Litigation Updates & Reports

Updates Between May 04, 2017 and Jun 22, 2017

  Date Proceeding
Docket Brief Description
 Jun 22 Emera MPD OATT Changes ER15-1429 Parties file uncontested Settlement Agreement; comment date Jul 12, reply comment date Jul 24
 Jun 21 203 Application: PSNH/ 
FPL Wyman
EC17-132 PSNH requests authorization to sell its 3.14% interest in Wyman Station Unit 4 to FPL
 Jun 19 NEPGA PER Complaint EL16-120 Settlement Judge issues report that participants reached apparent consensus agreement in principle on Jun 13, reflected in a detailed joint Term Sheet (circulated to Members and Alternates on Jun 19) that comprehensively addresses all issues set for hearing in this proceeding and will be converted into a formal offer of settlement and filed within a few weeks
 Jun 16 EE Pricing Revisions ER17-1625 FERC accepts changes to the NE/NY Coordination Agreement and the HQTE Emergency Energy Sales Pricing Term Sheet
 Jun 15 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64-002 EMCOS submit supplemental direct testimony of J. Lesser, L. Peters and G. Brodsky
 Jun 15 Regional Interest ER10-523 New England Power submits Annual True-Up filing reconciling actual monthly billings under its Integrated Facilities Agreement provisions to its 2016 FERC Form 1 and a five-year forecast of transmission capital additions, including estimated impacts on Mass Electric and Narragansett customers 
 Jun 14 Regional Interest ER17-1589 FERC accepts changes to VTranscos depreciation rates used to calculate its annual transmission revenue requirements for PTF and non-PTF transmission service 
 Jun 12 Waiver Request:
McCallum Enterprises
ER17-1615 ISO-NE answers CL&P’s Jun 1 comments
 Jun 12 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64-002 TOs seek reconsideration or interlocutory appeal of Chief Judge Cintron’s May 26 order (among other things, denying stay of these proceedings)
 Jun 9 Waiver Request:
McCallum Enterprises
ER17-1615 McCallum answers ISO-NE opposition
 Jun 7 Schedule 21-EM:
annual rate update
ER15-1434 Emera Maine submits annual update to its local
transmission service charges under Schedule 21-EM of the ISO-NE Tariff
 Jun 6 Opinion 531-A
Compliance Filing
ER15-414-002 TOs file to reinstate transmission rates changed to comply with recently vacated Order 531-A; Tos to commence billing 60 days after the FERC has a quorum
 Jun 6 RNS/LNS Rates and
Rate Protocols
EL16-19 Settlement Judge Dring issues 9th status report recommending that settlement judge procedures be continued; next settlement conf. Jul 9 
 Jun 1 Waiver Request:
McCallum Enterprises
ER17-1615 CL&P comments on McCallum Enterprises request for waiver of Market Rule 1 requirements to install a remote terminal unit (RTU) and obtain a telecomm. link
 Jun 1 Membership ER17-1744 New Members: Orbit, Rinar, Torofino; Terminations: First Wind and Longfellow Wind; Name Changes: Dominion Energy
 May 31 Waiver Request:
McCallum Enterprises
ER17-1615 ISO-NE opposes McCallum waiver request
 May 31 Sched 21-NSTAR ER17-1713 NSTAR and ISO-NE files Local Service Agreement by and among NSTAR, Dartmouth Power Associates and ISO-NE for Firm and Non-Firm Local Point-To-Point Service under Schedule 21-NSTAR, addressing NSTAR’s provision of such service for DPA’s use of NSTAR’s local facilities for “wheeling-out” power to the Administered Transmission System
 May 31 Sched 21-NSTAR Annual Informational Filing  ER09-1243  NSTAR submitted an informational filing containing the true-up of billings under Schedule 21-NSTAR for the Jan 1, 2016 through Dec 31, 2016 period
 May 30 IMM Annual Report ZZ17-4 ISO-NE IMM files 2016 Annual Report 
 May 30 5-Minute RQM Settlement Enhancement   ER17-1706 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to permit the use of 5-minute revenue quality meter data in Real-Time Energy Market settlement
 May 26 FTR BoPP FAP Changes ER17-1441 ISO-NE withdraws BoPP FAP changes (to be revisited in stakeholder process); NEPOOL supports withdrawal under unique circumstances presented  
 May 26 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Chief Judge issues order confirming rulings and adopting revised procedural schedule (denying stay of these proceedings)
 May 25 Membership ER17-1506 FERC accepts as new members: Block Island Power Co.; Georges River Energy; Ohmconnect; Rensselaer Generating; Roseton Generating; and VECO Power Trading; the withdrawal of Union Leader; and the name change of Great River Hydro (f/k/a TransCanada Hydro Northeast)
