Updates Between Jul 08, 2021 and Aug 03, 2021
FERC accepts ISO-NE’s compliance filing, eff. May 29, 2021
FERC issues a “Notice of Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law and Providing for Further Consideration” of the EPSA/NEPGA request for rehearing of the NEPGA Net Cone Complaint Order
FERC accepts fourth compliance filing, eff. Jun 1, 2022
FERC issues a “Notice of Denial of Rehearing by Operation of Law and Providing for Further Consideration” of the EPSA/NEPGA request for rehearing of the Updated CONE, Net Cone and PPR Values Order
NEPOOL requests that the FERC accept (i) the memberships of In Commodities US; and Jupiter Power; (ii) the termination of the Participant status of GenOn Energy Management and GenOn Canal; and (iii) the name change of Rivercrest Power-SOUTH, LLC (f/k/a BioUrja Power LLC)
FERC denies CPower Waiver Request
MPUC submits protest to CMP’s July 6 deficiency letter responses
PTO AC, ISO-NE, Schedule 20A Service Providers, GMP, and VTransco submit revisions to Schedule 21-Common and Schedule 20A-Common in accordance with Order 676-I
Cross-Sound Cable and ISO-NE file revisions to Schedule 18 in response to Order 676-I
In response to the requirements of Order 676-I, Versant submits revisions to the Maine Public District (MPD) OATT and requests waiver of certain of the standards not applicable to Versant’s and/or the MPD OATT.
Comments and protests filed by: ISO-NE IMM, AEE, IECG, NECOS/ENE, NEPGA, Public Systems, MPUC/CT PURA/MA DPU, VT PUC
ISO-NE submits responses to the questions posed on the FERC’s Jan 19 Order Directing Reports
Post-technical conference comments filed by: AEE, Calpine, CT Parties, Dominion, Eversource, MMWEC, NESCOE, NEPGA, NextEra, NRG, Public Interest Orgs, Vistra, AEMA, EPSA, RENEW
FERC accepts Tariff changes, eff. Jul 20, 2021
Versant Power requested waiver of the application of its Unreserved Transmission Use Penalty Policy to Black Bear SO, LLC and Black Bear Hydro Partners, LLC (jointly, Black Bear), so that Versant Power may instead charge these companies penalties for unreserved use based on Versant Power’s revised policy statement as published May 11, 2021
FERC issues order setting the base ROE for the Mystic COS Agreement at 9.33%
FERC issues Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (ANOPR) discussing proposals or concepts for changes to existing processes in the following categories: regional transmission planning, regional cost allocation, generator interconnection funding, generator interconnection queueing processes and consumer protection. The ANOPR also offers a potential rationale or argument for potential proposals in several instances.
FERC accepts proposed rate schedule that will allow Cross-Sound Cable to commence the recovery period for certain CIP IROL costs under Schedule 17 of the ISO-NE Tariff, eff. June 1, 2021