Updates Between Mar 31, 2021 and May 04, 2021
NEPOOL requests that the FERC accept (i) the membership of Protor Energy and Voltus Inc.; and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Great Bay Power Marketing
Comments and Protests filed by: NEPOOL, ISO-NE IMM; Acadia, Calpine/Vistra, ENECOS, Enel X/ENGIE/Borrego/AEE/SEIA/ACPA, FirstLight, MMWEC/NHEC, MA AG/NH OCA/CT OCC, NEPGA, North East Offshore, RENEW, CT AG, CT DEEP, EPSA, National Hydropower Assoc.,
MA DPU supports ISO-NE request for extension of time to comply with Order 2222
FERC issues second supplemental notice of tech conf
ISO-NE files conforming changes to eTariff § III.13.1 to ensure that the eTariff Viewer reflects in all appropriate versions the rejection of the June 11, 2018 Economic Life Revisions and includes the corresponding, since-accepted compliance revisions
FERC accepts in part, and rejects in part, Mystic’s Second (Sep 15, 2020) and Third (Feb 25, 2021) compliance filings, subject to a fourth compliance filing
FERC accepts Trafigura Trading membership and the termination of the Participant status of Axon Energy and Springfield Power
FERC approves joint settlement agreement
CL&P files notice of cancellation of D&E Agreement with Gravel Pit Solar, which was terminated by its own terms when superseded by an LGIA signed on Apr 20, 2021
FERC extends comment date to May 7, 2021; nearly 60 sets of comments submitted, including by: CLF, EDF, UCS, MA Exec. Office of Energy and Environ. Affairs, Nat’l Assoc. of State Energy Officials, States’ AGs, AGA, EEI, ELCON, INGA, NGSA, R Street, Public Interest Orgs
FERC issues a notice that it will convene a remotely-held, Commissioner-led technical conference regarding the wholesale markets administered by ISO New England Inc. A supplemental notice providing the agenda for the technical conference will be issued separately.
CMEEC, MMWEC, Pascoag, and VTDPS petition the FERC for a one-time waiver of the requirement to submit, by the deadline contained in ISO-NE Tariff Section III.13.1.10(e), the required copies of executed versions of its NYPA contracts in connection with the FCA16 New Capacity Imports qualification process
Comments and protests on ISO-NE’s deficiency letter response filed by: NEPOOL, NESCOE, NEPGA, CPV Towantic, New England Generators
NEPOOL answers ISO-NE’s answer and PJM’s comments on NEPOOL’s motion for protective order
NEPOOL submits limited comments (i) to provide a more fulsome report on the stakeholders’ consideration of ISO-NE’s proposed revised CONE/Net CONE/PPR
Values; (ii) to correct the record regarding the NEPOOL vote outcome; and (iii) to note its unanimous support for Tariff revisions, included in the Mar 30 filing, that provide additional flexibility for FCA16 De-List Bids
CT Parties answer Mystic’s Apr 2 answer
FERC accepts Agreement, eff. Nov 1, 2020
VTransco submits supplemental Order 864 compliance filing
ISO-NE submits 2020 annual report of total MWh of transmission service (approx. 1.24 million MWhs)
ISO-NE requests an extension of time, to 2/2/22 to comply with Order 2222. ISO-NE states that the extension will allow for ISO-NE and its stakeholders to better develop a compliance proposal that meets the goals articulated by the FERC in Order 2222
FERC issues a deficiency letter, directing Exelon to provide additional information on or before May 17
Central Maine Power submits proposed revisions to Appendix B of the Schedule 1 Implementation Rule to Section II of the ISO-NE Tariff (ISO-NE OATT) to reflect changes to CMP’s Local Control Center revenue requirement in response to requirements set forth in Order 864. CMP requested tariff revisions be accepted effective Jan 1, 2020.
Green Mountain Power supplements its Order 864 compliance filing to bring its currently effective local transmission formula rate under Schedule 21-GMP Attachment D-1 into compliance with the requirements of Order 864 for the Jan 1, 2020 through Dec 31, 2021 period (the Interim Period) until the rate is superseded and replaced by the settled formula rate approved in ER20-2054, which becomes effective on Jan 1, 2022. In addition, GMP also revised its permanent ADIT worksheet.
