Litigation Updates & Reports

Updates Between Oct 04, 2018 and Oct 30, 2018


Docket Brief Description
 Oct 30 203 App: Plymouth Rock/Engie EC19-19 Plymouth Rock requests FERC authorization for a transaction pursuant to which ENGIE Resource will indirectly acquire 100% of the equity interests in Plymouth Rock; comment date Nov 20
 Oct 29 2019 ISO-NE Administrative Costs and Capital Budgets ER19-107 NEPOOL files comments supporting ISO-NE Budgets
 Oct 29 Capital Projects Report – 2018 Q3 ER19-113 NEPOOL files comments supporting Q3 Report
 Oct 29 MPD OATT Changes ER18-1213
MPUC answers Emera Maine Oct 16 answer
 Oct 25 CSO Termination: Clear River Unit 1 ER18-2457 ISO-NE answers Clear River’s Oct 11 protest
 Oct 25 Clear River Waiver Request: CSO Termination ER19-84 ISO-NE answers and opposes Clear River waiver request
 Oct 24 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 Vistra/DynegyNRG file answers to ISO-NE’s Oct 9 answer
 Oct 23 CSO Cover Charges ER19-169 ISO-NE and NEPOOL file changes to the rules that apply when a capacity supplier has a new or existing resource that is not expected to be able to fully satisfy its obligations during the delivery period and it may be necessary to “cover” the obligation by transferring the resource’s CSO to another resource 
 Oct 23 Cluster Participation Deposit Refund Revisions ER19-161 ISO-NE and NEPOOL file changes to permit the ex post return of a portion of the initial Cluster Participation Deposit
 Oct 23 FAP FTR FA Changes ER18-2293 FERC accepts changes, eff. Sep 17, 2019
 Oct 23 Base ROE Complaints I-IV EL11-66
CT PURA/MA AG/EMCOS submit emergency motion for clarification
 Oct 22 ISO-NE Waiver Filing: Mystic 8 & 9 ER18-1509
Calpine CEO files letter addressing fuel security and capacity market pricing issues
 Oct 22 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 NextEra answers ISO-NE’s limited answer regarding its proposal to require fuel security RMR resources to be priced at zero in an FCA
 Oct 19 PER Settlement Agreement EL16-120 ISO-NE files Refund Report; comment date Nov 9
 Oct 19 NESCOE 2019 Budget ER19-110 NEPOOL files comments supporting budget and associated Tariff changes
 Oct 19 Waiver Request:
CSO Termination
(Clear River)
ER19-94 Town of Burrillville, RI protests the Clear River request for a waiver of Tariff provisions regarding: (a) termination of Clear River’s CSO, (b) forfeiture of Clear River’s FA , and (c) its exclusion from FCA13
 Oct 19 New England Clean Energy Connect TSAs ER18-2256 FERC accepts seven bi-lateral, cost-based transmission service agreements (TSAs) pursuant to which the construction, operation and maintenance of CMP’s portion of a the NECEC Transmission Line will be funded and under which CMP will provide transmission service
 Oct 19 NSTAR/HQ US CMEEC Use Rights Transfer Agreement ER19-146 NSTAR files an agreement by which it will transfer ENE’s use rights over the Phase I/II HVDC facilities to HQUS (ENE itself does not have a mechanism to effectuate the transfer)
 Oct 19 203 App: ECP/Fawkes Holdings (Wheelabrator) EC19-14 Wheelabrator requests FERC authorization for Fawkes Holdings (a Macquarie Energy Related Person) to acquire all of the issued and outstanding shares of common stock of Wheelabrator from Energy Capital Partners
 Oct 18 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364
NEPOOL and FirstLight file answers to ISO-NE and Constellation 
 Oct 18 ISO-NE Tariff Correction: § IV.A Schedule 5 ER19-140 ISO-NE files to correct the version of Schedule 5 in effect for 2018 to update an incorrect reference to “2017” to correctly read “2018”
 Oct 17 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 FirstLightNEPGA file answers to ISO-NE and Constellation
 Oct 17 CSO Termination: Clear River Unit 1 ER18-2457 Town of Burrillville, RI responds to Clear River protest
