Litigation Updates & Reports

Updates Between Sep 12, 2018 and Oct 03, 2018


Docket Brief Description
 Oct 3 132nd Agreement: Press Membership Provisions ER18-2208 Public Citizen files reply comments
 Oct 2 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 NH PUC answers MA DPU Sep 21 comments
 Oct 1 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 Direct Energy files comments suggesting that the FERC should not rely upon any independent effort by one or more states to reallocate costs approved in this proceeding, and instead should allocate fuel security costs to Regional Network Load 
 Oct 1 Regional Report ER06-613 ISO-NE files 25th Reserve Market Compliance Semi-Annual Report
 Oct 1 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 NECOS file exhibits
 Oct 1 Membership ER19-2 New Members: Algonquin Gas Transmission; BSW ProjectCo; Cypress Creek Renewables; EIP Investment; Hartree Partners; Pawcatuck Solar Center; StateWise Energy MA; Syncarpha Billerica, Bondsville, Hancock, and North Adams; Sunrun; and Three Corners Solar; Terminations: Abest Power & Gas; Canton Mountain Wind; and Covanta Haverhill Assoc.
 Oct 1 RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols EL16-19
Settlement Judge files status report
 Sep 28 ISO-NE Tariff §III.14 Effective Date Change ER18-2506 ISO-NE files to defer effective date of previously-accepted Tariff revisions that allow ATTRs to register simultaneously as Generator Assets and DARDs from Dec 1, 2018 to Apr 1, 2019
 Sep 28 RNS/LNS Rates and
Rate Protocols Settlement Agrmt
MA AGNESCOE file reply comments 
 Sep 28 Order 842
(Freq. Response)
Compliance Filing
ER18-1523 FERC accepts compliance filing, eff. May 15, 2018 
 Sep 28 FERC Enforcement Action: Wheelabrator IN18-10 FERC approves Agreement resolving OE’s investigation of Wheelabrator; Wheelabrator required to pay a civil penalty of $250,000, disgorge $107,231 in cpacity payments and interest, and submit annual compliance reports for 2 years
 Sep 28 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 Trial Judge issues procedural orders on NESCOE, NextEra, and FERC Trial Staff Sep 25 submissions
 Sep 27 ISO-NE eTariff Corrections ER18-2489 ISO-NE files corrections to eTariff so that eTariff reflects proper Tariff section versions
 Sep 27 TSAs: Emera Maine – ReEnergy Fort Fairfield and ReEnergy Ashland ER18-2123
FERC accepts TSAs, eff. Oct 1
 Sep 26 FCM Cost Allocation Improvements ER18-2125 FEC accepts FCM Cost Allocation Improvements, eff. Oct 1
 Sep 25 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 NESCOENextEraFERC Trial Staff file revised testimony
 Sep 21 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364  Avangrid, CalpineCogentrix,  Constellation, CT Parties, Direct/NextEra/AIM/TEC/PowerOptions, Dominion, EDFENECOS, Eversource, FirstLight, MA AG, Nat’l Grid, NEPGA, NESCOE, NextEraNH PUC, NRDC/Acadia/Sierra Club/Sustainable FERC Project, NRG, Verso, VistraISO-NE EMM, MA DPU, MPUC, API, APPA, EPSA, RENEW, submit protests/ comments
 Sep 21 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 Amended ENECOS Intent to Depose
 Sep 20 RTO Insider Press Policy Complaint EL18-196 NEPOOL moves to dismiss and/or Answer Complaint; NH OCA, Comm. for the Freedom of Press; Earth Justice, Public Citizen submit comments; E. Abend submits statement
 Sep 20 132nd Agreement: Press Membership Provisions EL18-2208 NEPOOL responds to RTO Insider Sep 5 “protest”
 Sep 20 PER Settlement Agreement EL16-120
FERC denies NESCOE request for clarification of PER Complaint Order and accepts PER compliance filing
 Sep 20 CSO Termination: Clear River Unit 1 ER18-2457 ISO-NE files to terminate the CSO for Clear River Unit 1 for the 2021-22 Capacity Commitment Period
 Sep 20 FCA8 Results Filing ER14-1409 FERC dismisses as untimely Feb 10, 2015 amended protest of Utility Workers of America Local 464 and Robert Clark
 Sep 20 Capital Projects Report – 2018 Q2 ER18-2204 FERC accepts 2018 Q2 Report, eff. Jul 1, 2018
 Sep 19 Footprint Power FERC Enforcement Show Cause Order IN18-7 FERC Enforcement Staff, finding merit in Footprint’s defense relating to Salem Harbor Unit 4’s start-up requirements, reevaluated its position and recommends FERC vacate the Order to Show Cause
 Sep 19 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 Constell. submits proposed joint statement of issuesjoint index of exhibits and witness list   
 Sep 18 RTO Insider Press Policy Complaint EL18-196 Bill Short submits protest 
 Sep 18 132nd Agreement: Press Membership Provisions EL18-2208 Congressional Delegation submits letter to FERC Commissioners
 Sep 18 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement EL18-1639 Constell files joint statement of issues, witness list and exhibitsConstell. opposes in part ENECOS request for shortened answer period in Sep 17 filing
 Sep 17 FCA Rationing Minimum Limit ER18-2078 FERC accepts Market Rule changes, eff. Sep 25, 2018
 Sep 17 2018/19 Power Year Transmission Rate Filing ER09-1532 PTOs supplement Jul 31 2018 Annual RNS  Informational Filing
 Sep 17 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 ENECOS file rev testimony; ENECOS notice to depose Constell.; NextEra file testimony
 Sep 14 Fuel Security Retention Proposal ER18-2364 NEPOOL files protest and moves to have the FERC direct ISO-NE to adopt the NEPOOL alternative provisions
 Sep 14 132nd Agreement: Press Membership Provisions ER18-2208 NH OCA, Public CitizenCLF/NRDC/Earthjustice/Sustainable FERC ProjectReporters Comm. for Freedom of Press protest Press membership provisions
 Sep 14 Sched 22: CMP/Helix Maine Wind ER18-2432 ISO-NE/CMP file 2d Rev. LGIA with Helix Maine Wind (Kibby Project)
 Sep 14 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement  ER18-1639 Constell. files rebuttal testimony  
 Sep 13 132nd Agreement: Press Membership Provisions ER18-2208 Participants Committee Former and Current Chairs support membership Press provisions 
 Sep 13 Sched. 21-NEP: GMP G-33 Circuit Support Agreement ER18-2174 FERC accepts Support Agreement under which GMP agrees to pay a 14.3% share of NEP’s G-33 circuit expenses associated with the G-33 circuit in the form of a prorated Direct Assignment Facilities Charge
 Sep 13 UI/HQUS Phase I/II HVDC-TF Service Agreement ER18-2286 HQUS files comments
 Sep 13 RNS/LNS Rates and
Rate Protocols Settlement Agrmt
NEPOOL files reply comments
 Sep 13 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639 NESCOE files rev Cannady testimony; CT Parties file rev. Parcell testimony;
 Sep 12 Mystic 8/9 Cost of Service Agreement ER18-1639  Constell. notice of intent to depose Steffen 

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