Updates Between Jun 02, 2021 and Jul 07, 2021
Cross-Sound Cable requests FERC acceptance of a proposed rate schedule to allow CSC to begin the recovery period for certain CIP-IROL Costs under Schedule 17 of the ISO-NE Tariff
ISO-NE submits filing describing Permanent and Retirement De-List Bids and substitution auction test prices submitted on or prior to the FCA16 Existing Capacity Retirement Deadline
ISO-NE and PTO AC file changes to clarify that the calculation of Monthly Regional Network Load excludes load served by behind-the-meter (BTM) generation as well as the portions of a Generator Asset utilized to net load at the same retail meter
NEPOOL requests that the FERC accept (i) the memberships of Gridmatic Isotria; InBalance, Inc. ; North East Offshore, LLC; and New England Power Generators Association, Inc.; (ii) the termination of Priogen Power; and (iii) WP&G’s name change
NSTAR submits CWIP supplement to Jun 1 annual informational filing
CMP files updated formula rates reflecting actual 2020 cost data and estimated 2021 cost data
EPSA and NEPGA request rehearing of May 28 Orders
ISO-NE and NEPOOL file revisions to remove from the Tariff Market Rule 1 Appendix B (Imposition of Sanctions by the ISO)
FERC accepts (i) the memberships of Protor Energy and Voltus Inc.; and (ii) the termination of the Participant status of Great Bay Power Marketing
NESCOE, AEE et al., Exelon, MMWEC/NHEC/CMEEC, NECOS, NETOs, Potomac Economics, EEI, CT PURA, Pub. Interest Orgs., NASUCA, State Entities, submit comments
ISO-NE (i) submits Tariff revisions to incorporate the ORTPs and related revisions accepted in the ORTP Jump Ball Order (including NEPOOL’s proposed ORTP value for battery storage and NEPOOL’s proposed federal tax credits adjustments to the ORTPs for PV solar resources for FCA17 and FCA18) and (ii) explains why it is not proposing further updates to the FCA16 ORTP
values to account for adjustments to CONE and related values for FCA16 in the May 28 Order in ER21-787
Settling Parties submit amended and restated IRH Support and Use Agreement in eTariff format in response to requirements of May 20 Order.
IRH Management Committee (Use Agreement) (ER21-2163)
National Grid Asset Owners (Phase I New Hampshire Transmission Line Support Agreement) (ER21-2162)
New England Hydro Transmission Corporation (Phase II New Hampshire Transmission Facilities Support Agreement ) (ER21-2161)
New England Hydro Transmission Electric Company ( Phase II Massachusetts Transmission Facilities Support Agreement ) (ER21-2160)
VETCO (Phase I Vermont Transmission Line Support Agreement) (ER21-2158)
CPower requests waiver of Tariff Section Section III. so that the determination of the amount of capacity that CPower can offer into the monthly reconfiguration auctions for CPower’s Summer-only On-Peak Demand Resources is not based on October 2020 audit values (which are significantly lower Qualified Capacity values than its most recent audit (in April 2021) demonstrates is actually available)
In response to the FERC’s May 28 Order ISO-NE files updated CONE, Net CONE and PPR values, $12.400, $7.468 and $9,337, respectively, to reflect gas compression costs
FERC approves sale of 55% of membership interests in ReEnergy Livermore Falls LLC and ReEnergy Stratton LLC (ReEnergy) to a new joint venture holding company to be owned by ReEnergy Biomass and Ember RGE Holdings, LLC
FERC accepts in part, and rejects in part, pieces of NEPOOL’s and ISO-NE’s ORTP jump ball proposals, effective June 8, 2021. Specifically, the FERC accepted NEPOOL’s proposed ORTP value for battery storage and NEPOOL’s proposed federal tax credits adjustments to the ORTPs for PV solar resources for FCA17 and FCA18. Otherwise, the FERC accepted ISO-NE’s proposed ORTP values (including ISO-NE’s Offshore Wind ORTP value (on which the Commissioners split 3-2; see separate dissents by Commrs. Glick and Clements, who agreed with NEPOOL’s Offshore Wind ORTP)) and ISO-NE’s proposal to maintain the current Tariff language regarding economic life determination and the establishment of ORTPs for hybrid and co-located resources in the FCM (rejecting NEPOOL’s proposed Tariff revisions in each case). The FERC also rejected NEPOOL’s proposal to require ISO-NE to account for future federal tax credit changes through the Tariff’s indexing process, finding instead that such changes are more appropriately made through a FERC filing when and if such changes are made. In light of this outcome, the FERC directed ISO-NE to submit a compliance filing on or before June 22, 2021 that combines the alternative proposals as accepted by the FERC.
Post tech conf comments filed by ISO-NE, Appian Way, Committee of Chief Risk Officers, CPV, DC Energy, Energy Trading Institute, EPSA, Financial Marketers Coalition, ISO/RTO Council, MISO, NYISO, PJM, SPP, Vitol,
FERC invites post-technical conference comments to address issues raised during the May 25, 2021 technical conference and identified in the May 17 Supplemental Notice of Technical Conference; comments due Mon, Jul 19, 2021
FERC grants joint request by CMEEC, MMWEC, Pascoag, and VT DPS (together, Movants) for waiver of ISO-NE Tariff section III.13.1.10(e) to permit Movants to submit an executed version of completed agreements with NYPA as soon as practicable after the close of the FCA16 submission window, and prior to Oct 1, 2021
ISO-NE files notice of suspension of Woods Hill Solar from the New England Markets
FERC accepts revisions to Market Rule 1 to include directly in Section 18 of Appendix A to Market Rule 1 the remaining minimum ethical standards for the IMM Unit and its employees that, pursuant to Order 719, must be included in the ISO-NE Tariff; eff. Jun 12, 2021
Mystic submits fourth compliance filing to reflect changes in response to the FERC’s Apr 26, 2021 second compliance order