Updates Between May 03, 2018 and May 31, 2018
Date |
Proceeding Type |
Docket | Brief Description |
May 30 | Capital Projects Report – 2018 Q1 | ER18-1571 | NEPOOL submits comments supporting 2018 Q1 Report |
May 29 | NEPGA Complaint: FCA13/14 Price Suppression |
ER18-154 | NEPGA answers and opposes NESCOE request for extension of response date |
May 29 | Mystic 8/9 Waiver Filing | ER18-1509 | EMM submits comments supporting waiver and discussing key issues to be addressed in designing a market solution to satisfy New England’s fuel security needs |
May 25 | NEPGA Complaint: FCA13/14 Price Suppression |
ER18-154 | NESCOE requests 14-day extension of time, from June 6, 2018 to June 20, 2018, of deadline for responses to Complaint; CT PURA supports NESCOE request |
May 25 | Waiver Request: FCA13 Qual. Deposit Deadline (BSW Project Co) | ER18-1691 | BSW requests one-day waiver of qualification deposit deadline |
May 25 | IA: CL&P/Fusion Solar | ER18-1192 | FERC accepts IA, eff. May 26, 2018 (denying CL&P’s request for waiver of 60-day notice req.); time-value refund report due Jun 26 |
May 24 | D&E Agreem’t Cancellation: CL&P/Beacon Falls | ER18-1306 | FERC accepts cancellation of agreement, eff. Mar 9, 2018 |
May 23 | NEPGA Complaint: FCA13/14 Price Suppression | EL18-154 | NEPGA files complaint that would require ISO‐NE to adopt an approach that accounts for the capacity of fuel security resources in a way that prevents price suppression, proposing the Mystic Units’ capacity be offered at its Retirement De‐List price, as mitigated, and proposing a market‐based solution modeled on CASPR to achieve that outcome; comment date Jun 6 |
May 23 | Mystic 8/9 Waiver Filing | ER18-1509 | Comments and protests submitted by: Exelon, Calpine, Dynegy/Vistra, EDF, ENECOS, Eversource, FirstLight, IECG, LS Power, MA AG, MPUC, NH OCA, NEPGA, NRG, Repsol, Verso, Vitol, NESCOE, CT DPU/DEEP, ME Gov’s Energy Office, MA DPU, NH PUC, Algonquin Gas Transmission, Clean Energy Assocs, EPSA, New England LDCs, NGSA, Public Interest Orgs |
May 23 | Exelon Reliability Agreement Filing |
ER18-1639 | Engie files comments supporting filing |
May 23 | Grid Resilience in RTO/ISOs |
AD18-7 | NEPOOL submits limited response opposing Commenters’ suggestions to the extent that they would not permit full use of the Participant Processes |
May 23 | Order 845: LGIA/LGIP Reforms | RM17-8 | NEPOOL files comments supporting ISO/RTO Council’s request for 70-day extension of time to Oct 16 to file Order 845 compliance changes |
May 23 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64-002 | Briefs opposing exceptions filed by CAPs, EMCOS, TOs; TOs oppose CAPs’ motion for limited re-opening of record |
May 22 | Generator Interconnection Process Affected System Coordination Reforms | AD18-8 EL18-26 |
ISO-NE submits limited comments requesting continued flexibility for coordination with neighboring systems |
May 18 | Mystic 8/9 Waiver Filing | ER18-1509 | Northeast Gas Association files comments |
May 17 | Mystic 8/9 Waiver Filing | ER18-1509 | NEPOOL files comments |
May 17 | 2017 IMM Annual Markets Report | ZZ18-4 | IMM files 2017 Annual Markets Report (to be discussed at 2018 NPC Summer Meeting) |
May 16 | Exelon Reliability Agreement Filing |
ER18-1639 | Exelon files Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement |
May 14 | VTransco Recovery of Highgate Ownership Share Acquisition Costs | ER18-1259 | MA AG answers VTransco’s May 7 answer |
May 14 | Sched. 21-EM: BHD Tax Law & Settlement Changes; MPD OATT Changes |
ER18-1213 ER18-1244 |
