Litigation Updates & Reports

Updates Between Jan 04, 2018 and Jan 31, 2018


Docket Brief Description
 Jan 31 CSO Termination: Blue Sky West ER18-704 ISO-NE answers Blue Sky West Emergency Motion  
 Jan 31 Membership ER18-767 Terminations: Emera Energy Services Subsidiaries Nos. 10, 13 and 14; Epico USA; Shipley Choice; and WMECO
 Jan 30 CASPR ER18-619 EMM files protest (out-of-time)
 Jan 30 Sched. 21-ES: Non-conforming VEC-PSNH LSA ER18-745 ISO-NE and Eversource (PSNH) file executed non-conforming local service agreement with VEC under Schedule 21-ES (non-conforming because it contains provisions reflecting long-standing agreement between PSNH and VEC to provide each other with back-up transmission service)
 Jan 30 Sched. 21-VEC: Non-conforming VEC-PSNH LSA NJ18-10 ISO-NE and VEC file executed non-conforming local service agreement with PSNH under Schedule 21-VEC (non-conforming because it contains provisions reflecting long-standing agreement between PSNH and VEC to provide each other with back-up transmission service)
 Jan 30 Regional Interest ER18-454 FERC accepts amendment to Lease Agreement between UI and the CT DOT that provides for UI’s recovery of costs in connection with certain Direct Assignment Facilities to facilitate Metro-North’s  purchase of additional electric energy to power new commuter rail cars on its New Haven Line
 Jan 29 CASPR ER18-619 Protests and comments filed by: Calpine, CPV Towantic, Dominion, Exelon, FirstLight, NECOS, NEPGA, NextEra, NRG, Public Systems, Verso, CT PURA/DEEP/OCCMA AG, MA DPUMPUC, NHPUC, NESCOE, AEMA, APPA, Clean Energy AdvocatesNGSA, Public Citizen, RESA,
also by the EMM (Jan 30) and Jan 19 by NEPOOL
 Jan 29 Updated Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold ER18-620 Protests submitted by: NEPGA, PSEG
 Jan 29 ART Market Rule Changes ER18-455 FirstLight answers ISO-NE Jan 25 answer
 Jan 29 CSO Termination: Blue Sky West ER18-704 Blue Sky West files emergency motion asking the FERC to immediately reinstate the portion of Blue Sky West’s CSO involuntarily terminated by ISO-NE on Jan 23, pending resolution of ISO-NE’s Resource Termination Filing
 Jan 26 Clear River LGIA ER18-349 FERC accepts unexecuted Clear River LGIA
 Jan 26 Regional Interest ER18-716 New England Power files to cancel the REMVEC II Agreement and REMVEC Security Analysis Services
Agreement superseded by the National Grid
Local Control Center Services Agreement
 Jan 25 ART Market Rule Changes ER18-455 NEPOOL and ISO-NE answer FirstLight, Indicated Generators protests
 Jan 24 Sched. 21-NEP: NGrid/Granite Reliable Power RFA ER18-346 FERC accepts National Grid/Granite Reliable Related Facilities Agreement
 Jan 24 GenOn Waiver Request: Timing of Canal-MA-GHG-Rule-Related Addl. Cost Recovery Filing ER18-623 GenOn answers Public Citizen protest
 Jan 23 CSO Termination: Blue Sky West ER18-704 ISO-NE files to terminate a portion of Blue Sky West’s CSO for Resource # 37105 for the 2017/18 through 2020/21 Capacity Commitment Periods
 Jan 23 Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold Update ER18-620 ISO-NE files supplemental information to clarify the impact of potential capacity retirements
 Jan 23 Clear River Schedule 11 O&M Complaint EL18-31 Clear River withdraws Complaint
 Jan 23 203 App: MATEP EC18-10 FERC authorizes MATEP sale to Engie/Axium US indirect subsidiaries
 Jan 22 Sched. 22:
Clear River LGIA
ER18-349 ISO-NE answers portion of Clear River’s Jan 19 answer 
 Jan 19 GenOn Waiver Request: Timing of Canal-MA-GHG-Rule-Related Addl. Cost Recovery Filing ER18-623 Public Citizen protests GenOn waiver request
 Jan 19 CASPR ER18-619 NEPOOL submits comments to underscore
