Updates Between Oct 06, 2021 and Nov 02, 2021
NEPOOL submits comments supporting ISO-NE Q3 Capital Projects Report
An additional 7 individual New England (New Hampshire) ratepayers submit comments requesting OPP’s assistance and support on New England issues, including Forward Capacity Market reforms, the shutdown of Merrimack Station, and requiring “ISO New England make their plan for grid transition transparent to the community”. See comments by: Brown, Fariborz, K. Ockene, L.Ockene, Ruprecht, Sellors, Shuker-Haines.
ISO-NE supplements record to correct docket reference in Sep 8 transmittal letter
Green Development requests partial rehearing of the Sep 23 Complaint Order, requesting that the FERC reverse its finding that Green Development did not meet its burden of proof that the assignment of DAF charges violated the first part of the ISO-NE Tariff definition of Direct Assignment Facilities (requiring that the facilities be constructed for the sole use/benefit of a particular Transmission Customer requesting service under the ISO-NE Tariff), and grant its Complaint in full
PTO AC submits amendment to Jul 27, 2021 compliance filing to include in Schedules 20A-Common and 21-Common revised and new WEQ standards
ISO-NE and NEPOOL submit amendment to Jan 26, 2021 compliance filing to include in Schedules 20A-Common and 21-Common revised and new WEQ standards
FERC accepts third amendments to 7 of NECEC’s previously-filed and accepted, cost-based transmission service agreements (TSAs) with the participants that will fund the construction, operation and maintenance of the New England Clean Energy Connect Project
Andro Hydro requests waiver of FCA qualification rules to allow its Projects to participate in FCA16 at a reduced qualification level of 8 MW (summer)
ACR II Granite Shore Power Holdings LLC, an Atlas Capital Resources affiliate (together, Atlas), and 50% of owner of Granite Shore Power Holdings LLC (GSP Holdings), requested authorization to acquire the remaining 50% of GSP Holdings from CCI PAH II, an indirect subsidiary of Castleton Commodities International LLC (CCI). Following consummation of the transaction, Atlas will wholly own GSP Holdings, the indirect owner of NEPOOL members GSP Lost Nation LLC, GSP Merrimack LLC, GSP Newington LLC, GSP Schiller LLC, and GSP White Lake LLC.
14 individual New England (New Hampshire) ratepayers submit comments requesting OPP’s assistance and support on New England issues, including Forward Capacity Market reforms, the shutdown of Merrimack Station, and requiring “ISO New England make their plan for grid transition transparent to the community”. See comments by Archbald, Blair, Botkin, Feder, Glass, Goldman, Heller, Hickson, Jones, Kurland, Macuga, Muzzy, Valentine, Walkup.
CMP requests a further extension of the time, to Nov 8, 2021, to respond to OEMR’s Sep 15, 2021 deficiency letter
ISO-NE files notice of suspension of Manchester Methane from the New England Markets
National Grid files notice of cancellation of Cost Reimbursement Agreement with Gas Recovery Systems. Performance under the Agreement has been completed, all amounts due and owing have been paid in full, and a new interconnection agreement between National Grid and GRS has been accepted and is currently in effect.
ISO-NE files its 2022 administrative costs and capital budgets
MPH AL Pierce, LLC, indirectly owned by affiliates of Hull Street Energy, requested FERC authorization to acquire 100 % of the interests in CMEEC’s 84 MW Wallingford electric generating
FERC accepts interconnection study agreement between NSTAR and Servistar LLC, which is developing a 150-MW data center facility that will interconnect with Eversource’s 1293 and 1302 115 kV transmission lines (ISO-NE queue position #1140)
National Grid submits non-conforming two-party LSA to extend local network service to Sterling Municipal
NEPGA amends its protest and comments in response to the Sep 20, 2021 response to the FERC’s Aug 20, 2021 deficiency letter
NEPOOL submits initial comments in response to Transmission ANOPR
Comments submitted by over 175 parties, including by: NEPOOL, ISO-NE, AEE, Anbaric, Avangrid, BP, CPV, Dominion, EDF, EDP, Enel, EPSA, Eversource, Exelon, LS Power, MA AG, MMWEC, National Grid, NECOS, NESCOE, NextEra, NRDC, Orsted, Shell, UCS, VELCO, Vistra, Potomac Economics, ACORE, ACPA/ESA, APPA, EEI, ELCON, Industrial Customer Orgs, LPPC, MA DOER, NARUC, NASCUA, NASEO, NERC, NRECA, SEIA, State Agencies, TAPS, WIRES, Harvard Electric Law Initiative; NYU Institute for Policy Integrity, New England for Offshore Wind Coalition, R Street Institute,
Competitive Energy Services submits comments
Mystic petitions the DC Circuit Court of Appeals for review of the FERC’s Mystic ROE Order and its Sep 15 Notice of Denial By Operation of Law of Rehearings of Mystic ROE Order
FERC issues supplemental notice of Oct 12 tech conf
FERC accepts agreement, eff. Nov 1, 2020
FERC accepts Agreement, eff. Nov 1, 2020