Updates Between May 05, 2020 and Jun 02, 2020
Date |
Proceeding Type |
Docket | Brief Description |
Jun 2 | EE CSOs During Scarcity Conditions | ER20-1967 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to address an implementation issue regarding the treatment of energy efficiency resources (EE) during Capacity Scarcity Conditions |
Jun 2 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisidcition Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | Rep. N. Ballentine, E. Haser submit comments |
Jun 1 | ESI Alternatives | ER20-1567 | NEPOOL submists answer; NESCOE submits first answer |
Jun 1 | 2013/14 Winter Reliability Program Remand Proceeding | ER13-266-005 | FERC issues tolling order affording it additional time to consider TransCanada’s request for rehearing of the 2013/14 Winter Reliability Program Order on Compliance and Remand |
Jun 1 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisidcition Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | R. Amundsen, A. Vasishth submit comments |
Jun 1 | Sched. 21-NSTAR Annual Info. Filing | ER09-1423 | NSTAR submits an informational filing containing the true-up of billings under Schedule 21-NSTAR for the Jan1, 2019 through Dec 31, 2019 period |
Jun 1 | ISO-NE 2019 FERC Form 714 | not docketed | ISO-NE submits 2019 FERC Form 714 |
May 29 | Membership | ER20-1943 | Memberships: Actual Energy; Borrego Solar Systems; Paper Birch Energy; Priogen Power; and Standard Normal Energy; Terminations: Royal Bank of Canada; Wallingford Energy II; and Agera Energy |
May 29 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisidcition Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | M. Loos submit comments |
May 28 | Regional Report | not docketed | ISO-NE files FERC Form 3Q (quarterly financial report of electric utilities, licensees, and natural gas companies) for 2020/Q1 |
May 28 | NITS SA Termination – Versant/Houlton Water Co | ER20-1914 | Versant files notice of termination of the Service Agreement between itself and Houlton Water Co. for Network Integration Transmission Servce, which expired by its terms on May 15, 2020, the date Houlton directly interconnected its electric system with that of New Brunswick Power |
May 27 | Economic Life Determination Compliance Revisions | ER18-1170 | FERC accepts revisions, eff. Apr 9, 2020 |
May 27 | Billing Policy Enhancements & Clean-Up Changes | ER20-1862 | Plant-E Corp protests aspect of changes that limits to 5 the number of pre-payments that can be made during a year |
May 26 | CIP IROL Cost Recovery Rules | ER20-739 | FERC accepts rules, eff. Mar 6, 2020; clarifies that recovery of costs incurred by an IROL Critical Facility Owner during the period in which the subject facility is designated as an IROL-Critical Facility is only only for those costs incurred on or after the effective date of the relevant individual FPA section 205 filing |
May 26 | IMM 2019 Annual Markets Report | ZZ20-4 | IMM files 2019 Annual Markets Report; to be reviewed at Jun 9 MC meeting |
May 26 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisidcition Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | J. Durand, K. McGhee, A. Treyger, submit comments |
May 26 | NSTAR Transmission Service Agreement cancellations | ER20-1896 | NSTAR files notice of cancellation of various transmission service agreements no longer active but not yet previously cancelled |
May 22 | VTransco VTA Waiver Request | ER20-1823 | FERC grants waiver request allowing VTransco to amortize over a 24-month period (rather than bill monthly) a portion of the shortfall resulting from lower RNS revenues |
May 22 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisidcition Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | W. Robertson, A. Fovargue submit comments |
May 22 | IA Cancellation: NGrid/GRS | ER20-1405 | FERC accepts cancellation of superseded IA between National Grid and Gas Recovery Systems, eff. May 27, 2020 |
May 21 | Membership | ER20-1454 | FERC accepts (i) the memberships of Axon Energy, Energy Harbor; and Nexus Energy ; and (ii) the terminations of ADG Group; Beacon Falls Energy Park; Clear River Energy; Entergy Nuclear Power Marketing; and Rinar Power |
May 21 | Carbon Pricing in RTO/ISO Markets | AD20-14 | NESCOE, National Grid, Exelon, PSEG, PG&E, NJ BPU, Public Citizen, support request for tech conf/ workshop |
May 21 | D&E Agreement: CL&P/Gravel Pit Solar | ER18-1871 | CL&P files preliminary Engineering and Design Agreement with Gravel Pit Solar LLC |
