Updates Between Jun 20, 2022 and Aug 02, 2022
Complainants answer and provide additional support for ISO-NE’s request for expedited action
Voltus submits comments in support of eliminating the DR Opt-Out
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file tariff revisions to allow storage facilities incapable of
consuming electricity from the grid to participate in the New England Markets as Continuous
Storage Facilities (CSF).
NEPOOL requests that the FERC accept (i) the memberships of Concurrent; Leapfrog Power; Old Middleboro Road Solar; and Accelerate Renewables; and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Chris Anthony; Indeck Energy-Alexandria; Standard Normal; and Borrego Solar Systems.
Deputy Chief ALJ substitutes ALJ Patricia French for ALJ Glazer (who retired) to conduct settlement judge procedures going forward
PTO AC submits informational filing identifying adjustments to Regional Transmission Service charges, Local Service, and Schedule 12C Costs under Section II of the Tariff for 2023, and a Schedule 1 formula rate for Jun 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023 (including a 2023 RNS Rate of $140.94/kW-year and a Schedule 1 formula rate of $1.75 kW-year, decreases of $1.84/kW-year and $0.12/kW-year, respectively)
Brookfield and HQUS jointly submit comments supporting Reassignment Agreement
FERC finds that the ISO-NE Tariff appears to be unjust and unreasonable in the absence of volumetric minimum collateral requirements for FTR Market Participants. ISO-NE was directed, on or before October 26, 2022, either: (1) to show cause as to why its OATT remains just and reasonable and not unduly discriminatory or preferential; or (2) to explain what changes to its OATT it believes would remedy the identified concerns if the FERC were to determine that the OATT has in fact become unjust and unreasonable or unduly discriminatory or preferential.
Brookfield and HQUS jointly file comments supporting Reassignment Agreement
FERC issues NOPR proposing to amend its regulations to permit RTO/ISOs to share among themselves credit-related information regarding market participants in their markets
FERC proposes to add a new section to 18 CFR part 1 to require that any entity communicating with the FERC or other specified organizations (e.g. ISO/RTOs and their market monitors, NERC and its Regional Entities, transmission providers) related to a matter subject to FERC jurisdiction submit accurate and factual information and not submit false or misleading information, or omit material information. The FERC also proposes that exercising due diligence to prevent such occurrences would be an affirmative defense to violations of the requirement.
FERC issues NOPR proposing reforms to the USofA to account for certain renewable energy assets
R. Borlick responds to Voltus comments; supplements these comments with a copy of FERC v. EPSA
Settlement Judge Glazer issues his second status report
ISO-NE answers Jul 8, 2022 AEE/AEMA/Power Options/SEIA protest
ISO-NE, New England Hydro-Transmission Electric Company, New England Hydro-Transmission Corporation, New England Electric Transmission Corporation; and VELCO (collectively the Asset Owners) and the Schedule 20A Service Providers jointly submit their Phase I/II HVDC-TF Order 881
Compliance Filing in two parts – (i) changes to the HVDC TOA and (ii) changes to Schedule 20-Common Attachment M
Essential Power Newington submits FPA Section 205 filing to recover $360,261 in incremental medium impact IROL-CIP Costs for the cost recovery period beginning Feb 18, 2021 and ending Jun 30, 2022
ISO-NE submits letter requesting expedited FERC action on the complaint filed in this proceeding
Mystic submits for information revision to Fuel Supply Agreement
Avangrid Networks submits 3 Phase I/II HVDC-TF service agreements to transfer the transmission service rights and obligations that Brookfield Renewable Trading and Marketing LP (BRTM, the Reseller) currently holds under existing TSAs (1 with CMP; 2 with UI) to H.Q. Energy Services (U.S.) Inc. (HQUS, the Assignee). CMP-BRTM 85 MW TSA (ER22-2433); UI-BRTM 32 MW TSA (ER22-2432); and UI-BRTM 1 MW TSA (ER22-2431).
