Updates Between Oct 04, 2023 and Nov 01, 2023
UI files changes to Appendix D of Attachment F to the ISO-NE OATT to incorporate the revised transmission plant depreciation and general plant depreciation rates used to calculate UI’s annual transmission revenue requirements
Public Systems submit comments supporting proposed changes
FERC accepts SATOA revisions, directing the Filing Parties (ISO-NE, PTO AC, NEPOOL) to notify the FERC of the actual effective date of the SATOA revisions no less than 30 days prior to implementation (implementation currently projected to be Jul 1, 2024)
FERC directs NERC (i) to develop new or modified Reliability Standards that address reliability gaps related to inverter-based resources (IBRs) in the following areas: data sharing; model validation; planning and operational studies; and performance requirements; and (ii) to submit an informational filing on or before Jan 17, 2024 that includes a detailed, comprehensive standards development plan tht provides for the FERC filing of such Standards by November 4, 2026.
ISO-NE and NEPOOL, in response to Order 895, jointly file changes to the Information Policy to (1) permit ISO-NE to share credit-related information with other ISO/RTOs; (2) permit ISO-NE to use credit-related information received from other ISO/RTOs to the same extent and for the same purposes as ISO-NE is permitted under the Tariff with respect to its market participants, transmission customers, and applicants; and (3) require ISO-NE to keep such received credit-related information confidential in accordance with the
Tariff, in each case for the purpose of credit risk management and mitigation.
National Grid files revisions to Appendix A to Attachment F to the ISO NE OATT to update NEP’s fixed expense amount for transmission-related post-retirement benefits other than pensions (“PBOPs”) to more accurately reflect the going forward expense level and allow the existing income statement credit incurred under the current formula rate to be refunded to customers.
FERC accept Stonepeake Kestral’s revised rate schedule permitting recovery of $1,483,297 in incremental, medium-impact CIP-IROL Costs incurred between Mar 29, 2021 and Mar 31, 2023.
ISO-NE requests that, due to a lack of market interest, the effective date for the implementation of provisions permitting Binary Storage Facility to offer Regulation services when acting as a Dispatchable Asset-Related Demand (DARD), which otherwise would have been Jan 1, 2024, be deferred until such time as a market interest in Binary Storage Facility DARD Regulation materializes. ISO-NE committed to submit an annual informational filing on July 1 of each year for the duration of the deferral advising of the status of this matter.
ISO-NE files materials for funding NESCOE’s 2024 operations; comment date Nov 3, 2023
ISO-NE files its 2024 administrative costs and capital budgets; comment date Nov 3, 2023
ISO-NE files 2023 Q3 Report; comment deadline Nov 3, 2023
FERC accepts Bucksport’s revised rate schedule permitting recovery of $251,419 in incremental, medium-impact CIP-IROL Costs incurred between Mar 29, 2021 and Mar 31, 2023, eff. Sep 29, 2023.
Essential Power Newington requests recovery of $276,421 in incremental medium impact CIP-IROL Costs incurred between Jul 1, 2022 and Jun 30, 2023; comment deadline Nov 2, 2023
FERC (i) sets aside the determination in the Remand Order that interested parties may review Mystic’s revenues and challenge Revenue Credits during the true-up process; (2) grants Mystic’s Motion to Lodge the Audit Controls Report posted by ISO-NE on its website; (3) denies Public Systems’ Audit Information Request; and (4) accepts ISO-NE’s proposed modifications to its audit procedures in response to Audit Information Request and (5) encourages ISO-NE to implement those modifications for the remainder of the term of the Mystic Agreement.
FERC issues an Allegheny Order on the requests for clarification and/or reh’g of its Mar 1, 2023 Order 2222 Compliance Order (Order),
- modifying the discussion in the Order (e.g. clarifying that metering data may come from or flow through distribution utilities if ISO-NE coordinates with distribution utilities and relevant electric retail regulatory authorities to establish protocols for sharing such metering data and explains how such protocols minimize costs and other burdens and address concerns raised with respect to privacy and cybersecurity),
- setting aside the Order, in part (setting aside the Nov 1, 2022 effective date, in favor, likely, of the effective date proposed by ISO-NE in its subsequent compliance filing), and
- granting and denying in part the New England Public Utilities’ requests for clarification (clarifying that Host Utilities are not prohibited from requiring metering and settlement data from each DER comprising a DERA to satisfy any relevant obligations (e.g. wholesale settlement and/or retail customer billing) and denying as premature the Utilities’ cost concerns with the FERC’s finding that ISO-NE failed to demonstrate that its proposed metering and telemetry requirements were just and reasonable).
FERC issues an Allegheny Notice related to Public Interest Organizations’ request for reh’g and/or clarification of its IEP Parameter Updates Order, confirming that the 60-day period during which a petition for review of the IEP Parameter Updates Order can be filed with an appropriate federal court was triggered when the FERC did not act on the requests for rehearing and/or clarification of the IEP Parameter Updates Order. The Notice also indicated that the FERC would address, as is its right, the reh’g request in a future order, and may modify or set aside its order, in whole or in part, “in such manner as it shall deem proper.”
PSNH files a notice of cancellation of a non-conforming LGIA with Great Lakes Hydro American, LLC that was superseded by the execution of a Standard LGIA that will be reported in ISO-NE’s EQRs
Versant Power and ISO-NE file a Local Service Agreement for Non-Firm Local Point-To-Point Service under Schedule 21-VP relating to Jonesboro’s 24.5 MW biomass generating facility.
FERC accepts rate change, eff. Jan 1, 2025 as requested