Updates Between May 02, 2019 and Jun 21, 2019
Proceeding Type |
Docket | Brief Description | |
Jun 21 | Capital Projects Report – 2019 Q1 | ER19-1822 | FERC accepts 2019 Q1 Report, eff. Apr 1, 2019 |
Jun 21 | 203 Application: Empire Generating Co, LLC | EC19-99 | FERC issues deficiency letter; Empire responses due Aug 5 |
Jun 20 | Waiver Request: FCA14 SOI Deadline (New Brunswick Energy Mktg) | ER19-2011 | FERC grants waiver request |
Jun 20 | 203 Application: Convergent Energy and Power / ECP | EC19-85 | FERC authorizes transaction |
Jun 19 | 203 App: Oaktree Capital Group / Brookfield | EC19-104 | Oaktree Capital (Footprint and Hartree Partners Related Person) asks FERC for authorization for Brookfield to acquire a more than 10% interest in each of them, making them Related Persons |
Jun 18 | Membership | ER19-1720 | FERC accepts (i) the May 1, 2019 memberships of AES Distributed Energy and Precept Power; (ii) the April 1, 2019 termination of the rticipant status of Tomorrow Energy; and (iii) the name changes of Central Rivers Power NH, LLC and NGV US Transmission Inc. |
Jun 18 | Membership | ER19-1737 | FERC accepts End User membership of Michael Kuser |
Jun 18 | Sched. 21-NEP: National Grid/Calpine Fore River RFA | ER19-1681 | FERC accepts RFA, eff. Mar 28, 2019 |
Jun 17 | D&E Agreement: NSTAR/ Vineyard Wind | ER19-2171 | NSTAR files Agreement setting for the terms and conditions under which NSTAR will undertake design and engineering activities prior to execution of LGIA with Vineyard Wind |
Jun 17 | 203 Application: Empire Generating Co, LLC | EC19-99 | Empire amends application |
Jun 14 | DAM Offer Cap Changes | ER19-2137 | ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to revise the dispatch treatment of resources whose Supply Offers are price-capped in the Day-Ahead Energy Market; ISO-NE requests effective date for all Order 831 changes become eff. Mar 1, 2020 |
Jun 13 | UI Pequonnock Substation Transmission Rate Incentive Request | ER19-1359 | UI requests rehearing of UI Pequonnock Rate Incentive Order |
Jun 13 | Emera Maine Order 845 Compliance Filing |
ER19-1887 | FERC requests additional information; responses due Jul 15 |
Jun 12 | RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Hearings | EL16-19-002 | Presiding Judge issues errata changing date for initial briefs to Apr 27, 2020 |
Jun 11 | VTransco Tax Rate Attachment F Waiver | ER19-1832 | FERC grants waiver request, eff. Jun 1, 2019 |
Jun 11 | Termination of Pilgrim RFA | ER19-2108 | NSTAR files notice of termination of Related Facilities Agreement with Entergy following formal retirement of Pilgrim Station |
Jun 10 | Sched. 21-EM: BHD Excess ADIT Changes | ER19-1470-001 | Emera Maine submits responses to May 10 deficiency letter |
Jun 10 | RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Hearings | EL16-19-002 | Presiding Judge Coffman issues orders establishing a procedural schedule and adopting rules of conduct for the hearings |
Jun 10 | Schedule 21-EM 2019 Annual Informational Filing | ER15-1434 | Emera Maine submits annual update to its local transmission service rates |
Jun 7 | Order 845 Compliance Filing & Interconnection Studies Scope & Reasonable Efforts Timelines Changes | ER19-1951 ER19-1952 |
FERC grants 14-day extension of time for comments in these proceedings; comments now due on or before Jun 26 |
Jun 7 | RTO Insider Press Policy Complaint | EL18-196-001 | FERC issues tolling order affording it additional time to consider Public Citizen request for reh’g |
Jun 7 | Sched. 21-EM: MPD Excess ADIT Changes | ER19-1400-001 | Emera Maine submits responses to May 10 deficiency letter |
Jun 6 | ISO-NE’s Interim Winter Energy Security (Chapter 2B) Proposal | ER19-1428-001 | ISO-NE submits responses to May 8 deficiency letter; comment date Jun 27 |
Jun 6 | FCA13 Results Filing | ER19-1166 | FERC issues deficiency letter; additional information required of ISO-NE on or before Jul 8, 2019 |
Jun 6 | Membership | not docketed | ISO-NE files notice of Jun 4 suspension of Stored Solar J&WE, LLC from the New England Markets |
Jun 5 | ISO-NE Order 845 Compliance Filing | ER19-1951 | NEPOOL submits comments and protests to ISO-NE/PTO AC May 22 filing |
Jun 5 | MPD OATT 2018 Annual Informational Filing | ER15-1429-010 | Chief Judge issues order continuing settlement judge procedures |
Jun 4 | IA Cancellation: Pilgrim | ER19-2046 | In connection with the May 31 retirement of Entergy’s Pilgrim Nuclear Power Station, NSTAR filed a notice of the Jun 1, 2019 termination of the Interconnection and Operation Agreement with Pilgrim |