 May 25 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 EMCOS, CAPs and NETOs propose revised procedural schedule, includ. hearing Dec 11-15, 2017 and initial decision by Mar 27, 2018
 May 24 Regional Report not docketed ISO-NE submits 2017 Q1 FERC Form 3Q
 May 23 FERC IMAPP Tech Conf. AD17-11 FERC invites post-tech. conf. comments, not to exceed 15 pages, on topics discussed at tech. conf., including the questions in the Apr 28 sup notice and the topics identified in the May 23 notice; comment date Jun 22; reply comments, not to exceed 10 pages, Jul 7
 May 23 Regional Report ER17-1595 NEPOOL submits comments supporting ISO-NE May 12 2017 Q1 Capital Budget Filing
 May 23 Sched 22-CMP ER17-1668 ISO-NE and CMP submit revised Saddleback Ridge Wind LGIA and original Canton Mountain Wind LGIA, in part reflecting these affiliates’ use of Shared Facilities
 May 19 Regional Interest EC17-86 FERC authorizes GMP to sell its ownership share in the Highgate Transmission Facility to VT Transco and for VTransco to acquire GMP’s and other joint owner’s Highgate shares
 May 18 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Trial Judge Glazer denies Complainant-Aligned Parties Apr 14 motion to compel production by TOs
 May 18 EE Pricing Revisions ER17-1625 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to the NE/NY Coordination Agreement and the HQTE Emergency Energy Sales Pricing Term Sheet
 May 15 Membership not docketed ISO-NE files notice that BNP Paribas was suspended from the New England Markets at 8:30 am on May 9 for a Payment Default
 May 12 Regional Report ER17-1595 ISO-NE files 2017 Q1 Capital Budget Report
 May 12 Regional Interest ER17-1589 VTransco files proposed changes the depreciation rates used to calculate its annual transmission revenue requirements for PTF and non-PTF transmission service under the ISO-NE Tariff, eff. Jul 1
 May 12 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 TOs answer Complainant-Aligned Parties Apr 14 motion to compel production
 May 11 Waiver Request: McCallum Enterprises  ER17-1615 McCallum Enterrises requests waiver of Market Rule requirement to install a remote terminal unit (RTU) and obtain a telecomm. link   
 May 11 FTR BoPP Financial
Assurance Changes
ER17-1441 DC Energy protests changes
 May 11 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Complainant-Aligned Parties answer TOs’ April 26 motion to dismiss or suspend proceeding; EMCOS file answer to TOs
 May 11 Membership ER17-1364 FERC accepts the membership of GridAmerica Holdings Inc. and the name changes of ENGIE (f/k/a GDF Suez) Energy Marketing NA, Inc. and Verso Energy Services (f/k/a Verso Maine Energy)
 May 10 RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Settlement Proceeding EL16-19 Settlement Judge Dring issues order scheduling next settlement conf. for Jul 7
 May 9 ISO Securities:
 Future Drawdowns Authorization
ES17-15 FERC authorizes continued drawdowns under the ISO’s previously-authorized $20 million Revolving Credit Line and $4 million line of credit supporting the Payment Default Shortfall Fund
 May 9 203 Application: GMP/
ENEL Hydros
EC17-76 FERC approves GMP acquisition of ENEL hydros
 May 8 Order 831 Compliance 
ER17-1565 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file reforms to Energy Market offer caps in response to requirements of Order 831 (RM16-5); Oct 1, 2019 effective date requested
 May 8 Regional Interest ER17-1566
Eversource files 2-party SGIA between PSNH and Sugar River (ER17-1566) to reflect resumption of commercial operation of 1.4MW hydro facility in Claremont, NH and to cancel the original interconnection agreement (ER17-1564)
 May 8 Sched 21-VEC ER10-1181 VEC corrects/amends its May 1 local service schedule informational rate filing
 May 5 Regional Report ZZ17-4 ISO-NE IMM files quarterly markets report for Winter 2017 (Dec 2016 – Feb 2017)
 May 5 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Settlement Judge Long (i) issues 4th status report; (ii) schedules settlement caucuses (May 8 – Complainant-Aligned Parties; May 10 – TOs; May 15 FERC Trial Staff)
 May 4 Fast-Start Interim Cap Revision ER17-1542 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes implementing a $1,000/MWh energy market offer cap on offers from fast-start resources in the Real-Time Energy Market through implementation of Order 831 Tariff changes
 May 3 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64 Settlement Judge Long issues order cancelling May 3 settlement conference

2015 Reports
