Updates Between Jan 07, 2021 and Feb 02, 2021
ISO-NE submits Tariff revisions eliminating the price lock and associated zero-price offer rule for new entrants starting in FCA16
New Members: Axpo U.S.; Catalyst Power & Gas; Palm Energy; Madison ESS; Rumford ESS; Vineyard Reliability; West Medway II; and Richard Brooks. Terminations: EFI; Great American Power; Oasis Power; Praxair; Rubicon NYP ; and Verde Group. Name Change: Utility Services of Vermont LLC (f/k/a Utility Services, Inc.)
FERC accepts the termination of the Participant status of the following: Eagle’s View Partners, Ltd.; Goose River Hydro, Inc.; Patriot Partnership LLC; SFE Energy Connecticut, Inc., and Emera Energy Services Subsidiary No. 9 LLC
ISO-NE files notice of the Jan 27 suspension of NTE Connecticut, LLC from the New England Markets (Financial Assurance Default)
ISO-NE files annual informational filing of projects on the RSP project list that had a year of need 3 years or less from the completion of the Needs Assessment as required under OATT § 4.1(j)(iii)
TOs submit compliance filing to establish effective dates for the ISO-NE Tariff records that implement the Settlement approved by the FERC
Bucksport Generation LLC requests FERC acceptance of a proposed rate schedule to allow Bucksport to begin the recovery period for certain CIP-IROL Costs under Schedule 17 of the ISO-NE Tariff
Stonepeak Kestral Energy Marketing requests FERC acceptance of a proposed rate schedule to allow Stonepeak to begin the recovery period for certain CIP-IROL Costs under Schedule 17 of the ISO-NE Tariff
ISO-NE files revisions to the Tariff to exclude energy efficiency resources from Pay for Performance obligations and settlement in all hours (capacity base payments unaffected)
ISO-NE and NEPOOL file changes to incorporate by reference in Schedule 24 of the OATT the latest version (Version 003.2) of certain Standards for Business Practices and Communication Protocols for Public Utilities adopted by the Wholesale Electric Quadrant (WEQ) of the North American Energy Standards Board (NAESB)
VETCO resubmits its Order 849 compliance filing to include as an Attachment E to its Phase I Vermont Transmission Line Support Agreement a permanent worksheet to track excess or deficient ADIT and to add to Section 12 of the Agreement that the worksheet is “in the form attached hereto and incorporated herein”
FERC accepts the FCA15 Info Filing and directs ISO-NE to modify the FCA Qualified Capacity values for two New Generating Capacity Resources that ISO-NE identified it had incorrectly calculated during the qualification process. The FERC rejected the protests by Andro Hydro, Mystic and NEPGA.
Comments filed by: MMWEC, NESCOE, CT Agencies; Protests filed by: CPV Towantic, Dominion, FirstLight, NEPGA, NEI
FERC accepts ARA ICR-Related Values and HQICCs, eff. Jan 24, 2021
FERC issues notice that the request for rehearing of the FERC’s November 19 CASPR Allegheny Order filed by the Sierra Club, NRDC and CLF is denied by operation of law and will be addressed in a future order to be issued prior to the submission of the certified index to the record in the pending appeal before the DC Circuit (Case No. 20-1333)
FERC issues an order directing each ISO/RTO to submit, within 6 months, a report that provides: (a) a description of its current practices related to each of the following four hybrid resource issues: (1) terminology; (2) interconnection; (3) market participation; and (4) capacity valuation (collectively, the Issues); (b) an update on the status of any ongoing efforts to develop reforms related to each of the Issues; and (c) responses to the specific requests for information contained in the order.
CL&P files notice of cancellation of SGIA with Covanta Projects of Wallingford
FERC approves, in a 2-1 decision (Danly dissenting), a Stipulation and Consent Agreement with NRG Power Marketing, requiring NRG to pay a $85,000 civil penalty to resolve the FERC’s investigation into whether NRG violated the FERC’s Anti-Manipulation Rules, ISO-NE Market Rule 1, § III.13 and FERC regulations when it submitted inaccurate cost-based static de-list bids for Middletown and Montville during the FCA11 qualification period
MMWEC/CMEEC file comments supporting Settlement Agreement
FERC accepts the 2024-25 ICR-Related Values for the 2024-25 Capacity Commitment Period
ISO-NE and NSTAR file a notice of cancellation of the LGIA between ISO-NE, NSTAR (as successor to Holyoke Water Power Co.) and Mt. Tom Generating Company LLC governing the interconnection of Mt. Tom Station, which ceased operations on Jun 1, 2018.
ISO-NE files notice of suspension of Verde Group, LLC (Provisional Member) from the New England Markets
Versant Power files a non-conforming Phase I/II HVDC-TF Service Agreement between itself and Vitol Inc. for firm service under Schedule 20A-VP
Vermont Electric Transmission Company, Inc. (VETCO) files to amend its May 18, 2021 Order 845 compliance filing by (i) a revised permanent worksheet: and (ii) to state that VETCO will collect the amortization of the ADIT amount in the next billing cycle following FERC acceptance of its compliance filing, as amended