Jun 4 | 203 App: Empire Generating Co, LLC |
EC19-99 | Empire requests authorization for the disposition of its FERC-jurisdictional facilities by way of a bankruptcy-related upstream change in control |
Jun 3 | Membership | ER19-1550 | FERC accepts involuntary termination of Lotus Danbury LMS100 One, eff. Jun 10, 2019 |
Jun 3 | Regional Report | not docketed | ISO-NE submits revised 2018 FERC Form 714 |
May 31 | Order 845 Compliance Filing & Interconnection Studies Scope & Reasonable Efforts Timelines Changes | ER19-1952 ER19-1951 |
AWEA requests 21-day extension of time to comment on these and other regions’ Order 845 compliance filings |
May 31 | Membership | ER19-2021 | New Members: Brookfield Renewable Trading and Marketing; Community Eco Power; DWW Solar II; and NS Power Energy Marketing, Inc. Terminations: Mint Energy; Power Bidding Strategies; and Utility Expense Reduction LLC Name Change: Bridgeport Fuel Cell, LLC |
May 31 | Sched. 21-NSTAR Annual Informational Filing | ER09-1243; ER07-549 | NSTAR submits an informational filing containing the true-up of billings under Schedule 21-NSTAR for the period Jan1, 2018 through Dec 31, 2018 |
May 31 | MPD OATT 2018 Annual Informational Filing | ER15-1429-010 | Settlement Judge Dring issues status report |
May 31 | Sched 21-NSTAR Annual Informational Filing | ER09-1243; ER07-549 | NSTAR submits an informational filing containing the true-up of billings under Schedule 21-NSTAR for the Jan 1, 2018 through Dec 31, 2018 period |
May 31 | Sched 21-GMP: Annual True Up Calc. Info. Filing | ER12-2304 | GMP submits annual info filing containing true-up calculation of its actual costs for the Jan 1, 2018 through Dec 31, 2018 period |
May 31 | Regional Report | not docketed | ISO-NE submits 2018 FERC Form 714 |
May 30 | Waiver Req: NB Energy Mkting | ER19-2011 | New Brunswick Energy Marketing requests limited waiver of MR1 § 13.1.10 (FCA Qualification Schedule) to allow ISO-NE to accept NB Energy Marketing’s FCA14 Show of Interest form (for an importing capacity resource using control-area backed generation) |
May 28 | Sched. 21-EM: BHD Excess ADIT Changes | ER19-1470 | MPUC withdraws its Apr 19 comments |
May 28 | D&E Agreement: CL&P/NTE CT |
ER19-1994 | CL&P files Agreement in connection with the interconnection of NTE CT’s 692 MW generation facility to CL&P’s system in Killingly, CT |
May 24 | FCA13 Results Filing | ER19-1166 | ISO-NE supplements records advising that the disaggregated quantity of capacity from Demand Capacity Resources at the End-of-Round Price for each Capacity Zone was not published during FCA 13 |
May 24 | RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols |
EL16-19-002 | Presiding Judge Coffman schedules prehearing conference for Jun 6 |
May 24 | Sched 21-EM: 2018 Annual Update Settlement Agreement |
ER15-1434-003 | Emera Maine files Settlement Agreement to resolve a majority of the issues raised by the MPUC following its 2018 Annual Update filing |
May 23 | RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols |
EL16-19-002 | Chief Judge Cintron designates (i) ALJ David Coffman as the Presiding Judge for purposes of hearing and an initial decision; and (ii) resolution specialist Joshua Hurwitz as the settlement facilitator |
May 23 | IMM 2018 Annual Markets Report | ZZ19-4 | ISO-NE IMM files annual report covering calendar year 2018 |
May 22 | Interconnection Studies Scope and Reasonable Efforts Timelines Changes | ER19-1952 | ISO-NE, NEPOOL and PTO AC together file changes to Schedule 22 to: (i) reduce the scope of the Feasibility Study and increase the Reasonable Efforts timeframe for completing that study; and (ii) increase the Reasonable Efforts timeframe for completing the System Impact Study |
May 22 | Order 845 Compliance Filing |
ER19-1951 | ISO-NE files Order 845 compliance filing |
May 22 | RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols |
EL16-19 ER18-2235 |
FERC rejects Settlement and remands EL16-19 to Chief Judge Cintron for the resumption of hearing procedures; ER18-2235 terminated |
May 22 | Order 841 Compliance Filing | ER19-470 | NEPOOL, AEE file comments |
May 21 | Winter Fuel Security (Chapter 3) |
EL18-182 ER19-1428 ER18-1639 ER18-2364 ER13-2266 |
FERC notices a Jul 15 joint, public, staff-led meeting (in response to Apr 22 request of ISO-NE, NESCOE and NEPOOL) |
May 21 | Sched. 21-UI: LCSA – UI/Revere Power (Bridgeport Energy) | ER19-1911 | UI files LCSA with Revere Power to recover Bridgeport Energy’s Category B Load Ratio Share of the revenue requirement for UI’s Localized Facilities under Schedule 21-UI |
