Cancellation of Firm Local Generation Delivery Service Agrmt. between NEP & Tiverton Power Assoc. recently superseded by a NEP/Tiverton LGIA (ISONE/NEP-16-01 under ISO-NE’s and NEP’s EQRs)
 Jun 26 ISO-NE Mystic 8 & 9 Waiver Filing ER18-1509 ISO-NE answers Cavus Energy
 Jun 26 DER Participation in RTO/ISOs RM18-9
Post-technical conf. comments filed by ISO-NE, Calpine, Direct, Eversource, Advanced Energy Management Alliance, APPA, EPSA, Microgrid Resources Coalition,  NRECA, Tesla,

2015 Reports
