Updates Between Jun 25, 2024 and Jul 31, 2024
PTOs protest RENEW’s July 16 supplemental submissions
NEPOOL and ISO-NE file 2nd RNA and PA changes; comment deadline Aug 21, 2024
New Member: Twig Redwood Inc.; and Termination of Participant status: MFT Energy US 1 LLC
FERC accepts (i) as new members: ATNV Energy; Delorean Power d/b/a Lightshift Energy; Fanfare Energy; ProGrid Ventures; and ZGE Massachusetts; (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Agile Energy Trading; Energy Harbor; Hydroland; and the CT Materials Innovations and Recycling Authority; and (iii) the name change of Reworld REC, LLC
ISO-NE submits compliance filing backing out yet-to-be effective changes inadvertently included with the LTTP Phase 2 Changes
FERC directs Indicated TOs that have asset condition projects (CL&P, MEPCO, NSTAR (East and West), National Grid, PSNH, RI Energy, and VTransco) to provide to the FERC its responses (both public and confidential) to MOPA’s questions related to general processes and procedures for asset condition project planning. The FERC stated that it needs the full information to evaluate whether the Identified TOs made “a good faith effort to respond to [the] information request[] pertaining to the Annual Update.” TOs’ responses due on or before Aug 26, 2024.
ISO-NE supplements its filing to add request for Waiver of 60-day notice requirement to permit the conforming Tariff changes to become effective on Apr 15, 2024, the effective date of the FRM Offer Cap Filing changes
FERC accepts, eff. Jul 26, 2024, Information Policy changes that (i) permit ISO-NE to share Participants’ credit-related information with other ISO/RTOs; (ii) permit ISO-NE to use credit-related information received from other ISO/RTOs to the same extent and for the same purposes as ISO-NE is permitted under the Tariff with respect to its Participants; and (iii) require ISO-NE to keep such received credit-related information confidential in accordance with the Tariff, in each case for the purpose of credit risk management and mitigation .
Seabrook files a third amendment to the E&P Agreement with NECEC Transmission; comment deadline Aug 15, 2024
FERC authorizes Engelhart’s acquisition of 100% of the interests in the Trailstone companies from Riverstone V Trailstone Holdings
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to allow Market Participants to submit up to two different MW-dependent fuel prices in their cost-based Reference Levels. In addition, ISO-NE provided its explanation for why the current market power mitigation provisions addressing the duration of mitigation are just and reasonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential. Comment deadline Aug 14, 2024.
FERC accepts CSC’s recovery of $478,182 of incremental medium impact CIP-IROL Costs incurred between Jan 1, 2023 and Dec 31, 2023, eff. Jul 31, 2024.
ISO-NE files ATTR Submetering Revisions required by the Order 2222 60-Day Compliance Filing Order Allegheny Order
FERC authorizes ISO-NE issuance of up to $75 million in senior unsecured notes through July 31, 2026
Berkshire Power requests authorization for Gate City Power’s acquisition of 100% of the interests in Berkshire’s parent; comment deadline Aug 9, 2024
ISO-NE answers Glenvale’s and Longroad Energy’s Jul 5 answers
NARUC submits nominees for the Collaborative, including, from NECPUC, MPUC Chairman Phil Bartlett and NHPUC Commissioner Pradip Chattopadhyay
RENEW submits Supplemental Affidavits as further evidence in support of its Dec 13, 2022 Complaint; requests that the FERC issue an order on an expedited basis determining that Schedules 11 and 21 of the ISO-NE OATT are unjust and unreasonable to the extent they permit transmission owners to directly assign to Interconnection Customers O&M costs associated with Network Upgrades constructed to facilitate a generator interconnection.
PSNH files Interconnection Study Agreement with Wok, LLC, which is proposing to potentially construct a facility and establish a load interconnection to PSNH’s transmission system, to cover the costs of assessing the viability of a potential interconnection and providing high-level, non-binding cost estimates for the portion of such infrastructure that would be paid for by Wok.
CL&P files Engineering Agreement with Vineyard Northeast to cover the costs to perform necessary engineering and design services related to Vineyard Northeast’s 1,200 MW Large Generating Facility (Queue Position 1488)
Indicated Utilities request rehearing, if and as appropriate, and request that the FERC rescind its Jun 13 Show Cause Order.
