Updates Between Mar 01, 2023 and Apr 05, 2023
National Grid files comments supporting Mystic First CapEx Settlement Agreement
FERC conditionally accepts agreement (with addition of language to the LSA to make explicit that the BITS Surcharge shall be subject to the Protocols for Schedule 21-RIE), eff. Jan 1, 2023
FERC issues deficiency letter asking for additional information regarding whether this BIPCO LSA is subject to the Protocols of Schedule 21-RIE.
ISO-NE and New England Public Utilities request rehearing and/or clarification of the FERC’s Mar 1 Order 2222 Compliance Order
RENEW answers the responses to its Jan 31, 2023 Formal Challenge
VELCO, on behalf of Joint Owner, submits annual Informational Filing pursuant to the Phase II Vermont DMNRC Support Agreement
ISO-NE submits Compliance Filing with respect to additional filing requirements related to DERAs’ participation in FCA18 and other markets
FERC accepts Attachment K Economic Study Revisions, eff. Mar 31, 2023
FERC approves a change in control transaction whereby 10% or more of the voting securities of a new parent of Talen Energy Supply (TES) and its affiliated debtors (Reorganized Talen) will be distributed to some or all of Indicated Noteholders pursuant to a joint plan of reorganization of the TES Debtors subject to confirmation by the Bankruptcy Court.
ISO-NE submits 2022 annual report of total MWh of trans. service
FERC denies in part, and accepts in part, ENECOS Complaint, subject to a 30-day compliance filing (to include in the Mystic COSA the practice of crediting Mystic to account for firm gas transportation charges that Constellation LNG collects from third-party sales of gas)
FERC issues order on Remand, (1) finding the initial allocation of 91% of Everett’s fixed operating costs to Mystic remains just and reasonable and requiring that the revenue sharing mechanism be reinstated in the COSA; (2) holding its ruling on the clawback issue in abeyance pending resolution in the settlement proceeding; (3) finding that the existing language of the COSA mitigates the incentive to unduly delay capital projects; and (4) clarifying that all interested parties can review and challenge Mystic’s revenue credits and tank congestion charges during a subsequent true-up process.
ISO-NE submits clarification that requested effective date is Feb 23, 2023
Eversource submits a Notice of Termination of the Study Work Agreement with NYISO. All work contemplated by the Agreement was completed in February 2023; all billing and invoices have been finalized
Eversource files Design & Engineering Agreement that sets forth the terms and conditions under which it will perform necessary engineering, procurement and
design services in connection with Nationl Grid’s asset separation project with Great River Hydro.
ISO-NE and CL&P submit a first revised LGIA with Generate NB Fuel Cells, LLC (“Interconnection Customer”)
Weaver Wind requests FERC authorization for a proposed transaction pursuant to which a wholly-owned subsidiary of Greenbacker Renewable Energy Company will acquire all the membership interests in Weaver Wind (upon consummation, making Weaver Wind a Related Person to Howard Wind and Hectate Energy
FERC extends deadline, to Apr 4, 2023, for comments on Dynegy Add’l Cost Recovery filing
Settlement Judge Satten accepts interim Settlement Rate and authorizes Mystic to implement the Settlement Rate effective as of Jun 1, 2022. The interim Settlement Rate will remain in effect pending the Commission’s consideration of the Settlement Agreement and will be subject to refund or surcharge, pending the outcome of
that consideration.
FERC accepts (i) memberships of CommonWealth New Bedford Energy; GF Power LLC; and Industrial Wind Action Corp; (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Backyard Farms Energy and Backyard Farms LLC; Bruce Power; CommonWealth Resource Management Corp.; Darby Energy; DFC ERG CT; Stones DR; and Vineyard Wind; and (iii) the name change of Advanced Energy United
Post-technical conference comments filed by, among others: ISO-NE, AEU, Avangrid, Cypress Creek Renewables, Eversource, LS Power, MA AG, NE Public Systems, NESCOE, NextEra, NRDC, NRG, Maine PUC, ACRE, APPA, EEI, Harvard Elec. Law Inst., LPPC, NASUCA, NRECA, R Street Instit.,
FERC grants waiver of certain deadlines required by Schedule 3A of the Mystic COSA to provide Settling Parties sufficient time to implement the terms of the Mystic First CapEx Settlement Agreement as part of the Mystic COSA annual true-up process
Public Citizen, ME OPA, MA AG request 8-day extension of time, to Apr 4, 2023, to submit comments on Dynegy’s Mar 6, 2023 cost recovery filing
FERC issues deficiency letter requesting additional information on Dichotomy Collins Hydro’s status and activities as a QF
VTransco submits informational filing for lump sum payment elections taken in 2022 (24 elections totaling $14.38 million resulting in $2.15 million recorded VTransco’s balance sheet)
Responses to RENEW’s Jan 31, 2023 Formal Challenge filed by: Avangrid, Eversource, National Grid, Public Systems, RI Energy, Unitil, Versant Power, VTransco/GMP
NESCOE files comments supporting Settlement Agreement
FERC authorizes EGCO acquisition of a 49% indirect ownership interest in RISEC from Cogentrix Sellers
Mystic files Settlement Agreement to resolve all matters set for hearing in the Apr 28, 2022 Mystic First CapEx Info. Filing Order
Mystic requests authorization to place settlement rates into effect on an interim basis pending FERC action on the First CapEx Settlement Agreement; comments due on or before Wed, Mar 22, 2023
RI Energy answers Rhode Island Division of Public Utilities and Carriers Feb 21, 2023 Protest
Comments on Invenergy’s request for a technical conference related to the interconnection of interregional MHVDC systems filed by: Advanced Energy United, NRDC, IRC, SPP, NARUC, Amer. Council on Renewable Energy, Assoc Industries of MO, Clean Energy Buyers Assoc, Converge Strategies, ELCON, Grid United, IL Manufac. Assoc, MN PSC, Natl. Elec. Manufac. Assoc, ND PSC, Public Citizen, Niskanen Center, Prysmian Group, P. Stockton, R Street Institute, Rail Electrification Council, Renew Missouri Advocates, SOO Green HVDC Link ProjectCo, World Resources Institute,
ENECOS protest Mystic’s Feb 17, 2023 Motion for Abeyance of Formal Challenges to Mystic’s Sep 15, 2022 Second CapEx Info Filing
Dynegy files for recovery of $903,400 and associated regulatory costs ($62,600 plus any add’l costs incurred and submitted in a future compliance filing) as a result of its General Threshold Energy Mitigation during the Dec 24 Operating Day
FERC accepts PA Amendment No. 12, eff. Apr 1, 2023
NextEra requests rehearing of Seabrook Dispute Order
Settlement Judge McBarnette reports on mid-March Anticipated Settlement; recommends continuation of settlement judge procedures
FERC issues order accepting in part, and rejecting in part, ISO-NE’s compliance filing, to become effective Nov 1, 2022 and Nov 1, 2026, as requested, subject to further compliance filings to be submitted on or before Mar 31, May 1, and Aug 28, 2023