the progress achieved in the stakeholder process and to ensure that the FERC has a complete record of NEPOOL’s processes and deliberations
that preceded the CASPR Filing
 Jan 19 Sched. 22: Clear River LGIA ER18-349 Clear River answers ISO-NE and National Grid answers Clear River’s Dec 20 protest
 Jan 19 FCA12 Qualification Informational Filing ER18-264  FERC accepts filing, without change or condition
 Jan 19 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64-002 Initial post-hearing briefs submitted by EMCOS, Complainant-Aligned Parties, TOs, FERC Trial Staff; Parties submit joint procedural history               
 Jan 19 Base ROE Complaint IV (2016) EL16-64-001 FERC denies TOs’ and EEI requests for rehearing of Sep 2016 Order
 Jan 17 Membership not docketed Notice of Jan 12 suspension of AmericaWide Energy from New England Markets
 Jan 18 Emera MPD OATT Attach. J Revision ER18-210 Emera Maine answers Jan 9 MCG answer
 Jan 16 Regional Report ER07-476 ISO-NE files its 37th quarterly LFTR implementation report
 Jan 16 Sched 21-GMP: Annual Forecast Info Filing ER12-2304 GMP submits its annual forecast informational filing
 Jan 12 203 Application: PSNH/ Granite Shore EC18-12 PSNH/Granite Shore submit transaction consummation notice reporting that transaction closed Jan 10
 Jan 11 Clear River Schedule 11 O&M Complaint EL18-31 PTO AC answers Clear River’s Dec 22 answer
 Jan 10 ART Market Rule Changes ER18-455 FirstLight, Exelon/CPV Towantic/NRG protest ART Market Rule Changes
 Jan 10 RNS/LNS Rates and Rate Protocols Settlement Proceeding EL16-19 Settlement Judge Dring schedules next settlement conference for Feb 1
 Jan 9 Calpine/LS Power Delayed Resource Complaint EL18-53 Calpine and LS Power answer protests filed by ISO-NE, NEPOOL and Clear River
 Jan 9 Emera MPD OATT Attach. J Revision ER18-210  MCG answers Emera Maine Dec 19 answer and request to lift stay
 Jan 8 DOE NOPR/ AD18-7
FERC terminates the DOE NOPR rulemaking proceeding (RM18-1) and initiates a new Grid Resilience in RTO/ISOs proceeding (AD18-7)
 Jan 8 GenOn Waiver Request ER18-623 GenOn requests waiver of Market Rule 1 Appendix A Section III.A.15 to allow for the submission of an additional cost recovery filing relating to potential
purchases of carbon dioxide emissions allowances required under Massachusetts’ recently-implemented “GHG Rule”
 Jan 8 CASPR ER18-619 ISO-NE files CASPR Proposal; comment date Jan 29 
 Jan 8 Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold Update ER18-620 ISO-NE and NEPOOL jointly file update to the Dynamic De-List Bid Threshold to be used for FCAs 13 and 14 (to $4.30/kW-mo.)
 Jan 8 Sched. 20A-GMP Brookfield Complaint EL18-52 GMP answers complaint and moves for summary disposition; oppositions to Complaint filed by Brookfield, Energy New England, MAG Energy Solutions, and Unitil/Fitchburg
 Jan 5 Sched. 20A-GMP: Brookfield Complaint EL18-52 IRH Management Committee and Schedule 20A Service Providers’ Administrative Committee protest Brookfield’s Dec 18 Complaint
 Jan 5 Membership ER18-539  NEPOOL revises date requested for termination of Participant status of Constellation Energy Services
 Jan 4 Calpine/LS Power Delayed Resource Complaint EL18-53 NEPOOLClear River oppose Complaint; NEPGAPSEGCogentrix submit comments supporting Complaint
 Jan 4 ARA ICR-Related
Values and HQICCs 
ER18-371 FERC accepts ARA Values for 2018-19 ARA3; 2019-20 ARA2; and 2020-21 ARA1
 Jan 4 Sched. 22:
Clear River LGIA
ER18-349 ISO-NENational Grid answer Clear River’s Dec 20 protest
 Jan 4 Membership ER18-353 FERC accepts December Membership Filing: (i) the memberships of Fusion Solar Center and Josco Energy MA; and (ii) the name change of Supplier Sector member Summer Energy Northeast (f/k/a REP Energy)

2015 Reports