 Oct 17 Sched. 21-ES: Rev. Depreciation Rates ER19-122 Eversource files changes to revise CL&P’s general plant depreciation rates for transmission service (resulting in an estimated $3.7 million annual decrease); comment date Nov 5
 Oct 17 Sched. 21-NSTAR: Rev. Depreciation Rates ER19-123 NSTAR files changes to revise its general plant depreciation rates for transmission service (resulting in an estimated $3.7 million annual decrease); comment date Nov 5
 Oct 17 Sched. 21-UI: LCSA:
UI/ CPV Towantic
ER18-2302 FERC accepts LCSA (permitting recovery of Towantic’s Category B Load Ratio Share of UI’s Localized Facilities revenue requirement), eff. Jan 1, 2018
 Oct 16 ROE Cases EL11-66
FERC issues an order proposing a methodology for
addressing the issues that were remanded to the Commission in Emera Maine and establishes a paper hearing on how the methodology should apply to the proceedings pending before the Commission involving the TOs’ ROE 
 Oct 16 RTO Insider Complaint EL18-196 NEPOOL files limited response to RTO Insider and Public Interest Organizations Oct 5 Pleadings
 Oct 15 Regional Report ER19-113 ISO-NE files 2018 Q3 Capital Projects Report
 Oct 15 2019 NESCOE Budget ER19-110 ISO-NE files budget for funding NESCOE’s 2019 operations and change to Sched. V to Section IV.A of the Tariff ($0.00711 per kW/mo. charge)
 Oct 15 2019 ISO-NE Budgets ER19-107 ISO-NE files its 2019 administrative costs and capital budgets; comment date Nov 5
 Oct 15 Regional Report ER07-476 ISO-NE files its 40th LFTR Implementation quarterly report
 Oct 12 CSO Termination: Clear River Unit 1 ER18-2457 Cogentrix files comments supporting ISO-NE’s filing 
 Oct 12 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 MA DPU answers NH PUC Oct 2 answer
 Oct 12 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639
Judge Sterner certifies record to the Commission (each file is >100 MB)
 Oct 11 CSO Termination: Clear River Unit 1 ER18-2457 Clear River protests filing
 Oct 11 Waiver Request: CSO Termination (Clear River) ER19-94 Clear River requests one-time, limited waiver of Tariff provisions that would permit Clear River’s FCA12 CSO to be terminated, its FCM security to be forfeited, and would prohibit Clear River from participating in FCA13
 Oct 11 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 Parties submit final joint exhibits, list of appearances, procedural historytranscript corrections 
 Oct 11 Membership ER18-2371 FERC accepts Memberships of: Able Grid Infrastructure Holdings, BioUrja Power, Interconnect Energy Storage, Marathon Power, MP2 Energy NE, New England Battery Storage, NN8, Stonepeak Kestrel Energy Marketing, Tidal Energy Marketing, Vineyard Wind, Woods Hill Solar; Termination: Bloom Energy; and Name Change: Palmco Power MA, LLC d/b/a Indra Energy
 Oct 11 132nd Agreement: Press Membership Provisions ER18-2208 FERC responds to each Senator and Congressman listed on letters submitted in this proceeding
 Oct 11 IAs: PSNH/HSE Hydro NE Subs ER18-2294 et al. FERC accepts IAs related to former PSNH hydro facilities since transferred to HSE Hydro NE
 Oct 10 Enhanced Storage Participation Changes ER19-84 ISO-NE and NEPOOL file changes;
comment date Oct 31
 Oct 9 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 ISO-NEConstellation file answers to protests and comments 
 Oct 9 Sched. 21-EM: Corrections to § 10.2 ER19-64 Emera Maine file corrections to § 10.2 (Emera Maine Penalties for Exceeding Non-Firm Capacity Reservation); comment date Oct 30
 Oct 5 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 MA DPU answers NH PUC Oct 2 answer
 Oct 5 RTO Insider Complaint EL18-196 Answers filed by NEPOOL, RTO Insider, Public Interest Organizations
 Oct 5 132nd Agreement: Press Membership Provisions ER18-2208 RTO Insider files answer
 Oct 4 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 FERC Trial Staff submits 2d revised direct and answering testimony of M. MccComb

2015 Reports
