Updates Between May 04, 2017 and Jun 22, 2017
Date | Proceeding Type |
Docket | Brief Description |
Jun 22 | Emera MPD OATT Changes | ER15-1429 | Parties file uncontested Settlement Agreement; comment date Jul 12, reply comment date Jul 24 |
Jun 21 | 203 Application: PSNH/ FPL Wyman |
EC17-132 | PSNH requests authorization to sell its 3.14% interest in Wyman Station Unit 4 to FPL |
Jun 19 | NEPGA PER Complaint | EL16-120 | Settlement Judge issues report that participants reached apparent consensus agreement in principle on Jun 13, reflected in a detailed joint Term Sheet (circulated to Members and Alternates on Jun 19) that comprehensively addresses all issues set for hearing in this proceeding and will be converted into a formal offer of settlement and filed within a few weeks |
Jun 16 | EE Pricing Revisions | ER17-1625 | FERC accepts changes to the NE/NY Coordination Agreement and the HQTE Emergency Energy Sales Pricing Term Sheet |
Jun 15 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64-002 | EMCOS submit supplemental direct testimony of J. Lesser, L. Peters and G. Brodsky |
Jun 15 | Regional Interest | ER10-523 | New England Power submits Annual True-Up filing reconciling actual monthly billings under its Integrated Facilities Agreement provisions to its 2016 FERC Form 1 and a five-year forecast of transmission capital additions, including estimated impacts on Mass Electric and Narragansett customers |
Jun 14 | Regional Interest | ER17-1589 | FERC accepts changes to VTranscos depreciation rates used to calculate its annual transmission revenue requirements for PTF and non-PTF transmission service |
Jun 12 | Waiver Request: McCallum Enterprises |
ER17-1615 | ISO-NE answers CL&P’s Jun 1 comments |
Jun 12 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64-002 | TOs seek reconsideration or interlocutory appeal of Chief Judge Cintron’s May 26 order (among other things, denying stay of these proceedings) |
Jun 9 | Waiver Request: McCallum Enterprises |
ER17-1615 | McCallum answers ISO-NE opposition |
Jun 7 | Schedule 21-EM: annual rate update |
ER15-1434 | Emera Maine submits annual update to its local transmission service charges under Schedule 21-EM of the ISO-NE Tariff |
Jun 6 | Opinion 531-A Compliance Filing UnDo |
ER15-414-002 | TOs file to reinstate transmission rates changed to comply with recently vacated Order 531-A; Tos to commence billing 60 days after the FERC has a quorum |
Jun 6 | RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols |
EL16-19 | Settlement Judge Dring issues 9th status report recommending that settlement judge procedures be continued; next settlement conf. Jul 9 |
Jun 1 | Waiver Request: McCallum Enterprises |
ER17-1615 | CL&P comments on McCallum Enterprises request for waiver of Market Rule 1 requirements to install a remote terminal unit (RTU) and obtain a telecomm. link |
Jun 1 | Membership | ER17-1744 | New Members: Orbit, Rinar, Torofino; Terminations: First Wind and Longfellow Wind; Name Changes: Dominion Energy |
May 31 | Waiver Request: McCallum Enterprises |
ER17-1615 | ISO-NE opposes McCallum waiver request |
May 31 | Sched 21-NSTAR | ER17-1713 | NSTAR and ISO-NE files Local Service Agreement by and among NSTAR, Dartmouth Power Associates and ISO-NE for Firm and Non-Firm Local Point-To-Point Service under Schedule 21-NSTAR, addressing NSTAR’s provision of such service for DPA’s use of NSTAR’s local facilities for “wheeling-out” power to the Administered Transmission System |
May 31 | Sched 21-NSTAR Annual Informational Filing | ER09-1243 | NSTAR submitted an informational filing containing the true-up of billings under Schedule 21-NSTAR for the Jan 1, 2016 through Dec 31, 2016 period |
May 30 | IMM Annual Report | ZZ17-4 | ISO-NE IMM files 2016 Annual Report |
May 30 | 5-Minute RQM Settlement Enhancement | ER17-1706 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to permit the use of 5-minute revenue quality meter data in Real-Time Energy Market settlement |
May 26 | FTR BoPP FAP Changes | ER17-1441 | ISO-NE withdraws BoPP FAP changes (to be revisited in stakeholder process); NEPOOL supports withdrawal under unique circumstances presented |
May 26 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64 | Chief Judge issues order confirming rulings and adopting revised procedural schedule (denying stay of these proceedings) |
May 25 | Membership | ER17-1506 | FERC accepts as new members: Block Island Power Co.; Georges River Energy; Ohmconnect; Rensselaer Generating; Roseton Generating; and VECO Power Trading; the withdrawal of Union Leader; and the name change of Great River Hydro (f/k/a TransCanada Hydro Northeast) |