ISO-NE files notice of Apr 14 suspension of Manchester Methane from the New England Markets
Pre-Jun 1-2, 2021 tech. conf. comments submitted by, among others, ISO-NE, AEE, Dominion, EDF, Eversource, Exelon, LS Power, National Grid, PSEG, Vistra, APPA, Capital Power, EEI, NARUC, NEI, NERC, NRECA, R Street Institute
NextEra Energy answers Avangrid’s Amended Complaint
FERC accepts revised Coordination Agreement, eff. May 4, 2021
FERC issues Policy Statement re: Carbon Pricing in Organized Wholesale Electricity Markets
FERC issues supplemental notice of tech conf, attaching an agenda and final conference program for the technical conference
ISO-NE and NEPOOL file revisions to Sections III.A.18.1 and Exhibit 5 of Market Rule 1 (i) to list all the IMM minimum ethics standards directly in the Tariff and (ii) to no longer attach to the Tariff ISO-NE’s Code of Conduct
NEPOOL files motion for adoption of protective order covering confidential cost information
Individual citizen submits comments on FCA15 Results Filing: L. Allen, O. Chatfield, R. Dalgin, D. Franklin, C. Mulloy, G. Neswald, E. Ramirez, M. Sayles, L. Taranta, T. Tuttle
FERC accepts Tariff changes, eff. Apr 2, 2021
Individual citizen submits comments on FCA15 Results Filing: D. Bogen, E. Claggett-Borne, T. Clason, J. DeChiara, T. DeChristopher, S. DeWitt, L. Donforth, W. Dunkley, D. Flynn, E. Gitelman, J. Gurrie, J. Hanson, B. Hill, K. Hornug-Marcy, H. Juliussen-Stevenson, M. Kass, C. Kent, L. Kohrman-Glaser, M. Marcum, B. Martin, P. Martin, M. McBride, M. McNulty, J. Mills, A. Mnookin, A. Nash, C. Pajic, B. Petersen, L. Rutberg, J. Sanchez, E. Shapiro-Weiss, M. Shepardson, J. Smith, E. Stenson,
NSTAR submits revisions to Appendix A of the Schedule 1 Implementation Rule (in Section II of the ISO-NE Tariff (ISO-NE OATT)) with respect to NSTAR (East)’s local control center revenue requirement calculation
Individual citizen submits comments on FCA15 Results Filing: K. Ford, M. Keller, M. Himschoot, R. MacKenzie, S. Richman,
Individual citizens submit comments on FCA15 Results Filing: R. Beaulieu; J. Gang; M. Hanig; K. Kerman; M. Koller; T. Laughlin; A. Winkler
Comments on NOPR filed by: NECPUC, APPA, EEI, EPSA, LPPC, NERC, NRECA, TAPS, Accenture, Alliant, Anterix, CA Dept of Water Resources State Water Project/CPUC, FRS, Hitachi ABB Power Grids, IECA, ITC, Joint Consumer Advocates, MI PUC, Org of MISO States, MISO TOs, PJM TOs, Public Citizen
Individual citizen submits comments on FCA15 Results Filing: J. Evelyn, S. Kasten, A. Torrice
Initial comments on topics raised in supplemental notice or on PJM in the notice inviting technical comments must be submitted on or before Apr 26, 2021. Reply comments must be submitted on or before May 10, 2021. Initial comments should not exceed 25 pages and reply comments should not exceed 15 pages.
Maine PUC submits comments in response to Feb 11 deficiency letter
Individual citizen files comments in response to FCA15 Results Filing: J. Pareltt
Mystic answers Mar 18 protests of third compliance filing by CT Parties, ENECOS and Public Systems
FERC accepts (i) the memberships of the following: Axpo U.S. LLC; Catalyst Power & Gas, LLC; Palm Energy LLC; Rumford ESS, LLC; Vineyard Reliability LLC; West Medway II, LLC; and Dick Brooks; (ii) the termination of the Participant status of: Energy Federation Inc.; Great American Power, LLC; Oasis Power, LLC; Praxair, Inc.; Rubicon NYP Corp.; and Verde Group, LLC; and (iii) the name change of Utility Services of Vermont
Individual citizens file comments in response to FCA15 Results Filing: J. Maynard, C. Swingle, S. Watson
April Membership Filing. New Members: Ocean State BTM LLC and Transgrid Midwest LLC
FERC accepts filing and rate schedule, eff. Feb 18, 2021