Applicants request prompt action on their Mar 12, 2024 application
FERC issues “Allegheny Notice”, noting that requests for reh’g may be deemed to have been denied by operation of law, but that the requests will be addressed in a future order
FERC issues “Allegheny Notice”, noting that requests for reh’g may be deemed to have been denied by operation of law, but that the requests will be addressed in a future order
Mystic requests waiver of the deadlines in Sections II.6.A and II.4.F of the Protocols so that the deadline to make the 2024 Informational Filing (and subsequent related deadlines) can be delayed to allow Mystic and active intervenors in ER18-1639-027, who have agreed to a settlement in principle in that proceeding, to determine whether a settlement can be reached that may impact or obviate the need for the filing or challenges that might be filed subsequent thereto; comment deadline Aug 2, 2024.
NERC submits for approval 11 CIP Standards and 18 new or revised definitions for inclusion in NERC’s Glossary
Public Citizen and Private Equity Stakeholder Project file 3rd joint protest, this time in response to Applicants’ Jun 18, 2024 deficiency letter response
FERC accepts, eff. July 9, 2024, the proposed revisions to Section 16 of Attachment K of the OATT that establish, as part of an optional, longer-term transmission planning process, the mechanisms that enable the New England states to develop policy-based transmission facilities in connection with Longer-Term Transmission Studies (“LTTS”), and the associated cost allocation methods for these upgrades (the “LTTP Phase 2 Changes”). With respect to changes to three definitions in Section I.2.2, previously accepted though not yet intended to be effective, and inadvertently included with these Tariff changes, as described in ISO-NE’s June 20, 2024 supplement, the FERC directed ISO-NE to submit a compliance filing on or before Aug 7 backing out those yet-to-be-effective changes.
FERC terminates any further reporting obligations, concluding this proceeding.
Glenvale and Longroad Energy answer ISO-NE’s Jun 20 Answer
Versant Power requested for the Maine Public District a waiver of Order 1920’s requirements related to regional transmission planning, interregional transmission coordination, and cost allocation methods.
NEPOOL submits comments supporting ISO-NE’s Jun 10, 2024 Order 2222 Further Compliance Filing (Addition of Meter Data Submission Deadline to Tariff)
New Members: Aurora Energy Research LLC and Enverus, Inc.; Termination of Participant status: KCE CT 10 LLC
FERC approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement that resolves OE’s investigation into whether Galt, and as to certain obligations Customized Energy Solutions, violated the FERC’s Anti-Manipulation Rule and the Federal Power Act by repeatedly engaging in prohibited wash trades between the NYISO and ISO-NE markets between Jul 8, 2016 and Apr 23, 2019. Galt agreed to to: (a) pay a civil penalty of $1.5 million; (b) disgorge (with interest) $372,297.85 to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts; and (c) submit two annual compliance monitoring reports, with a third annual compliance monitoring report at OE’s discretion.
FERC approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement that resolves OE’s investigation into whether Josco violated the NYISO Tariff and the FERC’s Market Behavior Rules by failing to timely inform NYISO of the existence of ongoing investigations by the NYPSC that could have a material impact on its financial condition. Josco agreed to pay a $5,000 civil penalty
FERC approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement that resolves OE’s investigation into whether SunSea violated the NYISO Tariff and the FERC’s Market Behavior Rules by failing to timely inform NYISO of the existence of ongoing investigations by the NYPSC that could have a material impact on its financial condition. SunSea agreed to pay a $5,000 civil penalty
FERC accepts Amended IA, eff. Jul 8, 2024
FERC approves, subject to modification, EOP-012-2, its associated violation risk factors and violation severity levels, NERC’s proposed implementation plan, the newly defined terms Fixed Fuel Supply Component and Generator Cold Weather Constraint, the revised defined terms Generator Cold Weather Critical Component and Generator Cold Weather Reliability Event, and the retirement of EOP-012-1 immediately prior to the effective date of EOP-012-2. FERC also approved NERC’s proposed implementation date for EOP-011-4 and the proposed retirement of EOP-011-2 and EOP-011-3 immediately prior to the effective date of EOP-012-2.
FERC issues an advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANOPR) presenting potential reforms to implement dynamic line ratings and, thereby, improve the accuracy of transmission line ratings.
Rhode Island Energy (RIE) submits the Local Control Center Services Agreement among RIE and the Participating Companies.
RI Energy submits True-Up Adjustment of its BITS Surcharge
Reply comments filed by: NEPGA, NESCOE, Elevate Renewables F7, EPSA, IPPNY, MISO TOs, Old Dominion Electric Coop, PJM IMM, Dr. C. Gaunt,
NSTAR files notice of termination of D&E Agreement with Medway Grid
CMP files supplement to its May 8 filing
NEPOOL files reply comments to ISO-NE’s initial Reactive Power NOPR comments