May 20 | Billing Policy Enhancements & Clean-Up Changes | ER20-1862 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL files enhacements and clean-up changes to Billing Policy |
May 19 | ISO-NE Order 845 Compliance Filing | ER19-1951 | FERC issues notice rejecting ISO-NE’s Apr 20 request for clarification |
May 19 | Carbon Pricing in RTO/ISO Markets | AD20-14 | ISO-NE, 6 US Senators support request for tech conf/ workshop |
May 18 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisidcition Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | K. O’Connor submits comments |
May 18 | RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Settlement Proceeding | EL16-19-002 | TOs submit status report indicating that the Parties continue to move forward in completing necessary settlement documents, and to seek support for Tariff changes through Participant Processes |
May 18 | Order 864 Compl. Filing (VETCO) | ER20-1839 | Vermont Elec. Trans. Co. submits Order 864 compliance filing (separated from its baseline tariff) |
May 18 | ESI Alternatives | ER20-1567 | EPSA files comments |
May 15 | ESI Alternatives | ER20-1567 |
Comments/Protests filed by: Avangrid, API, Calpine/Vistra, Cogentrix, Dominion, Excelerate, Exelon, FirstLight, IECG, MA AG/NH OCA, MMWEC, NECOES/ENE, NESCOE, NEPGA, PIOs, ISO-NE IMM, Potomac Economics, CT DEEP, MPUC, VT PUC, NGSA |
May 15 | Sched.21-NEP NGrid/ Winchendon Hydro SGIA | ER20-1413 | FERC accepts SGIA, eff. Feb 26, 2020 |
May 15 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisidcition Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | New Mexico Pub. Reg. Comm’sn files comments; Individual comments filed by M. Clark, C. Newton, |
May 14 | ESI Alternatives | ER20-1567 | National Hydropower Assoc. files comments |
May 14 | ISO-NE Capital Projects Reports | ER20-1824 | ISO-NE files 2020 Q1 Report |
May 14 | VTransco VTA Waiver Request | ER20-1823 | VTransco asks for waiver of the Vermont Transmission Agreement (VTA) to allow it to amortize over a 24-month period (rather than bill monthly) a portion of the shortfall resulting from lower RNS revenues |
May 14 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisidcition Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | Allco Renewable Energy files protest; Individual comments filed by L. Bainton, R. Bussewitz, CAlifornians for Renewable Energy, Inc. and Michael Boyd, M. Hamlen, NH Rep K. McGhee, K. Triest, B. Whelan, |
May 13 | Membership | not docketed | Notice of Great American Power suspension from New England Markets |
May 13 | Membership | not docketed | Notice of Energy Federation Inc. suspension from New England Markets |
May 13 | Membership | not docketed | Notice of EPIS Inc. (FTR-Only Customer) suspension from New England Markets |
May 13 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisdiction Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | Individual comments filed by J. Panek, J. Taberman, A. Trexler, |
May 13 | Regional Interest | ER20-1814 | NEP submits notice of cancellation of System Upgrade Reimbursement Agmt with Deerfield Wind |
May 12 | Sched. 21-VEC and 20-VEC: Annual Info. Filing | ER10-1181 | VEC files errata to Apr 30 filing |
May 12 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisdiction Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | Individual comments filed by S. Butcher, L. Etkin, J. Gage, B. Jones, D. van Leeuwen |
May 11 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisdiction Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | Individual comments filed by K. Bowditch, T. Burns, C/L. Gilbert, N. Kelley-Gillard, C. Koning, D. Kroop, E. Loechler, |
May 8 | Extension of Implementation Date: SOG Dispatchability Changes | ER20-1582 | FERC accepts extension, now eff. Jan 1, 2021 |
May 8 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisdiction Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | Individual comments filed by D. Martin, A. Querfurth, L. Bowditch, |
May 7 | NERA Petition: FERC Jurisdiction Over Customer-Side-of-the-Retail-Meter Energy Sales | EL20-42 | Individual comments filed by C. Callaway, J. Huberman |
May 5 | Carbon Pricing in RTO/ISO Markets | AD20-14 | NEPGA submits comments supporting the request for a tech. conf. or workshop |
May 5 | IMM Quarterly Markets Reports – 2020 Winter | ZZ20-4 | ISO-NE submits revised report to reflect corrected date and dynamic hyperlinks |
2025 Reports
Mar 4, 2025