FERC issues deficiency letter requiring responses from Emera Maine within 30 days on proposed BHD and MPD Tax Law changes |
May 14 | Nat’l Grid/Granite Reliable Power Reimbursement Agreement Cancellation | ER18-1350 | FERC accepts notice of cancellation |
May 11 | PFP Enhancements | ER18-1223 | FERC accepts changes |
May 11 | Membership | not docketed | ISO-NE files notices of Market suspension of Chris Anthony, Cumulus Master Fund, EFI, MPower Energy, VCharge Inc. |
May 11 | NSTAR/Milford Power Related Facilities Agreement |
ER18-1574 | NSTAR files Agreement, comment date Jun 1 |
May 10 | Capital Projects Report – 2018 Q1 | ER18-1571 | ISO-NE files Q1 Report, comment date May 31 |
May 9 | Grid Resilience | AD18-7 | Comments filed by over 130 parties, including: Avangrid, BP, Brookfield, Calpine, Direct, Dominion, EDF, Eversource, Exelon, FirstLight, HQUS, IECG, OFSA Joint Requester Group, MA/RI/VT AGs, MMWEC, NGrid Ventures, NEPGA, NESCOE, New England Local Ditribution Cos., NRG, PSEG, Talen, TransCanada, UCS, Algonquin Gas, AGA, API, APPA, AWEA, EEI, ELCON, EPSA, ESA, INGA, LPPC, NEI, NERC, NGSA, NRECA, Potomac Economics, Public Interest Organizations, RESA, SEIA |
May 9 | D&E Agreement: NSTAR/National Grid |
ER18-1290 | FERC accepts agreement, eff. Apr 3, 2018 |
May 8 | Grid Resilience | AD18-7 | NEPOOL files comments |
May 8 | FCM Enhancements – Phase II |
ER18-1287 | FERC accepts changes, eff. Jun 1, 2018 for most; Jun 1, 2020 final sentence of Section III. and revised Section III. |
May 8 | Sched. 21-EM: Recovery of Bangor Hydro/Maine Public Service Merger-Related Costs | ER15-1429 et al. |
Emera Maine files Joint Offer of Settlement to resolve all issues pending before the FERC in the consolidated proceedings set for hearing in Emera Maine and BHE Holdings, 155 FERC ¶ 61,230 (2016) |
May 7 | VTransco Recovery of Highgate Ownership Share Acquisition Costs | ER18-1259 | VTransco answers MA AG Apr 20 protest |
May 7 | Engie/Exelon Waiver Request: Capacity Release Regulations and Nat. Gas Pipeline Trasnp. Policies | RP18-806 | As part of the Everett LNG Terminal sale, Engie and Exelon jointly request waiver of FERC’s capacity release regulations and related natural gas pipeline transportation policies to facilitate the assignment and permanent release of several long-term firm natural gas transportation agreements at existing rates |
May 7 | CASPR | EL18-619 | FERC issues tolling order affording it additional time to consider pending rehearing requests |
May 7 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64 | FERC grants extension to May 23 for briefs opposing exceptions and answers to CAPs’ motion |
May 4 | Order 842 Compliance Filing | ER18-1523 | ISO-NE, NEPOOL and PTO AC jointly file Order 842 (Frequency Response) compliance filing |
May 4 | MPD OATT Changes | ER18-1244 | Emera Maine answers MPUC, MOPA, MCG pleadings |
May 4 | Schedule 21-EM: BHD Tax Law & Settlement Changes | ER18-1213 | Emera Maine answers MPUC, MOPA pleadings |
May 4 | Sched. 21-EM 2017 Annual Update Settlement Agreement | ER18-960 ER15-1434 |
FERC approves Settlement Agreement and Settlement Agreement changes |
May 3 | IMM Quarterly Markets Reports | ZZ18-4 | IMM files Winter 2018 Report |
May 2 | Schedule 21-EM: Brookfield LSA | ER18-901 | FERC accepts Agreement |
May 1/2 | Mystic 8/9 Waiver Filing | ER18-1509 | ISO-NE requests Tariff waivers necessary (1) to authorize the retention of Mystic 8 & 9 for fuel security, rather than for local transmission needs; and (2) to extend certain deadlines to accommodate Exelon’s requirements; comment date May 23 |
2025 Reports
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