Updates Between May 05, 2021 and Jun 01, 2021
CMP refiles Order 864 compliance filing to include a PDF version of the Blank Permanent ADIT Worksheet and Permanent Remeasurement Worksheet and Worksheet Supporting Unprotected Plant and Non Plant (Excess) Deficient Balances in the eTariff record
NEPOOL requests that the FERC accept (i) the membership of Hydrloland and Vineyard Wind 1; (ii) the termination of Convergent Power; and (iii) Millennium Power Company’s name change
Cross-Sound Cable (CSC) requests FERC acceptance of a proposed rate schedule to allow CSC to begin the recovery period (starting Jun 1, 2021) for certain CIP-IROL Costs under Schedule 17 of the ISO-NE Tariff
FERC conditionally accepts the updates to the CONE, Net CONE and PPR values, as amended in ISO-NE’s Deficiency Response, as well as the modified definition of Net CONE, subject to a 15-day compliance filing that reflects the assumption that the reference unit has on-site compression. The order finds that, (i) except for ISO-NE’s assumption regarding on-site compression, the CONE, Net CONE and PPR values were estimated in a manner consistent with the requirements of the Tariff, using inputs and methodologies that are just and reasonable; (ii) the proposed method for estimating net energy and ancillary services (EAS) revenues is just and reasonable and consistent with the proposed definition of “Net CONE”; and (iii) the uncontested aspects of ISO-NE’s proposal just and reasonable, including the Tariff provision to allow Market Participants to withdraw or update certain FCA16 bids
ISO-NE submits its 2021 Q1 FERC Form 3Q (quarterly financial report of electric utilities, licensees, and natural gas companies)
FERC grants ISO-NE extension of time, to February 2, 2022 (2/2/222), to comply with Order 2222. ISO-NE required to submit an informational filing indicating any changes to the stakeholder process schedule provided in its motion on or before Jun 23 and to submit status reports every 90 days thereafter until the date that it submits its compliance filing
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file Tariff revisions to establish operational and meteorological data requirements for solar facilities and relocate and streamline already-existing data requirements for wind facilities
FERC accepts amended and restated agreements, subject to 30-day compliance filing submitting each in eTariff format
NEPOOL submits comments supporting ISO-NE’s 2021 Q1 Capital Projects Report filing
Avangrid submits letter supporting ISO-NE May 6, 2021 letter regarding the importance of prompt resolution of these matters
FERC issues supplemental notice of Technical Conference, including an agenda with panel topics, questions, and panelist names
ISO-NE files notice of suspension of Manchester Methane, LLC from the New England Markets
NSTAR files D&E Agreement with Cranberry Point Energy Storage
AEE and Advanced Energy Management Alliance (AEMA) responded to ISO-NE’s May 4, 2021 answer to AEE/AEMA’s Apr 19, 2021 Request for Clarification and/or Rehearing
NEPOOL answers arguments opposing aspects of the NEPOOL Alternative
ISO-NE responds to comments and protests filed in opposition to its proposed ORTP values and related Tariff changes
ISO-NE files notices with the FERC of the following Market Participants’ suspensions from the New England Markets: Acadia Renewable Energy, Backyard Farms Energy, EPIS, Liberty Power Delaware
ISO-NE files required quarterly report
FERC authorizes ISO-NE drawdowns under a new $20 million Revolving Credit Line and a new $4 million line of credit supporting the Payment Default Shortfall Fund through May 31, 2023
NEPGA answers North East Offshore protest of ISO-NE’s proposed ORTP for offshore wind resources
ISO-NE files conforming changes to eTariff § III.13.7 to remove updates to CONE, Net CONE, and the Capacity Performance Payment Rate, not yet accepted by the FERC, but included in the eTariff version of § III.13.7 accepted in the Mar 31 order in the EER Exemption from PFP Settlement proceeding (ER21-943)
FERC extends deadline to submit initial comments in response to the Supplemental NOPR by 30 days, to and including Jun 25, 2021; reply comment deadline extended by 30 days, to and including Jul 26, 2021.
Post-technical conference comments filed by over 30 parties, including: ISO-NE, NESCOE, Anbaric, ConEd, Eversource, National Grid, NRDC et al., Orsted, Shell, CT DEEP, EEI, MA DOER, RENEW et al., RWE Renewables Americas
CT DEEP, Harvard Electricity Law Initiative, Berkshire Environmental Action Team, RTOGov Researchers, among others. submit comments
ISO-NE submits letter to express the importance of prompt resolution of these matters
TOs support requests for 30-day extension of time to submit comments on the Supplemental NOPR