NEP amends its Jun 29, 2020 Order 864 compliance filing with further amendments to Tariff No. 1, Schedule III-B
NEP amends its Jul 30, 2020 Order 864 compliance filing with further amendments to Schedule 21-NEP and TSA-NEP-22
NEP amends its Jul 30, 2020 Order 864 compliance filing with further amendments to its LSA with Nantucket Electric Company
NEP submits a Phase I/II HVDC-TF service agreements to reassign Brookfield Renewable Trading and Marketing LP’s (BRTM) rights under TSA-NEP-96 to H.Q. Energy Services (U.S.) Inc. (HQUS)
FERC issues order listing State Commissioners that will serve on the JFSTF for the Sep 1, 2022 – Aug 31, 2023 term (MA DPU Chair Matt Nelson and VT PUC Commissioner Riley Allen to again represent New England)
FERC accepts Revised RI LSA (TSA-NEP-86), eff. Jan, 1, 2022
FERC grants Filing Parties a 10-day extension of time, to Jul 22, to submit their Order 881 compliance filing for the Phase I/II HVDC TF
GenConn Energy requests FERC acceptance of a proposed rate schedule to allow GenConn Middletown to begin the recovery period for certain CIP-IROL Costs under Schedule 17 of the ISO-NE Tariff
ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file changes to the Tariff to allow ISO-NE to share confidential information with NERC and federal agencies with cyber security responsibilities, without prior
notice to Market Participants and other furnishing entities, if a cyber security event occurs
Centrica and CPower request authorization for the sale of 100% of the equity interests in Centrica to CPower
ISO-NE, NEPOOL, PTO AC, and CSC submit Order 881 (Transmission Line Ratings) compliance filing
Versant Power submits a new Attachment T to the Versant Power Open Access Transmission Tariff for Maine Public District (MPD OATT) to implement the FERC’s requirements for Transmission Line Ratings (eff. date requested later corrected to be Jul 12, 2025)
FERC accepts non-conforming LGIA governing the interconnection of EIP’s 20 MW fuel cell project
(Corrected) ISO-NE, the Asset Owners, and the Schedule 20A Service Providers request a 10-day extension of time for submission of the Phase I/II HVDC-TF Order 881 compliance filing
AEE, AEMA, PowerOptions, and SEIA jointly protest ISO-NE’s June 17 deficiency letter response
Clearway requests authorization for TotalEnergies Renewables USA, LLC’s acquisition of a
50% percent interest in the Clearway Group and GIP III Sol Acquisition, LLC’s acquisition of a 50% less one unit indirect interest in SunPower Corporation
Applicants answer Public Citizen protest and MA AG comments
NEPOOL requests that the FERC accept the termination of the Participant status of Liberty Power Holdings and the name change of Astral Infrastructure Holdings, LLC
ISO-NE and NEPOOL file Tariff changes to modify the process for interconnection of new distributed energy resources (“DERs”) and improve the coordination of interconnection studies
FERC accepts compliance filing, eff. May 1, 2022
FERC approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement with Salem Harbor Power Development LP, requiring Salem Harbor, subject to limitations of the Bankruptcy Code and in accordance with the treatment afforded to Allowed General Unsecured Claims pursuant to a plan to be approved by the Bankruptcy Court in Salem Harbor’s bankruptcy proceeding, to pay a $17.1 million civil penalty and to disgorge a little more than $26.69 million in profits, to resolve the OE’s investigation into Salem Harbor’s receipt of capacity payments for Salem Harbor’s New Salem Harbor Generating Station project (Project) during the 2017-18 Capacity Commitment Period, a period during which the Project had neither been built nor commenced commercial operation.
Mystic request for clarification or reh’g of Mystic First CapEx Info. Filing Order denied by operation of law
VT files two Shared Structure Participation Agreements between VTransco and Green Mountain Power
FERC accepts (i) the following Applicant’s membership in NEPOOL: Altop Energy Trading; Indra Power Business CT; Indra Power Business MA; Leicester Street Solar; and Nexamp Markets; and (ii) the name change of Salem Harbor Power Development LP (f/k/a Footprint Power Salem Harbor Development LP).
FERC approves Stipulation and Consent Agreement that resolved OE’s investigation into whether sPower violated § 36.2A of the PJM Tariff by submitting inaccurate information to PJM during the interconnection process; sPower must pay a $24,000 civil penalty
Settlement Judge Glazer issues his first status report
MA AG submits comments; Public Citizen protests application
Appicants request authorization for a transaction pursuant to which Generation Sector Group Seat Member Waterside Power’s upstream owner will become a subsidiary of KKR & Co.
FERC denies Maine Power Link’s request for negotiated rate authority (for failure to show that it has assumed the full market risk for the Project)