Updates Between Mar 04, 2021 and Mar 30, 2021
ISO-NE files responses to Mar 1 deficiency letter
Individual citizens file comments in response to FCA15 Results Filing: D. Dwinell-Yardley; E. West
Avangrid amends its still-pending Complaint to reflect that aspects of the relief originally requested in its Complaint are no longer feasible within the timeline previously sought; Avangrid requests a FERC order on or before May 7, 2021
ISO requests continued authorization for drawdowns under new Revolving Credit Line and Payment Default Shortfall Fund
Individual citizens file comments in response to FCA15 Results Filing: D. Bruss, R. Feder, D. Hayward, C. Wertz
ISO-NE submits corrections to § I.2 to remove FERC-rejected changes included in subsequent eTariff filing
Individual citizens file comments in response to FCA15 Results Filing: G. Ayling; S. Botkin; C. DiPiro; S. Durling; D. Gerson; K. Hackman; E. Rakouskas; A. Walker
ISO-NE files notice of Mar 17 suspension of Manchester Methane from the New England Markets
CT Parties, ENECOS, Public Systems, protest Constellation’s third (Feb 25, 20210 compliance filing
Individual citizens file comments in response to FCA15 Results Filing: Beffa-Negrini, GanMoryn, Gile, Weiss
FERC accepts rate schedule allowing Stonepeak Kestrel to begin the recovery period for certain CIP-IROL Costs, eff. Mar 29, 2021
FERC accepts rate schedule allowing Bucksport Genertion to begin the recovery period for certain CIP-IROL Costs, eff. Mar 29, 2021
CPM files notice of cancellation of superseded and expired 2-part Interconnection Agreement between itself and Rumford Power
Versant submits answers to Feb 11, 2021 deficiency letter
NHT submits a compliance filing to supplement the TO’s July 30 Compliance Filing in ER20-2572 with respect to local service provided by NHT under Schedule 21-NHT of the ISO-NE OATT during the Jan 1, 2020 to Dec 31, 2021 period.
FERC issues a supplemental notice of the Mar 23, 2021 Commissioner-led technical conference, including a final conference program (with questions to be posed during panel discussion).
Eversource submits supplemental compliance filing containing revisions to the calculation of the annual transmission revenue requirements for local transmission service under Schedule 21-ES to deduct excess accumulated deferred income taxes (ADIT) from, or add any deficient ADIT to, rate base (Rate Base Adjustment Mechanism) and to increase or decrease the income tax allowances by any amortized excess or deficient ADIT (Income Tax Allowance Mechanism). Revisions to Schedule ES-1 also proposed to ensure the return of excess ADIT to customers and proper alignment of rates
under Schedule 21-ES.
NSTAR submits supplemental compliance filing proposing tariff revisions to Schedule 21-NSTAR in effect for the Interim Period to comply with the requirements of Order 864 relating to the Rate Base Adjustment and the Income Tax Allowance.
Vineyard Wind files D&E Agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions under which NSTAR would advance certain design, engineering and cost estimating activities of the civil and below-grade and above-grade electrical substation work at NSTAR’s new proposed Bourne 345 kV substation plus the associated line work and substation upgrades at West Barnstable Station to interconnect two new underground 345 kV lines at West Barnstable Station
ISO-NE and NEPOOL file changes to the ISO-NE/NYISO Coordination Agreement that move the
ISO-NE/NYISO List of Interconnection Facilities, including associated descriptions of the Interties
and common metering points, from Schedule A of the ISO-NE/NYISO Coordination Agreement to ISO-NE’s public website
FERC accepts Agreement, eff. Nov 1, 2020