May 21 | Sched. 21-UI: LCSA Cancellation – UI/EES5 (Bridgport Energy) | ER19-1921 | UI files to cancel LCSA with EES5 in light of transfer of Category B Network Load Responsibility for the Bridgeport Energy facility to Revere Power |
May 20 | MPD OATT 2018 Annual Informational Filing | ER15-1429-010 | Settlement Judge Dring schedules first settlement conf. for Jul 18 |
May 17 | MPD OATT Changes | ER19-1887 | Emera Maine files Order 845/845-A changes to its MPD OATT LGIA and LGIP |
May 17 | 203 Application: Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell | EC19-22 | Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell submits notice of May 9 consummation |
May 16 | Capital Projects Report – 2019 Q1 | ER19-1822 | NEPOOL intervenes and files comments supporting Q1 Report |
May 16 | MPD OATT 2019 Annual Informational Filing | ER15-1429-000 | Emera Maine submits revisions to 2019-20 charges |
May 14 | FCA13 Results Filing | ER19-1166 | Capacity Suppliers answer ISO-NE and IMM Apr 29 answers |
May 14 | ISO-NE’s Interim Winter Energy Security (Chapter 2B) Proposal | ER19-1428 | MA AG answers ISO-NE Apr 30 answer |
May 14 | UI Trans. Rate Incentive Request: Pequonnock Substation Project | ER19-1359 | FERC grants in part (Abandonment Plant and CWIP Incentives), and denies in part (ROE Incentive), the transmission rate incentives requested |
May 13 | VTransco Tax Rate Waiver Request | ER19-1832 | VTransco requests a waiver of Attachment F to enable it to use the 21% fed. income tax rate in its 2019 revenue requirement calculations |
May 13 | Membership | not docketed | ISO-NE files notice of May 9 suspension of Great American Power LLC from the New England Markets |
May 10 | Capital Projects Report – 2019 Q1 | ER19-1822 | ISO-NE submits 2019 Q1 Report |
May 10 | FCA13 Results Filing | ER19-1166 | NEPGA answers IMM and ISO-NE answers; Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems files comments to respond specifically to certain statements made about MHPS’s turbine technology in the Niemann Affidavit and corresponding statements in the Capacity Suppliers Comments |
May 10 | Schedule 21-EM: BHD Excess ADIT Changes | ER19-1470 | FERC issues deficiency letter requesting add’l information; response due Jun 10 |
May 10 | Schedule 21-EM: MPD Excess ADIT Changes | ER19-1400 | FERC issues deficiency letter |
May 10 | RTO Insider Press Policy Complaint |
EL18-196-001 | Public Citizen requests rehearing of RTO Insider Complaint Order |
May 9 | 203 Application: Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell | EC19-22 | FuelCell Energy Finance acquires Dominion Bridgeport Fuel Cell |
May 8 | ISO-NE’s Interim Winter Energy Security (Chapter 2B) Proposal | ER19-1428 | FERC issues deficiency letter; ISO-NE responses due Jun 7, 2019 |
May 8 | FCA13 Results Filing | ER19-1166 | Clean Energy Advocates (Acadia Center, CLF, Sierra Club) answer Vineyard Wind’s Apr 12 protest and other comments |
May 8 | Schedule 21-EM: BHD Excess ADIT Changes | ER19-1470 | Emera Maine submits errata to correct typographical errors (replacing references to the Maine Public District with the Bangor Hydro District) |
May 7 | FCA13 Results Filing | ER19-1166 | Vineyard Wind answers ISO-NE Apr 29 answer |
May 7 | IMM Quarterly Markets Reports | ZZ19-4 | IMM files Winter 2019 Report |
May 7 | D&E Agreem’t Cancellat’n: NSTAR/NGrid (Wynn Casino) | ER19-1395 | FERC accepts notice of cancellation, eff. Mar 21, 2019 |
May 6 | Schedule 21-EM: BHD Excess ADIT Changes | ER19-1470 (corrected) |
Emera Maine answers MPUC Apr 19 comments |
May 6 | 203 Application: Kendall Green Energy | EC19-86 | Kendall Green requests authorization for transaction in which Veolia will become the sole owner through the acquisition of ISQ Thermal Kendall’s 49% share |
May 6 | New England Ratepayers Association Complaint | EL19-10 | New Hampshire congressional delegation sends letter to FERC Chairman urging the FERC to “swiftly act on this [11/2/2018] petition” |
May 3 | 203 Application: Convergent Energy & Power / ECP | EC19-85 | Convergent requests authorization for its acquisition by ECP (upon which it will become a Calpine Related Person) |
May 3 | ISO-NE eTariff Versioning Corrections | ER19-1387 | FERC accepts fling, eff. Apr 1, 2019 |
May 2 | CMP & UI/Brookfield Phase I/II HVDC-TF Service Agreements | ER19-1105 ER19-1106 ER19-1107 |
FERC accepts agreements, eff. Jan 1, 2020 (1105 & 1106) and Sep. 1, 2020 (1107) |
May 1 | Order 841 Compliance Filing | ER19-470 | ISO-NE files responses to FERC Apr 1 letter requesting additional information |
2024 Reports
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