May 25 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64 | EMCOS, CAPs and NETOs propose revised procedural schedule, includ. hearing Dec 11-15, 2017 and initial decision by Mar 27, 2018 |
May 24 | Regional Report | not docketed | ISO-NE submits 2017 Q1 FERC Form 3Q |
May 23 | FERC IMAPP Tech Conf. | AD17-11 | FERC invites post-tech. conf. comments, not to exceed 15 pages, on topics discussed at tech. conf., including the questions in the Apr 28 sup notice and the topics identified in the May 23 notice; comment date Jun 22; reply comments, not to exceed 10 pages, Jul 7 |
May 23 | Regional Report | ER17-1595 | NEPOOL submits comments supporting ISO-NE May 12 2017 Q1 Capital Budget Filing |
May 23 | Sched 22-CMP | ER17-1668 | ISO-NE and CMP submit revised Saddleback Ridge Wind LGIA and original Canton Mountain Wind LGIA, in part reflecting these affiliates’ use of Shared Facilities |
May 19 | Regional Interest | EC17-86 | FERC authorizes GMP to sell its ownership share in the Highgate Transmission Facility to VT Transco and for VTransco to acquire GMP’s and other joint owner’s Highgate shares |
May 18 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64 | Trial Judge Glazer denies Complainant-Aligned Parties Apr 14 motion to compel production by TOs |
May 18 | EE Pricing Revisions | ER17-1625 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to the NE/NY Coordination Agreement and the HQTE Emergency Energy Sales Pricing Term Sheet |
May 15 | Membership | not docketed | ISO-NE files notice that BNP Paribas was suspended from the New England Markets at 8:30 am on May 9 for a Payment Default |
May 12 | Regional Report | ER17-1595 | ISO-NE files 2017 Q1 Capital Budget Report |
May 12 | Regional Interest | ER17-1589 | VTransco files proposed changes the depreciation rates used to calculate its annual transmission revenue requirements for PTF and non-PTF transmission service under the ISO-NE Tariff, eff. Jul 1 |
May 12 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64 | TOs answer Complainant-Aligned Parties Apr 14 motion to compel production |
May 11 | Waiver Request: McCallum Enterprises | ER17-1615 | McCallum Enterrises requests waiver of Market Rule requirement to install a remote terminal unit (RTU) and obtain a telecomm. link |
May 11 | FTR BoPP Financial Assurance Changes |
ER17-1441 | DC Energy protests changes |
May 11 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64 | Complainant-Aligned Parties answer TOs’ April 26 motion to dismiss or suspend proceeding; EMCOS file answer to TOs |
May 11 | Membership | ER17-1364 | FERC accepts the membership of GridAmerica Holdings Inc. and the name changes of ENGIE (f/k/a GDF Suez) Energy Marketing NA, Inc. and Verso Energy Services (f/k/a Verso Maine Energy) |
May 10 | RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Settlement Proceeding | EL16-19 | Settlement Judge Dring issues order scheduling next settlement conf. for Jul 7 |
May 9 | ISO Securities: Future Drawdowns Authorization |
ES17-15 | FERC authorizes continued drawdowns under the ISO’s previously-authorized $20 million Revolving Credit Line and $4 million line of credit supporting the Payment Default Shortfall Fund |
May 9 | 203 Application: GMP/ ENEL Hydros |
EC17-76 | FERC approves GMP acquisition of ENEL hydros |
May 8 | Order 831 Compliance Filing |
ER17-1565 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file reforms to Energy Market offer caps in response to requirements of Order 831 (RM16-5); Oct 1, 2019 effective date requested |
May 8 | Regional Interest | ER17-1566 ER17-1564 |
Eversource files 2-party SGIA between PSNH and Sugar River (ER17-1566) to reflect resumption of commercial operation of 1.4MW hydro facility in Claremont, NH and to cancel the original interconnection agreement (ER17-1564) |
May 8 | Sched 21-VEC | ER10-1181 | VEC corrects/amends its May 1 local service schedule informational rate filing |
May 5 | Regional Report | ZZ17-4 | ISO-NE IMM files quarterly markets report for Winter 2017 (Dec 2016 – Feb 2017) |
May 5 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64 | Settlement Judge Long (i) issues 4th status report; (ii) schedules settlement caucuses (May 8 – Complainant-Aligned Parties; May 10 – TOs; May 15 FERC Trial Staff) |
May 4 | Fast-Start Interim Cap Revision | ER17-1542 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes implementing a $1,000/MWh energy market offer cap on offers from fast-start resources in the Real-Time Energy Market through implementation of Order 831 Tariff changes |
May 3 | Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) | EL16-64 | Settlement Judge Long issues order cancelling May 3 settlement conference |
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